sciences / Genetics and cytology
Bogotova1 Z.I., PhD. Bittueva1 M.M., PhD.
Mukov2 M.B., PhD. Handohov1 T.H., Dr.
Kerefova M.K. zalina_bogotova@mail.ru
State University. 360004, KBR, Nalchik, st. Chernyshevsky 173.
2 “Cancer Clinic”
Ministry of Health of the KBR. 360051, KBR, Nalchik, st. Lermontov, 23.
Key Words
cancer, gene BRCA1, gene BRCA2, genetic predisposition, genotyping, PCR,
Every year in the world registered 10 million
new cancer cases and more than 6.2 million deaths from the disease in this
group. 5 to 40% of malignant neoplasms of all anatomical locations have a
hereditary etiology, and this percentage increases due to increased overall
date, the literature contains some 200 hereditary cancer syndromes, for 70 of
which are fully transcribed primary molecular defects or chromosomal
localization of the set of mutant genes, and DNA diagnostics has become a
routine method of investigation in the course of verification of the genetic
diseases include single-and double-sided breast cancer (BC). The subject of
investigation in these cases are oncogenes and suppressor genes of malignant
transformation of cells of BRCA1, BRCA2, CHEK2, TP53, MLH1 MSH2, conservative
inherited defects that lead to the paradoxical risk of developing cancer, which
reaches often 60-95%.
I. Introduction
cancer (BC) is among the most common cancer among women. According to official
figures "Cancer Clinic" Ministry of Health of the KBR in 2011 the
total number of patients with this disease in Kabardino-Balkaria was more than
2000 people (an average of 54.1 cases per 100 thousand population).
incidence of breast cancer contributes to the development of new approaches to
diagnosis and treatment of precancerous conditions. The emergence of
instrumental methods of examination of the female population has caused a
significant increase in the number of diagnosed focal lesions of the mammary
glands, and set the task of correctly interpreting the data obtained with their
help. Hereditary breast cancer (BC) is the most common kind of family of
tumors. His contribution to the overall incidence of breast cancer is
approximately 5-10% [1].
discovery of the gene BRCA1 (от Breast cancer -
breast cancer), which in the case of mutations responsible for about half of
all cases of hereditary breast cancer caused a great resonance in society and
among researchers, oncologists [2].
to open the second gene responsible for predisposition to breast cancer, which
was named BRCA2 [3]. In BRCA2, perhaps, lies the primary responsibility for the
development of the majority of hereditary cases of the disease are not caused
by the gene BRCA1. Women with mutations in the gene BRCA1 or BRCA2 breast
cancer develops in 70-80% of cases with mutation of the BRCA1 gene associated
high risk of developing ovarian cancer.
treatment of the disease depends on the capabilities of its early diagnosis. In
this regard, at the present time is particularly relevant to develop and
implement effective methods of prediction and early diagnosis using molecular
genetic technologies. Molecular-genetic approach is to identify mutations in
repair genes that increase the risk of this disease. In a world of intense
study the spectrum of mutations in the genes of a family of BRCA, which is
specific to different populations. Knowledge of the mutation spectra
characteristic of a country or region, allows using DNA diagnostics to identify
groups at risk of developing the disease.
II. Statement of the problem
has conducted a study on the spectrum of mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in
patients with familial forms of the disease, Moscow and Leningrad regions, and
populations studied population of Bashkiria and the Chita region [4,5]. The
leading position on the frequency of the mutation is 5382insC. These results
are significant for practical DNA diagnosis of hereditary predisposition to
breast cancer and ovarian cancer in Russia, mainly in women of Russian ethnic
extraction was performed using reagents "QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit"
(firm «Qiagen»), for DNA amplification using a set of reagents for the
detection of mutations in the genes BRCA1 and BRCA2, by allele-specific
polymerase chain reaction. We investigated mutations 5382insC, 185delAG,
4154delA genes BRCA1 and 6174delT mutations in the gene BRCA2 (firm
"Isogene", "Lytech").
III. Results
studies conducted in the North Caucasus for the first time. Selection of
patients with breast cancer (including questioning the nature of the disease)
was held in conjunction with the staff of the dispensary. Material studies were
blood samples of women with breast cancer (n = 100). The control group consists
of women who are not clinically identified the disease (n = 110). The total
number of the investigated sample - 210 people. The study refined data on the
ethnicity of women through the survey and determine the nationality of the
parents to the third generation. In the control and experimental group were
three dominant nations residing in the territory of the Republic: Kabardian,
Balkarian and Russian.
breast cancer cases were identified mutation carriers, and 5382insS 4154delA
gene BRCA1, 6174delT BRCA2 gene in breast cancer patients, which suggests the
establishment of hereditary forms of breast cancer that occurred against the
backdrop of the "loss of heterozygosity."
IV. Conclusions
Comparison of allele frequencies of these
susceptibility genes for hereditary breast cancer in the form of groups of
patients and healthy women will identify genetic causes of cancer rates of
growth, and to identify high-risk groups.
The outcome of the project among the studied
contingent will be allocated a group of women who fall within the additional
risk due to individual genetic variations. In addition, knowledge of the
genetic status of the genes involved in carcinogenesis, except for the risk of
the disease, will also personalize the prevention of disease.
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