
Seksenbayeva Gulzira Ashimkhanovna



                                                                   The Kazakh national pedagogical                 University named after Abay (Almaty)

           In the article attention is paid to the anthropological information concentrated in such types of historical sources as film documents, allowing get a new look to historical range of problems. The main perspective tasks of the visual anthropology that decision becomes reality at interdisciplinary level have been formulated.

 Keywords: historical source, visual anthropology, audiovisual document, film anthropology, film document, film, filmed item, photo document, phone document, video document.

By the end of the XX century the humanitarian branch of scientific knowledge in its anthropological aspect was replenished with a number of the scientific directions (historical anthropology, social anthropology, cultural anthropology, structural anthropology, etc.).  Among the various anthropological disciplines «the visual anthropology» is allocated, whose scientific interests directly are extended on those parties of human activity that can be fixed by audiovisual means.  In nowadays situation the visual anthropology is cultural activity where screen art, both the humanities science and information technologies cooperate and that is directed to receive and inculcate of information about the little-known parties of culture in social practice. The synthetic nature of the visual anthropology, where expressive possibilities of the modern art and achievement of sciences about the person are organically combined, is focused to studying of the person in all variety of his personal, social and natural manifestations.

Acting as one of aspects of a science about the person, the visual anthropology has already been developed branch of knowledge of cultural and historical reality within that the researches of this sort are consistently conducted in many countries (the USA, England, France, Germany, Canada, and Hungary).

The visual anthropology is an interdisciplinary science, with its help arises possibility to read anew a lot of things from that sign system that is contained in spiritual culture. The fixed authentic material gives objective storing, documentary exact picture where, besides other, is present the temporary characteristic of represented, also it is possible to feel the atmosphere that an action take place. Using of a visual method in unity with application of methods of other humanitarian science essentially expands possibilities of penetration into study processes, allows not only to describe, to reconstruct and to analyze, but also to see diverse elements of culture in real time. The visual anthropology based mainly on documents of an audiovisual origin, closely adjoins to other scientific disciplines and directions such as historical, cultural, philosophical, sociological and art profile that gives it strongly pronounced interdisciplinary orientation.

There is no still consensus concerning of time of emergence of this scientific direction in historical, ethnographic and culturological literature.

The most part of researchers connects it’s origin with distribution of processes of photo phone film documenting (the second half of the XIX c.) as a way of fixing of original culture, mode, way of life, customs, rituals of people. Scientists and experts of Western Europe and the USA for the last century brought a major contribution to development of theoretical methodical bases of study of the historical and cultural foretime in the sphere of traditions of people all over the world. They were argumented that the visual anthropology can perform:  as special area of humanitarian researches -on the one hand and also as independent scientific discipline-on the other hand.

Today the major number of researchers, rejecting «ethnographic or anthropological film», put in the concept «visual anthropology», emphasize that «the audiovisual anthropology» is a huge volume of the various information is daily created mainly on film or digital storage media (the photo, different sound recording, advertising, design, architecture, etc.) [1]. Within the unity of humanitarian knowledge and knowledge of «the vital world» of person, the visual anthropology as the independent direction in its art specificity discovers the ways of cultural development of the real world. The visual anthropology includes in the sphere of attention of researches: public psychology, public consciousness and an inner spiritual world of people, mass culture, customs, a way of life, the history of family and mode. Point out that the American archivists have considerable experience of similar researches. In a certain extent the direction of this problem is connected with development and strengthening of «modern social history» in the 60-80th years in the American historiography, declared that its purpose is studying of life of so-called «the simple person», daily activities of ordinary people, family, mass culture, social psychology, ordinary consciousness, a mode, customs and a way of life. Nowadays it is possible to say that the visual anthropology is one of fundamental scientific branches conducts to formation of more accurate and reasoned representations in the society, first of all about the life and an existing of indigenous people of any country.

Meanwhile this problem in the visual anthropology and national history practically isn't investigated, though research of cultural norms, values, stereotypes as elements of motivation of behavior, existence  make the maintenance of the subject of studying of visual anthropology, it remains constantly actual.

In this article the main attention will be given to the question of search and detection of audiovisual documents of this subject in national audiovisual archive (The Central state archive of film photo documentary and sound recordings of the RK) as the experts studying various aspects of domestic culture, with rare exception use documentary base of film archive. The special urgency of researches in the field of visual anthropology in this foreshortening assumes that they open real perspectives of recovering of history of creation of works of film documentary of anthropological subject during a certain chronological period and create preconditions of theirs assessment as historical sources. Archival film documents, as a whole, and archival documents on visual anthropology, in particular, are valuable means of collection of information and they can be effectively used in works of historians, ethnographers and other researchers as a high-grade historical source.

Addressing to the problem of studying of films of the ethnographic contents, it has been possible to establish that in the percentage and qualitative relation these films deserve the right to take a worthy place in scientific researches. Proceeding from it, we will consider in general volume of the audiovisual documents have been kept in national archive (the first films belong to the second half of the 20th years of the XX c.), various by its character and by the contents, that it will allow to raise the question about necessary of using as wider promoting of archival funds on visual anthropology among scientific community, as and their special studying the historical sources and objects of archival storage.

Point out that at first there was no general plan and system in the organization   the work in creation of ethnographic films. Their production has been run by the order and an initiative of the central organizations, strict according to the production plans of a concrete film studio. The most part of it had geographical and ethnographic character and was focused on display of life, mode, and culture of the people living in various corners of our country.

In whole it is possible to say that this rather representative assembly of pictures with some details of a life and with accompanying inscriptions of the ideological contents. In the early 1930-s there was a possibility of a new approach to statement of a question of systematic release of films of ethnographic character. These years the works on implementation of the program of creation «Kinoatlas of the USSR» with a series of local history and ethnographic films were intensified. The purpose of the project was creation of the cinema serial film about life and customs of the Soviet people [2]. Considering that «Kinoatlas the USSR» was created at the initiative of the Central bureau of study of local lore, authors of films should be based on the general installations of the Soviet study of local lore: orientation to illumination of relations of production; sufficient attention to the person and creation round it the certain environment testifying to successes of our country these years with fixing of the moments, connected with socialist reconstruction of the country, changes in a life, national policy etc. Such the same is character of the film «Gold coast», created by Almaty production office of the All-Russia joint-stock company "Vostokkino" in 1930 (director operator A. Lemberg) where pictures of pre-revolutionary life and customs of Kazakh poor people are embodied and for comparison life of fights and mullahs is shown. As a whole, it can possible to say that in film documents of the 1920-1930th years more fixing and reflection of outer side of traditional ethnography of the Kazakh people prevails. At the same time, value of these shootings is indisputable, as from historical, so welfare points of view. On the basis of the data concentrated in film documents of this subject, it is possible visually to present and create a certain opinion figuratively on a rich heritage of Kazakhs. It is also necessary to emphasize especially that the overwhelming part of films had propaganda, custom-made character and had the purpose to show essential social and economic changes that occurred within the days of the Soviet power in life of the people of the USSR. For objectives of this research it is extremely important to mean that any film work irrespective of specific and genre accessory (here film documents of visual anthropology aren't an exception) express in this or that form the whole frame of reference, the ideas, created in society as a whole. Such views can be expressed by the cinematographer on various stages of creation of the film or of a plot, beginning from their plan before preparation of the final product. Thus, shootings of ethnographic subject of this period had quite certain orientation caused by time and conditions of their creation.

The next years (50th up to the middle of 1980) ethnographic shootings were made in small volume and unsystematic. The content of all arrays of the film documents revealed during research on visual anthropology was reflected of some spheres of spiritual and material life of Kazakh people and separate ethnic groups for a certain period of time. These materials are revealed in the main forms: 1) specific shootings; 2) chronicle and documentary shootings of separate events; 3) shootings of different types of decorative and applied arts; 4) shootings of a way of life and customs. So, in the documentary films devoted to folk applied art were showed ancient manual ways of manufacturing of felt carpets (tekemets, syrmaks), house utensils, jewels [3]. The cycle of films shows horse competitions (alamen bayga, zhorga zharys, audaryspak, kokpar, etc.) which carried out appreciable public functions, such as educational, ritual, entertainment, esthetic and communicative, etc. [4].

On the basis of the carried-out research it is possible to formulate the main immediate perspective objectives of the visual anthropology decision of which becomes reality only at interdisciplinary level. Here it is obviously possible to allocate the following largest directions of studying of a visual anthropology: scientific, applied, advocacy (including here not only exhibition work, but also festival movement), interdisciplinary and educational using achievements of modern ethnology, anthropology, cultural, archival science, art criticism, a cinematography, sociology, etc. At a new stage of investigation  first of all is offered:  to continue search and identification of film, video documents in this field in domestic and foreign archives, museums; to analyze comprehensively the structure and contents of archival film documents of the ethnographic subject postponed in the Kazakhstan archives; to carry out cataloguing of revealed ethnographic film, video documents, paying special attention to search aspects of the problem (level of the description of assembly shots or film plans; carrying out of attribution of the remained films, establishment of reliability of the facts, etc.).

The question of fund formation on film anthropology is represented actual, as the analysis of funds of national audiovisual archive reveals a fragmentariness of film documenting of a way of life and customs of the people occupying our country, their traditions, religious practices etc. This circumstance taking into account enormous need for audiovisual supervision, raises the question about coordination of activity of scientific and archival institutions on fixing the information of process and result of revival of crafts, way of life and customs of the various people living in the territory of Kazakhstan with prospect of creation of a database about structure and the contents of Kino photo phone and video documents on visual anthropology to new data carriers.

The problem of scientific use of information concluded in films of visual anthropology in historical and other humanitarian researches has independent value. Documents of visual anthropology with their strongly pronounced daily occurrence haven’t become still the object of scientific interests of historians and ethnographers. In this regard there is an actual problem of studying of all complexes of film photo phone video documents of this sort in a context of real historical reality. Such approach opens opportunities for using of the comparative method in humanitarian knowledge.


1 Alexandrov E.V. Experience of consideration of theoretical and methodological problems of visual anthropology. Ì., 2003.

2  Magidov V.Ì. Film documents on visual anthropology of Russia (history archive and source study aspects) / Material resources of sphere of culture. The Scientifically-information collection. Ì., 1998. Issue. 2. P. 11 – 21.

3 Central State Archive of  Film, Photo Documents and sound recordings of the Republic of Kazakhstan (CSÀ FFDR RÊ), arch. ¹ 133, 497,580,176.

4 (CSÀ FFDR RÊ), arch.  ¹ 76,18, 41.
























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Òåëåôîí, e-mail Òåë. äîì.: 8(727)279-63-40; ìîá.: 8702-186-48-79, e-mail: s.gulzira@mail.ru