Kosenko K.N, Duryagina L.H.
Chair of Therapeutic Dentistry
SI “Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky”
Etiopathogenetical principals of
clinical manifestations studying of the mouth cavity psychogenic diseases
The problem of psychogenic disorders
is one of the most actual for modern practical and theoretical medicine.
Psychogenic anxious, phobic, obsessive and somatoform disorders range to the
most widely spread mental pathologies. According to the data from WHO to the beginning
of XXI century the percentage of depressive and anxious disorders is about 40%
of all the registered mental pathologies all over the world. In the same time
65% of those patients who get medical treatment have depressive symptoms.
We should notice that anxious
disorders are more widely spread than mental impairments themselves. Social
phobias have frequency not less than 3%, somatoform disorders – up to 4%,
obsessive-compulsive – more than 5%. Not less than 10% of Earth population had
panic disorders at least once in their life.
It should be assumed that the number
of depressive patients who didn’t seek medical attention is much more than the
number of registered patients. The affective disorders of these patients are
the frequent reason for seeking of medical attention at the interns, including
In few last decades significant
increase of psychosomatic morbidity took place in Ukraine. Only according to
the data of official medical statistics from 1973 to 2000 years the number of
registered somatoform disorders increased from 2,275 to 3,8% of all the population. Unrecognized psychogenic pathologies lead to
incorrect symptomatic therapy which is usually ineffective. Such ineffective
therapy of psychogenic disorders leads to their chronicity and the appearance
of complications.
The target of our investigation is
the studying of etiology, pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of mouth
cavity psychosomatic diseases.
For the investigation we selected
282 persons, 115 of them were the patients of psychoneurological dispensaries
and 167 were the patients of dental cares. The average age of patients was
within 24-47 years, average duration of the disease was about 2,6 years.
Somatic manifestations of
neurosis-like and phobic symptomatic had more expressed character and were
manifested predominantly with changes of physiological reactions of heart, skin
and respiratory system. Increase of sympatic
nervous system tonus was marked, it was clinically manifested with corectasia,
xerostomia, tachycardia and cold sweating. Most of the patients were inclined
to increased impatience, tearfulness and syncope.
188 patients (66%) had neurosis and
179 (65%) patients had psycho-traumatic situations in anamnesis. Feeling of
anxiety and stress before dental examination was present in 251 patients (89%),
sharp increase of arterial blood
pressure was marked in 46 patients (16,3%), impairment of cardiac rhythm was in
16 patients (5,67%). 89% of patients had changes of the most objective
sympathoadrenal indexes. The most widely spread pathology in examined patients
is the multiple caries fond in 176 (62,4%) patients. Paradentium diseases were found in 58 (20,5%) examined patients.
The diseases of mouth’s mucous membrane were found in 84 patients (12,7%), among
them soft leukoplasia in 39 patients (29,7%) and lichen acuminatus in 43 (15,2%) patients. It should be noticed that
this dental pathology had erased clinical picture without significant
complications pointing on this diseases.
The analyze of factors leading to
oral cavity psychogenic diseases showed that the most widely spread
socioeconomic factor was the factor of uncertainty about the future (70,5%),
which was accompanied with the fear of
socioeconomic condition’s deterioration in future. Factors of housing
conditions’ and social status deterioration are met rare (22,5% and 38%).
Unemployment (12,4%), conflicts with chiefs (9,6%) and change-over (7,4%) are the rarest psychogenic distresses.
The comparison of psychogenic
factors leading to the development of mouth cavity psychogenic diseases said
that main reasons of this pathology in males were mostly socioeconomic factors
(uncertainty about the future and he fear of
socioeconomic condition’s deterioration) and factors connected with
their own diseases. However factors connected with family conflicts and
diseases of kindred were met in examined males less than in females.
Preliminary results of the
investigation say about the presence of
correlative dependence between the
expression degrees, features of the dental pathology course and
psycho-traumatic factors. Interconnection in pathogenesis links of mouth cavity
psychogenic diseases are estimated.
The received data will help to
develop the system of dental diseases combined treatment in patients with
depressive disorders, acting on the pathogenesis links of tooth hard tissues, paradentium and mucous membrane diseases
development and to increase treatment and prophylactics efficiency in patients
with psychogenic disorders. During the dental care of such patients we should
remember about their generativity, inclination to doubts, fears, apprehensions
and indecision. Also it’s necessary
to explain such patients about the nature of their disease and to assure them
in the benign outcome of the dental