Nyyazbekova Kulanda Sarsenkulovna
associate professor Kazakh National Pedagogical
University named after Abay
Beisenbekova Gulnaz Turlybaevna
associate professor Kazakh National Pedagogical
University named after Abay
Psychological basis of learning opportunities in
the Kazakh language in national schools is based on the theory of speech
activities that have developed in the works of Leontiev, B.V.Belyaeva,
I.A.Zimney A.A.Artemova, N.I.Zhinkina, A.A.Alhazishvili.
It is known that one of the main and most
important provisions of the contemporary theory of speech activity that
requires teach yourself
method of forming and formulation of ideas, can not be assumed in teaching oral and written forms
of speech, use of, first, to adequately reflect the very
specific way of oral or written form and formulation of ideas, and
secondly to encourage the necessary form of speech activity.
According to the understanding of the theory of
speech activity,
consider the "public and private moments" of various types
external forms of visualization in teaching
reading, speaking and
writing, as well as the scope of the appropriate use of visual, auditory,
visual and auditory clarity in teaching each type of speech activity.
Visibility in the modern theory of learning is
considered from two perspectives: a) the visibility of education as a
principle, and b) the visibility as a means of learning, where the first subsystem
determines the structure and content of the second.
In the first case we are talking about following
in the classroom one of the leading principles of training - the principle of
clarity. In the second
case - the creation of tools and
methods that implement the structure in the
didactic principle of clarity.
Thus, the system approach, the visibility can be
treated as two subsystems, which are in close contact with each other.
The first subsystem, while the system of higher
order with
respect to the second determines its structure and content. On the
other hand, the system
"visibility as a principle of learning" is an element of
"learning principles", of which, in addition to visibility, also
includes the principles of consciousness and communicative orientation
training, taking into account the influence of students'
native language, stylistic differentiation,
syntactic framework in
the study of vocabulary and
morphology, etc. In accordance with the principle of clarity, didactic teaching is based
on the specific images that are directly perceived by students.
With regard to learning the Kazakh language
visibility can be defined as a specially-organized display of linguistic and
extralinguistic material to help students in his understanding, assimilation
and utilization in the process of speech communication.
In the study of this principle, language
acquisition is a result of widespread and systematic use of audio-visual
training aids, through which ensures maximum availability of the object that is
passed in a word, the senses and as
a consequence of this is achieved by
the formation of correct ideas and
concepts of the phenomenon, and the successful development of language skills and skills.
In the practical orientation of this area of language training in the use of visual special
attention. Visibility here, as a means of modeling fragments of objective
reality, serves as the foundation upon which to build it, is determined by its
content and flow conditions.
Due to the presence of such a framework, created
by using images of perception and presentation, training material is absorbed
deeper and stronger, and the formation of appropriate language skills and
knowledge flows more successfully compared to a system of classes, where the
visibility is not used or applied to a limited extent inconsistent with the
purposes, objectives and conditions of learning.
This fact has the following psychological study:
it is known that the larger analyzers involved in the process of perception,
the more is formed in the temporal cortex and the neural connections stronger
than the image imprinted in the memory. Hence, the principle of clarity
involves the
use of all kinds of visibility: the linguistic and nonlinguistic,
internal and external, visual and auditory, mixed,
and even taste.
In the classroom on the Kazakh language priority
is given to clarity of language, which is implemented in the immediate display
of samples of speech
and writing. In this language the visibility can be used: a) to model fragments
of objective reality, but in contrast to subject-like clarity, not
artistic-figurative and proper language, ie descriptive tools, and b) to characterize the
essential features of the functioning
of linguistic phenomena in the language model, implemented in the form
of a particular speech sample.
Of great importance in the classroom on the
Kazakh language is the use of nonlinguistic (object-shaped) visibility, which
targets a variety of speech situations modeled using objects and
pictures, filmstrips, films and
other visual aids. The above types of visualization can be realized
in the form of both external and internal visibility,
which is based on the representation of images and imagination.
A. Leontiev,
AN Psychological problems of consciousness exercise. - M.: Proceedings of the
RSFSR, 1989. - 98.
Two. Belyaev, BV Essays on the psychology of
teaching foreign languages. - Moscow, 1998. - 66.
Three. Winter I., Mole, On the
auditory and visual clarity in teaching a foreign language. - M.: UDN, 1996. -