Elena Kosheleva,
Ph.D. in History
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia
Kinship and Affinity’ conceptosphere in Russian
and English
is no doubt that comparative-contrastive analysis of affinity and kinship terms
in Russian and English is relevant in today’s scientific landscape. Learning a
language intrinsically implies conceptualizing the world. It is only natural
for a speaker to take for granted the topography of ideas charted in their native
language words’ meanings. Yet, when juxtaposed, the two languages views of the
world turn out to be largely different and, what is more important, these
differences shed light on the two people’s mentalities.
thesis focuses on comparative-contrastive analysis of affinity and kinship
terms in Russian and English. These spheres are part of the oldest layer of the
word bulk, connected with the development of the family and its forms, thus,
their study allows us to define the more important notions of the ethnic group,
it also visualizes social organization of the English and Russian peoples, and
makes a step forward towards comprehensive lexical-semantic description of both
typical national and linguistic character of idioms, proverbs, sayings and
figures of speech and contrasting these concepts’ characteristic features on
Russian and English ethnic cultures allows us to model a set of priorities for
the Russian and English language communities based on the semantic fields
“kinship” and “affinity”.
terms, although part of the general word bulk, make for a specific linguistic
phenomenon and are defined by the language’s inner development laws. In the
Russian language, the first component analysis of kinship terminology was done
by T.P. Lomtev. The component analysis shows that some of the Russian kinship
terms have a significant range of meanings, namely “father”, “mother”, “son”,
“daughter”, “brother”, “sister”. A.P Chudinov [1] applies a new approach to the
study of the word’s lexical meaning through looking at the semantic components
usually missed when analyzing the word’s meaning out of the context –
associative and personal semes.
In the
realm of Slavic languages sociolinguistic approach to kinship terms analysis
was championed by F.I. Buslaev [2] whose works demonstrated the role of
Christian culture in kinship and affinity relations development in the Slavic
peoples. Research conducted by D.A. Olderogge “On Some Aspects of Kinship
Systems Study” [3] and “Kinship Systems Development: Main Features” [4] was a
milestone for the study of kinship in social and ethno-cultural respect,
summarizing observations for a large number of languages. N.A. Butinov’s
article “Community, Family, Clan” [5] also focuses on this field, as well as a
number of other works.
kinship terminology is the object of research for a number of scientists from
Samara linguistic school, such as М.А. Terpak, who studies the English conceptosphere
“family” from the lingvocultural standpoint
[6]; М.V. Dyomina, who analyzes the
conceptosphere of gender in British fairytale discourse [7]; А.P. Chudinov [8]; I.V. Palaeva [9]; А.А. Mundigalieva
[10]; and other scholars looking at kinship terms from the points of view of
cognitive, structural, and comparative-historical linguistics..
Universal, typical and semantic aspects of
kinship and affinity terminology in the English and Russian languages comprise
the subject of our study.
Study object includes nouns denoting kinship
and affinity in English and Russian.
The objective of our work is to conduct
linguocultural analysis and make a cognitive description of the kinship and
affinity terminology range in Russian and English.
As follows from the objective stated, the goals
of the work are:
Analyze the fundamentals of cognitive linguistics.
Review the characteristic features of kinship and affinity ranges in
various languages and the existing approaches to the study of kinship terms.
Define the reasons for family and kinship relations evolution in England
and Russia in 18-20 centuries.
Create a linguocultural model of “kinship” and “affinity” semantic
fields structure in Russian and English.
research is based on the works on kinship terminology systems in various
languages by Russian and foreign scientists in the fields of cognitive
linguistics, cross-cultural communication, ethnology (A. Verzhbitskaya, S.G.
Vorkachyov, A. Sepir, B. Warf, N.V. Krushevsky, I.A. Sternin).
Comparative-typological approach was used to
define the place of Russian and English kinship terms systems among those in
other languages. Component analyses method was applied to the study of
present-day state of Russian and English kinship word bulk. Both comparative-historical
method and receptive experiment were used to define the knowledgeability and
the system of notions of the Russian youth in the field of kinship terms.
unit is defined as a text excerpt denoting or expressing one or several semes
of the “kinship” and “affinity” concepts. The author’s own findings provided
additional material for the study, namely, 68 questionnaire forms reflecting
Tomsk students’ prowess in the sphere of kinship terms.
first Chapter covers the fundamentals of cognitive linguistics with particular
attention paid to the frame theory, which basics were laid out by C Charles J. Fillmore and
M. Minsky. According to Minsky, a frame is data structure employed to
represent a stereotype situation.
We make
use of the frame structure in order to systematize lexical material and to
develop a model of the conceptosphere “kinship and affinity”. The following
concept frame model is used based on the principle of diminishing semantic
conceptosphere; 2. concept; 3. terminal; 4. slot; 5. subslot.
In this
work, we employ M. Terpak’s classification developed for the study of English
conceptosphere “family” [6].
original notional sphere of the “kinship and affinity” concept is therefore
divided into terminals according to the family types following the concept’s
frame model:
Terminal 1. nuclear
Slot 1. parents and
Subslot 1
Subslot 2
Subslot 3
2 – patriarchal family Slot
1. house / home / family
Slot 2. master of the house/father
Slot 3. distant
Subslot 1
Subslot 2
Subslot 3 uncle/aunt
Terminal 3. relatives-in-law
Slot 1. husband (man)
and wife
Slot 2. - marriage
Slot 3. - divorce
Terminal 4. clan
Slot 1 chieftain
Slot 2.
relations inside of the clan
analysis of “kinship” and “affinity” conceptosphere in Russian and English
shows that lexical units denoting family relations are highly metaphorical. The
sphere structure is very detailed, all its frames and slots have a large number
of associations and belong to the “eternal” human interests.
comparative-contrastive analysis of kinship/affinity terminology in the two
languages allows us to conclude as follows:
relations are reflected in a linguocultural concept which has various ways of
expression in the language as well as certain structure, the latter being
partially identical in the Russian and English languages and language
relations concepts include a number of connotations specific solely to
English/Russian linguocultural spheres, which is also reflected in the semantic
field of the languages combining kinship terms and collective notions of home,
family, relations through blood and marriage.
range of family relations metaphors testifies to a pronounced conservatism and
adherence to traditions in the English family lore.
there are no new kinship terms appearing in the Russian language. In fact, the
opposite is true: kinship terminology is being dispersed and eroded, with the
younger generation gradually loosing their knowledge of it.
results of our study allow us to determine specific national, cultural, and
linguistic features of the linguocultural concepts “kinship” and “affinity”.
nuclear two-generation family type is the most widespread one (parents with
children), therefore the semantic meaning of remote relation terms are
withering in common everyday speech.
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