

Bystrova Yu.,
Ph.D., associate professor,

           the Chief of Department of

Correctional Pedagogy and Psychological Correction

Lugansk Taras Shevchenko National University



The modern policy of the Ukrainian state in the field of Correctional and Rehabilitation Education aimed at implementing the principles of humanism, morality, the priority of general human rights and liberties, individual personal approach to people with violations of psychophysical development. The exceptional importance of this issue is professional orientation of training of persons with psychophysical disabilities and their integration into society. Integrated education of persons with psychophysical disorders in the universities, which is now widely implemented in Ukraine is largely spontaneous in its nature and requires the development of scientific and theoretical foundations of its components, including psychological and educational support, which is a condition for the success of the integration process and in the future and then the work socialization of the persons with disabilities. Foreign and domestic scientists who studied the problem of integration and socialization of people with violations of psychophysical development into society (V. Bondar, V. Zasenko, A. Kolupaeva, I. Mamaychuk, M. Malofeev, V . Sinev, V. Tarasun, E. Hokhlina, A. Shevtsov, L. Shypitsyna and others) emphasize the importance of psychological and educational support and timely provision of the correctional and rehabilitation assistance to persons with disabilities. Because the availability of legal support of education of people with disabilities in higher education institutions do not guarantee their quality of social and psychological adaptation in student groups and, consequently, reduces the level of professional socialization.

In modern science there are relatively few independent studies of employment socialization of persons with disabilities (G. Mersiyanova, E. Hokhlina and others). Problems of psychological, social and professional adaptation was the subject of the investigations of S. Artemova, O. Moroz, I. Sokolova and others. Current problems of education and vocational rehabilitation of people with disabilities are investigated by Yu. Bachynska, A. Kazanovsky, V. Lyashenko, V. Plohiy, A. Shevtsov and others.

However, the specific research on psychological and educational provision of integrated education and vocational and employment socialization of the students with disabilities at all stages of learning practically was not conducted. System consideration the psychological support of socialization in different educational institutions and their interaction is not carried out.
The above-mentioned points were the reasons for the choice of the subject of the investigation, namely, the continuous integrated system of psychological and educational providing of integrated training and, consequently, vocational and work-socialization of persons with violations of psychophysical development at all stages of study in high school.

The object of the research is the integrated education and vocational and work-socialization of persons with psychological and physical disabilities.
The subject of the research is the organization and the content of psychological and pedagogical provision of professional socialization of persons with psychological and physical disabilities.

The purpose of research is the theoretical justification of the concept, content and methods of psychological and educational providing of integrated vocational and continuing employment of persons with disabilities.

The hypothesis of the study is the process of vocational and work-socialization of persons with disabilities flows originally, with significant complications, caused by a number of socio-psychological factors, and the defect structure associated with possessing by the future students of the complex of special skills. The use of psychological support during the teaching process helps to optimize the course of socialization, improve training and mastering concerning to their future profession.

Lugansk Taras Shevchenko National University takes part in the experiment on the organization of integrated education of persons with special educational needs in higher educational institutions of III-IV level of accreditation. At the present time in Lugansk Taras Shevchenko National University study over 300 students with special educational needs. In the 2011-2012 academic year, the number of students who have special educational needs, increased by 246 persons.
The main purpose of providing psychological and pedagogical education in Lugansk Taras Shevchenko National University is to improve the quality and ensure availability of services aimed at preserving and strengthening of the health, increase adaptive capacity, creating conditions for complete and harmonious development, strengthening of the educational component of the education system.
In Lugansk Taras Shevchenko National University in 2001 there is the Department of the Correctional Education and Psychological Correction, where there is the psychological consulting service which based on the voluntary work. Its creation helps for growing number of children with disabilities in the development for a comprehensive support of disabled children and their families. In the framework of this service there are organized as follows:

- Training workshops for teachers of correctional education;

-  Annual meeting of experts in psychology and special education in Lugansk region;

-   Psychological support of families who have children with disabilities in development;

- Providing psychological counseling to resolve the identified psychological problems;

- Psychiatric diagnostic of students with special educational needs for identify and resolve problems that arise in the process of their integration into the educational environment;

- Special psycho correctional programs (training) with the formation of interpersonal communication, prevention and corrections of behavior of persons with special educational needs;

- Psychological support of the disabled persons, their education, development and implementation of individually oriented programs of correctional and educational assistance.

Current tendencies in the development of education form the general direction of activities of Psychological Advisory Service, which assists in solving educational problems and educational and professional flexibility of youth, a willingness to personal, professional choice, a social competence as the effective socialization of young people.

An important task of the activity of Psychological Advisory Service is to provide the support of the people with special educational needs, protection of mental and social health of young people at all levels of their education.
  The next 2009-2010 academic year, LNU will study groups of disabled persons with sensory disorders. For realize this aim, upon the bases of educational and rehabilitation centers in Lugansk  region the special classes for academic subjects are created, which ones will be studied in high school. Pupils which are graduated from these specialized classes out of competition join LNU.

Chair of Correctional Pedagogy and Psychological Correction created the model of the system of support of students with sensory disorders in terms of specialized training classes and rehabilitation centers, and in the future – in universities. In the development of educational support of people with sensory disorders included the features of psychophysical development and identified in the pilot study, the difficulties and the factors that complicate the process of acquiring their professional knowledge, participation in public life, their development. Support of such students are in individual form, aims to choose goals and strategies for achieving results and adaptation associated with diagnostics levels formed adaptive skills and updating skills of students in achieving the goal of adaptation.

In the first phase were diagnosis of difficulties and content of socio-psychological adaptation. The second one is defined types of support:

1. Psychological type is the formation and development of communication and interpersonal relationships (consulting, training support).

2. Pedagogical type is the formation of adaptive teaching and household skills (adaptation of teaching methods in universities).

3. Social type means the attracting volunteers, attracting for public and cultural work, assistance in improving the physical level (funds of social protection).

4. Technical type means the training on your PC (providing electronic versions of textbooks, audio books).

5. Educational support of the teaching staff - the rules of cooperation with individuals who have sensory violation acquaintance with special training (the development of guidance).

Based on the above in the experiment, the following tasks:

1. Raising the qualification of teaching staff about the assimilation of the basic principles of cooperation with individuals who have special educational needs. Such training is conducted systematically, in the form of lectures, seminars, and training sessions to reach the largest possible number of teachers to tutor the student groups and sections of students and university employees who are working with the defined categories of students. Chair of Correctional Pedagogy and Psychological Correction Lugansk Taras Shevchenko National University prepared training courses and practical recommendations for integrating students with disabilities (according to their nosology) and adapt them to study in universities.

2. The use of special methods and educational technology: ECTS and Cooperative System. Organization of teaching of students with sensory disorders based on ECTS technology as a sequence of actions: introduction to the general module, knowledge of specific modules of content and effective plans, search the relevant information sources, the study of sources, the self-interview with the teacher, fixing results in teaching and registration documents. Methods of mutual collaboration as technology of education are sequential three situations: the situation of self-training of students to assimilate the topic and deal with the problem, the Group (cooperative) activities extend to discuss the issues and summing up the situation and assess the level of assimilation problems.

3. Development and implementation of Pre-University period on the basis of special training classes and rehabilitation centers of special education programs that include a particular young people are addressed, and specific training in high school.

4. Psychological testing of disabled students with sensory disorders to identify the level of their communication skills, sociometrical status, anxiety levels, facilities for communication with students without violations, self-motivation and learning in universities; advisory support of such students and job training classes to overcome conflicts, formation of joint activities, development of interpersonal relationships.

The study is part of the specified topic and not exhausted all aspects of the problem. In the future we will work on improving the technology of the sequence of psychological and educational support during the vocational and employment socialization of persons with special educational needs, training of scientific and pedagogical staff of the university to promote the effectiveness of rehabilitation of disabled persons with sensory disorders in groups of integrated type. The final purpose of research is the creation and innovation system of psychological-pedagogical provision of vocational and work-socialization of persons with disabilities during the period of entry to secondary special educational institutions before the end of training in college or high school.






Information about the author:

Bystrova Yulia – Ph.D., associate professor, Chief of the Department of Correctional Pedagogy and Psychological Correction in Lugansk Taras Shevchenko National University.

8 (0642) 429472 – home phone.

8-066-774-28-03 – mob. phone.

Lugansk  91004 Ostraya Mogila str., 158, Apt. 135.