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Student Boiko A. I.

Donetsk national university of economics and trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky, Ukraine

The benenefits of offshore business in modern world


Offshore business is developing rapidly throughout the world. Investors from all over the world are interested in offshore business to avail a lot of benefits which are missing in case of onshore business and also with an intention to prevent taxes and other charges imposed by local government [1].

The aim of this paper is to outline the basic benefits of offshore business.

The off shoring of business processes to low-cost countries, having grown substantially over recent years, has become an increasingly important part of the senior management agenda at most Fortune 1000 companies. The trend has been led by institutions in the UK and US, and is far more developed in some industries [2].

The phrase “going offshore” refers to the process of creating a business or asset protection structure in one or more of a specific group of the specialty “offshore jurisdictions.” [3].

The motivations for individuals and corporations to utilise offshore planning and offshore companies include the desire to: reduce tax; protect assets; manage risk; enhance assets; maintain privacy; avoid bureaucracy; reduce costs.

Going Offshore, more broadly, the reasons for going offshore and utilising offshore companies for tax planning and offshore business include:

Free remittance of profits and capital

Access to top-rated debt history jurisdictions

Access to tax treaties

Security of property rights

Accessing low cost areas

Banking privacy

Availability of offshore experts

Access to foreign insurance and reinsurance

Customs and duty exemptions

Exchange convertibility

Government cooperation

Fair treatment

Territorial taxation on foreign income

Fewer restrictions

Sanctity of contracts

Foreign investment inducements

Tested legal systems

Higher yields and returns

The availability of sophisticated banking facilities

Reduced taxation

The search for political stability [4].

To summarize the reasons why you should consider going offshore, these are the main benefits of it:

·      Asset Protection

·      Reducing Tax Liability

·      Confidentiality

·      Estate Planning

·      E-Commerce [5].

So today offshore business is widely spread all over the world. Offshore business has many advantages which makes it very attractive to businessmen in different countries.




1. Offshore Business in India // Lets Go Offshore - Informational Resource


2. A Successful Offshore Business // Offshore business management


3. Going Offshore…Basics // Offshore business management


4. Thinking of opening offshore company? //Off-shore.net


5. An Introduction to Offshore Incorporation – by Jonathan Curshen // Offshore business management
