Veterinary / 1. Veterinary Medicine
PhD of veterinary sciences, Rudenko P. A.
Lugansk National Agrarian University, Ukraine
The part of microbial factors
in the mechanisms of formation and progress of suppurative-inflammatory
processes of the soft tissues in cats
It is
increasing an important problem in modern veterinary surgery is bacterial
contamination of wounds, which apears due to the reduction of therapeutic
efficiency of traditional drugs. First of all it is due to the chaotic use of
antibiotics by veterinary specialists in various pathological conditions in
animals. In the next turn this led to increased resistance to antibiotics of
surgical infection pathogens, increased pathogenicity and virulence of
microorganisms, the emergence of new mutant forms of bacterias [1-4].
this circumstanses we have decided to establish the part of microbial factors
in the mechanisms of formation and progressing of suppurative-inflammatory
processes of the soft tissues in cats. Veterinary surgeons believe that
operating wound is aseptic, that is sterile. While conducting bacteriological
research aseptic surgical wounds by big groups of scientists on Humane Medicine
it was found that almost all of them are already 2 hours after the operation in
a sterile operating room are contaminated by microflora, which is in the most
of cases does not cause the development of suppurative-inflammatory
To study the microbial landscape of surgical wounds in
cats, we performed bacteriological study of wound exudate and biopsy of soft
tissue sampled in 18-20 hours after 32 operating plan interventions -
ovariogisteroektomias. It was isolated from 53 cultures of conditionally
pathogenic bacteria of 7 species.
We have
found that the wounds after operations are none-sterile. Thus in the most of
the surgical wounds in cats we have isolated staphylococci (in 67,9% cases) and
Escherichia coli (24,5%). In 43,8% of the cases we have isolated a
staphylococcus in monoculture, and in 56,2 % of cases it were identified associations,
comprised of 2 to 3 pathogens.
determining the quantitative microbial landscape of postoperative wounds in
cats it was found that the number of microorganisms in 1 gram of tissue is not
more than 105 CFU.
of humane medicine suggest that purulent inflammation of the soft tissues
accompanied by the development in the gut dysbiosis [5-8]. So it was
interesting, in our opinion, to compare the quantitative content of intestinal
microflora, isolated from cats before and after making ovariogisteroektomia.
It was
found that in the intestinal tract of animals after surgery operations come
significant quantitative derangements of autoflora. So the cats after
ovariogisteroektomia significantly reduces the number of representatives of
major key microflora (bifidobacterias and lactobacilli) on the background of
increase the number of microorganisms genera Staphylococcus, Streptococcus,
Klebsiella, Escherichia and Candida. The results indicate that while
ovariogisteroektomia in the intestinal tract of cats there are significant
dysbiotic derangements of microbial ecosystem.
Later we decided to investiate a microbial background
of random suppurative -inflammatory processes in cats (with purulent wounds,
abscesses, sepsis).From all of our 103 cats with suppurative-inflammatory
processes of the soft tissues were isolated 353 cultures of conditionally
pathogenic microorganisms 15 species, which belong to 9 generas. In most of
cases it was isolated Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
and Streptococcus pyogenes.
In our point of view is that the microbial
asssociations are isolated from random suppurative-inflammatory processes in
cats were always represented by associations, comprised of 2 to 5 pathogens. In
carrying out the detail characteristics of species composition of the isolated
associations we have found that in 17 (16,5%) cases, they were presented only
by coccal microflora, in 77 (74,8%) cases they are caused by cocci and other
bacteria, and in 9 (8, 7%) cases, they consisted of bacteria and fungi. These
results also suggest that the most frequent in 55 (53.4%) cases at random
suppurative-inflammatory processes in the soft tissues of the cats we have
isolated three-component association, 31 (30,1%) cases- four-, 10 (9,7 %)
cases, five-component, and in 7 (6,8%) - two. In our opinion it is interesting
that 60 (58,2%) cases,the obligate components of isolated associations were
staphylococci, of which the most frequent isolates was Staphylococcus aureus
(in 48 (44.6%) cases)
next we decided to establish the quantitative content of microorganisms in 1 g
of tissue at various purulent inflammatory processes in cats. These data
suggest that, depending on the severity of suppurative inflammation in cats, is
significantly different quantification of microorganisms in the damaged soft
tissues, which were selected for the study. Thus, cocci in various forms of
random suppurative-inflammatory processes did not vary significantly and ranged
at the level of 109 CFU per 1 gram of tissue. However, in septic wounds,
abscesses, and sepsis significantly increased the number of E. coli,
Pseudomonas and Proteus.
behind data fully confirm our idea that the poor course of purulent
inflammation in the intestinal tract in cats activated translocation of Gram
negative microflora in the center of surgical infection on a background of
progressive intestinal dysbiosis, which complicates the course of the
pathological process.
found that in the intestinal tract of cats with random suppurative-inflammatory
processes are significant derangements of the microbial ecosystem in comparison
with clinically healthy animals. It should be noticed that, depending on the
severity of suppurative inflammation in the gut dysbiotic derangements are gaining
the maximum change in the group of animals with sepsis, they are close to the
critical values, which indicates the development of irreversible reactions in
the body.
discussing the results of research it should be noticed that they are entirely
confirm our working hypothesis about the leading role of intestinal
translocation of microorganisms in the mechanisms of formation and progression
of suppurative-inflammatory processes of the soft tissues. These results
suggest that the quantitative content of Gram-negative pathogens in foci of
purulent inflammation, as well as the state of the intestinal ecosystem,
indicate the severity of the suppurative inflammatory process and further the
data obtained can be used in predicting the occurrence and development of
purulent-inflammatory processes in soft tissues.
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