S.E Shibanov, S.V. Kozulya, A.V. Yezhov, M.S. Ivanov, A.M. Chelombitsky

Crimean State Medical University, Ukraine



State-of-the-art changed computer from an ordinary “computing machine” into universal, commonly used softwired instrument to cope with diverse tasks. Unfortunately, there appeared many problems associated with person-computer interaction. In particular, practicing psychiatrists cite data on increased amount of patients whose general complaints relate to a computer effect.

Besides psychological difficulties resulting from person-computer interaction, there exist changes in different organs and systems, e.g. risk of myopia development increases; electromagnetic field damages the nervous system; manipulation with a keyboard results in progressive load on articulations of hand; working in sitting position over a long period of time leads to congestion of blood in small pelvis organs and in the lower extremities.

Problem of safe use of computers by children and adolescents is rather actual, as the process of their growth and development is not completed, but sensitivity to unfavourable environmental effects is increased. Therefore, any kind of activity associated with PC should agree with their age-related characteristics. Particularly, it concerns duration, multiplicity, and strict following hygienic standards.

The purpose of the given work is to study the dynamics of reactive anxiety and aggressiveness factors in different variants of computer application (studies and playing games).

While investigating the problem, 64 young males at the age of from 13 to 19 years were tested. 32 of them are the students of technical school who use PC during studies. Volunteers were proposed to be tested before and after 1- hour practical training at the computer class. The second group also includes 32 persons, who were the visitors of arcade. They were tested after 1-hour playing.

For this purpose, Bass-Dark and Spilberg-Khanin standard inquirers were used. In the group where PC was used for studying, the following characteristic changes took place: reactive anxiety factor rises by 16,8 percent, indirect aggression factor rises by 6,6 percent, and sense of guilt increases by 3,7 percent. Such changes, probably, are connected with the fact that the students worked with PC by virtue of necessity to fulfill the task of a teacher. And the work under dictated conditions naturally increases the indirect aggression factor. Besides, as the grade depended on the work, the student experienced anxiety for its result and sense of guilt in case of mission failure.

Following 1- hour playing “Counter Strike”, arcade’s visitors showed reliable rise of two indices: reactive anxiety and irritability. The changes average 7,6 and 4,2 percent respectively. These can be explained by tiredness and tension simultaneously with the aim at success resulting in increase of irritability. Undoubtedly, there also present feeling of uneasiness for the virtual “battle” outcome.

As against the work, playing process resulted in reliable decrease of a number of indices. Regardless of the fact that the adolescents used game program inclusive acts of force, there was noted lowering of physical aggression by 10,3 percent, jealousy -  by 9,7 percent, sense of guilt – by 7,8 percent, and aggressiveness factor – by 3,2 percent. Therefore, due to found satisfaction, removal of excess psychoemotional stress, and thanks to stress-protective effect, playing process with use of PC has less marked influence upon the adolescents’ psyche than the process of study. This conclusion is also confirmed by downtrend of indirect and verbal aggressiveness, negativism, and animosity factors in players.


1.                 Both studying and playing processes with use of personal computer result in reliable changes in emotional state of adolescents. However, the process of work with PC caused more pronounced negative changes than playing process.

2.                 Growth of anxiety and aggressiveness factors in both kinds of activity indicate that any kind of interaction with PC is not physiologic one, it causes negative changes in psyche, and it is necessary to limit PC use as far as possible.

3.                 As computer equipment becomes an integral part of the human vital space, it is necessary to continue the research of different aspects of interaction of an individual with PC with the purpose of elaboration of new and perfection of existing hygienic norms.

4.                 Questions of computer technologies support and development having been examined only from the point of view of utilitarian use should be reviewed as regards mental health of people.

5.                 There is a need to develop preventive programs, rehabilitation centers, and groups of support. New areas of study should include development of standard diagnostic instruments to detect cyber-dependent individuals and evaluate their level of health to understand in future the impact of computer on other persistent habits (alcoholism, gaming, complexes, etc.) and psychiatric status (depression, level of rapt attention).