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Junussova M.G., postgraduate student of 1 course

Salzhanova Z.A., doctor of economics, professor

Karaganda Economic University, Kazakhstan




One of the main macroeconomic indicators estimating results of economic activity is the Gross Domestic Product (GPI). It characterizes not only a modern level of development of national economy of the country, but also feature of its branch and territorial structure, efficiency of functioning of its certain spheres, branches and regions, degree of an involvement into world integration processes, etc.

In economy of Kazakhstan stable growth rates of GDP are observed. According to the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics, average GDP growth of the republic for years 2009-2013 amounted to 5.2%. GDP volume in 2013 made 35275 billion tenge that is 6% above than a level of 2012.


Figure 1. Dynamics of GDP of Kazakhstan for 2009-2013.


The lowest GDP growth rate was 1.2% in the crisis year of 2009. In the period 2010-2011. experienced significant growth in GDP on average 7.4% per year.

Following the results of 2013 is observed moderate growth compared with previous years. According to Agency of statistics of RK growth rate of GDP in real terms made 6% whereas in 2012 GDP grew by 5%. However, the growth indicators of Kazakhstan's economy has not yet reached pre-crisis levels, which in 2006-2007. GDP growth was 10.8%, but already there are signs of a gradual economic recovery. According to the results of Kazakhstan's GDP in 2013 was 35 275 billion  tenge, which is 10.5% more than in 2012, while inflation for the year was 4.8%. GDP volume per capita for 2013 made 2 070 thousand tenge or 13 612 US dollars that is 12,3 % higher than an indicator for previous year.

GDP growth in 2013 compared with the previous year was achieved by increasing the dynamics of growth in sphere of manufacture of goods.

In the dynamics compared to the previous year Index of physical volume goods production sector increased from 99.5% to 103.3%, while the services sector has slowed growth from 110.4% to 107.4% due to the decrease in the rate of growth of the physical volume in all business areas (retail, communications, financial services, transport, etc.). The largest share in the GDP accounts for the manufacturing sector services -  52.6%, and the production of goods - 40%, and taxes on products and imports - 7.4%. [1]

Despite the high economic growth rates observed over from 2009 to 2013, the structure of GDP by industry did not change significantly.

Figure 2. Structure of GDP of Kazakhstan on sectors in 2013


The share of industry in GDP occupies 28.4%. Industry is the leading sector of the economy of Kazakhstan. A feature of industry of Kazakhstan is its exceptional provision of own rich mineral resources. A high level of availability of natural resources allows to develop complex diversified structure of industry, which is based on sectors of mining industry, such as extraction of fuel and energy minerals, mining of iron ore and non-ferrous metals, manufacturing sectors, the leading ones are: metallurgical industry and manufacture finished metal products, metal and mechanical engineering, production of chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical products, food processing, production of textile and leather products and others.

In 2013, volume of industrial production in monetary terms amounted to 17,834 billion tenge.  On an indicator the volume index for the industry in 2013 is observed an increase of 102.5% after slowing down in 2012 to 100.7% as a result of increasing volumes in the mining sector due to the increase in monetary terms of production of oil and metal ores.

The analysis of structure of the industry of the country indicates the predominance of the raw materials sector. So, for the period from 2009 to 2012 in a total industrial production on the share of manufacturing accounted for just over 30%, mining industry - more than 60%.

Let us analyze results of the work of major industries, such as mining and manufacturing.

Mining and smelting industry - is one of the most competitive and dynamically developing sectors of industry of Kazakhstan. It employs nearly 164.5 thousand main professions. In Kazakhstan, concentrated 30% of world reserves of chromium ore, 25% - of manganese ore, 10% - of iron ore. Reserves of copper, lead and zinc are respectively 10% and 13% of the world. The total geological reserves and the predicted coal resources of Kazakhstan are estimated at 150 billion tons. Of the 105 elements Mendeleev`s table in a subsoil of Kazakhstan holds 99, 70 explored elements, involved in the production of more than 60 elements.

Mining and metallurgical industry in Kazakhstan in the last years is one of the most dynamic sectors of the domestic industry. As of the end of 2013 the volume of the mining industry made 10 697 billion tenge, having increased in comparison with an indicator of 2012 by 4,4%. At the same time the volume index was 103.3%whereas in 2012 the volume index was 100.4%. Despite the growing indicators the mining sector, the industry has not yet recovered to pre-crisis levels (107.2% in 2009-2010.), mainly due to the deceleration in growth  in the sector of oil and gas extraction.

Table 1

Index of physical volume of production by economic activities


Type  of  economic  activity






Mining  and quarry development






Mining of coal and lignite






Crude oil production






Extraction of natural gas






Mining of iron ore






Mining of non-ferrous metals







The oil and gas industry of the republic is the diversified and export-oriented, considerably predetermining development republic economies. The government of Kazakhstan plans to enter in 2015 the first ten oil-producing countries of the world and as appropriate to increase the export potential. However implementation of these plans can prevent objective difficulties in development of the majority of large-scale deposits of Kazakhstan - production conditions on them are considered difficult, hydrocarbons on the chemical composition also belong to category "problem" that considerably increases cost of oil production and the requirement to ecological safety.

For reasons of great technical complexity and significant environmental risks not started oil extraction from the giant deposit "Kashagan" in the Caspian Sea. Taking into account oil extraction on Kashagan, it is planned to increase oil extraction to 130 million tons. Now Kazakhstan exports 8,5 of each 10 tons of the extracted oil.

For the economy of Kazakhstan possessing considerable capacities for production, the coal industry is the oldest and traditionally occupies a considerable share in the fuel and energy balance (FEB) of the republic. This is due to the widespread use of cheap Ekibastuz coal open-pit mining, which in many ways contributed to the low cost of electricity, which is important for the competitiveness of the national economy. To date, the coal share in FEB of Kazakhstan makes about 63%, a share of natural gas of 12%, oil of 20%. Renewable sources account less than 5% and are presented practically only by hydraulic  power industry. Coal respectively is the main fuel of the Kazakhstan electric-power industry, about 70% of the general generating power. Hydroelectric power stations account for about 11%, gas turbine and steam turbine power plants with natural gas and fuel oil for about 20% of the total generating capacity.

On production volumes Kazakhstan is included into ten the largest countries of producers of coal in the world, and among the CIS countries takes 2nd place after Russia.

Kazakhstan strengthens the positions on production and export of coal that promoted by the outlined tendency of growth of its consumption in the world, first of all, in electricity generation that is connected with the accelerated development of the largest Asian economies of India, China, and also high volatility at the markets of hydrocarbons of oil and gas.

It should be noted that at the present time almost all types of energy there is a significant excess of the amount of their production of intra-consumption, which suggests considerable domestic potential, as well as large export potential of Kazakhstan's energetics. [2]

At present  time in Kazakhstan there is a topical issue about the development and support of manufacturing enterprises. By the manufacturing industry relate machine-building enterprises, enterprises of ferrous and nonferrous metals, rolled products, chemical and petrochemical products, machinery and equipment, wood products and pulp and paper industry, cement and other building materials, products of light and food industry, local industry.  In the manufacturing industry since 2010 has been a tendency of advanced growth in comparison with mining industry. In 2012 in comparison with 2011, the growth in the manufacturing sector - 101.2%, in the mining industry - 100.4%, in the industry in general - 100.7%. But in 2013 in comparison with 2012 growth rate in the mining industry (103,3%) is more, than in manufacturing  industry (101.9%). Specific weight of manufacturing industry in 2013 in structure of GDP decreased from 11.3% in 2010 to 10.9%.




Figure 4. Volume indices of the manufacturing industry


In the manufacturing industry in 2013 in comparison with 2012 production growth observed in mechanical engineering (114.4%), chemical industry (103.6%), manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products (101.5%) and pharmaceutical industry (101 , 3%).

The decrease was in light industry (99.2%) and metallurgy  industry (95.2%).

Ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy important branches of the industry of Kazakhstan. The share of metallurgical industry and manufacture finished metal products account for about 10% of all industrial output.

Ferrous metallurgy is one of the most basic sectors of industry in Kazakhstan, providing not only internal consumption, but also forming a profitable export item of the country.

In 2013, Kazakhstan reduced of crude steel smelting, compared with 2012 by 7.9% to 3.477 million tenge. During the year the production of flat products in Kazakhstan has dropped by 5.2% to 2.277 million tenge, tin plate and tinned sheet metal - by 46.6% to 85.8 thousand tenge, while galvanized rolled steel increased by 10.7% to 513 7 thousand tenge. In addition, the production of ferroalloys decreased by 1% to 1.708 million tenge.

Decreased production of metal products caused by the reduction demand for metals in importing countries China and Russia. As a result - cheapening of metals by 10 - 20%, and a small reduction in production.

The mechanical Engineering is a leading industry, providing machines, devices all sectors of the economy, playing an important role in the intensification of production, in increasing labor productivity, accelerating economic and social development of the country in general and the its regions.

The mechanical engineering share in the total amount of industrial production increases in dynamics since 2009. Specific weight of sector in a total amount of industrial production of the republic in 2013 made 4,8%, in manufacturing industry of-14,7%.

If in 2008 the mechanical engineering of Kazakhstan was presented by 3 main subsectors, in 2012 the mechanical engineering has already presented by 6 main segments: manufacture of motor vehicles; repair and installation of machinery and equipment; Manufacture of electrical equipment; production of electronic and optical products, and others.

In the structure of the industry is still dominated by the repair and installation of machinery and equipment - 40% of total output. Production of vehicles, including automobiles, in the aggregate occupies 35% of total output.

Growth in the industry occurred due to increase in production vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers. A significant increase in production observed in the production of passenger cars by 5.9 times over the period 2009-2013.

In 2013, were produced 37,469 units of passenger cars, which is 2 times more than the same period of last year. In four years in branch more than 1 billion euros investments were attracted. Investments, first of all, in the form of technologies of global manufacturers of machine-building production: GE, Alstom, Toyota, Siemens.

During implementation of the state program in sector thousands of new high-performance workplaces are created. The special impulse received the automotive industry, production of railway equipment, agricultural engineering.

There was the whole innovative cluster of railway mechanical engineering: locomotives, power packs, wagons, and spare parts. All this was possible also because manufacturers of wagons have received loans and leases of state development institutions amounting to more than 10 billion tenge.[3]

The chemical industry is an important and high-perspective sector of the national economy. The structure of the Kazakhstan chemical industry consists of the production of basic chemicals, fertilizers and nitrogen compounds, plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms, lacquers and paints, cleaning products, detergents, pesticides and other agrochemical industries.

About 26% of all chemical products are consumed by own industry, and the rest goes to the needs of other sectors of the economy: the electronics industry, the production of accumulators, energy-efficient construction materials, mechanical engineering, light industry, etc.

The share of chemical branch in GDP grew from 0,32% in 2009 to 0,53% in 2013. Despite it, this indicator is lower than an indicator of the countries with the developed chemical industry which averages 5%.

From 2009 to 2012 the volume of export of production of chemical industry of advanced processing in nominal terms increased by 67,7%. The gross value added in sector increased by 3 times.

In 2009, this indicator was equal 45.96 billion tenge, and already in 2012 - 141.8 billion tenge. Labour productivity in the chemical industry increased by 3.7 times, in 2009 - 13 thousand dollars per man, and in 2012 - 48,300 dollars. The volume of production of chemical industry from 2009 to 2013 increased by 69.5% and amounted to 179.9 billion tenge. The increase in output of chemical production is connected first of all with modernization of the old enterprises.

In the chemical industry of Kazakhstan has recently passed the modernization of existing enterprises, opened new production, was created the institutional framework of the sector. The main directions of modernization of existing enterprises: increasing productivity and resource efficiency, diversification and increase in volumes of production.In the process of modernization involves three major companies: LLP "Kazphosphate" LLP "KazAzot" and JSC "Kaustik".

Modernization LLP "Kazphosphate" will develop the production of sodium hexametaphosphate. Also, the company will release 4 more new products as far as of modernization till 2020. After modernization number of personnel will increase by 270 employees - up to 6100 people, labor productivity increased more than 4 times, the energy intensity of production will decrease by 30%.

Modernization on the LP "KazAzot" allowed to increase labor productivity by 1.5 times. The volume of output, in turn, grew by 50%. In JSC "Caustic" has been restored thanks to the of modernization production of caustic soda, chlorine and its products on the basis of modern membrane technology.

To date, foreign investors are reluctant to invest their funds in the chemical industry. However, with the launch of major projects in 2020 may increase foreign direct investment in the production of agricultural chemistry (LLP "«Evrohim Udobreniya»», Kazakhstan Potash Corporation), polymer products (LG Chem) and engine oil ("Lukoil», Hill Corporation). The structure of the economy of Kazakhstan to date, despite a number of adopted and implemented by government programs is focused on mining industries, which determines its high dependence on an environment of  the worldwide markets. [4]

Reducing this dependence and accordingly increase the stability of the Kazakh economy during the global crisis, accompanied by a decrease prices in commodity markets, and is a priority problem of modernization and diversification of the economy in general and industry in particular. Diversification of the economy is the appearance of new growth points, which at the same time can become supports neutralizing the negative global crises.

The first stage of the modernization of industry initiated by the Government since the implementation of the State Program of Forced Industrial-Innovative Development of Kazakhstan for the period 2010-2014. The implementation of the first Five SPAIID and programs implemented within its framework, gave impetus to start the restructuring of the national economy.

Main positive results of SPFIID:

1)  laid the foundations of a modern industrial policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Adopted the basic normative legal acts, tested various tools support industrial development and new policy directions. In particular, mechanisms were launched to attract FDI and export support, started the process of transformation of special economic zones.

2)  started diversification of the economy by accelerating the development of manufacturing industry, increasing the non-oil exports and attracting FDI in the non-primary sector.

3)  received support major new industrial projects implemented in the framework of the Industrialization Map and avoided reduction of production.

4)   the number of employed in industry (for 4 years) increased by 9.3% and exceeded 1 million people (1004.4 thousand people). Within the framework of the Industrialization Map created more than 60,000 new jobs in the manufacturing industry, allowed to avoid rise in unemployment.

Through the implementation of the SPFIID 2010-2014 has achieved significant progress in the development of industry in Kazakhstan.

The SPFIID new program, designed for 2015-2019 years, is a logical continuation of the first "Five-Year Plan" and takes into account the experience of its implementation.But the main difference is that the second stage will be more focused on the development of the manufacturing industry is with the corresponding concentration of efforts and resources on a small number of priority sectors, regional specialization using the cluster approach, and effective regulation of the industry.

To provide the real modernization of the Kazakhstan industry directed on creation of productions, competitive at world level, it is required to decide on priorities of sector development. [5]

Sectors, considered the most perspective and priority in developed countries, should be given consideration in Kazakhstan in the process of modernization of the national economy. Experience of world crisis showed that economies with high export orientation appeared the most vulnerable. Consequently to improve the stability of the national economy and reduce its dependence on external factors need to develop new industries in Kazakhstan, focused primarily on domestic demand, often more stable in comparison with an external, which also may be regulated at the national level in case of crisis.




1) Statistical Yearbook "Kazakhstan in 2013."

2) PricewaterhouseCoopers. Metallurgical industry and Mining in Russia and the CIS. Mining and metallurgical industry in Kazakhstan, 3 edition, Astana, 2012

3) "Kazakhstan Industry Development Institute". Digest - mechanical engineering, Astana, 2014

4) "Kazakhstan Industry Development Institute". Digest - chemical industry, Astana, 2014

5) The concept of industrial-innovative development of Kazakhstan for 2015-2019