Экономика / 9. Экономика промышленности
Yessirkepova A.M., Yessirkepova M.M., Tulebaeva A.
The South-Kazakhstan state university after named
Problem of use of secondary resources in production
One of the most important, from the
economic point of view, properties of resources is the opportunity of their
restoration, both in an environment and during a social production. The
opportunity of restoration promotes decrease in limitation of a resource from
the point of view of its use during a social production. In other words, one of
conditions of an effective utilization and management secondary raw materials
(SRM) during essential
manufacture is its restoration from waste with the purpose of further use, i.e.
repeated use and effective utilization SRM. But if the majority of resources of
raw material during a social production as-or is used, the resource of use SRM often isn't realized. The matter is that
any raw material isn't extracted with the purpose of its repeated use. Use SRM is interfered by a lot of factors.
Completely to reveal these factors it is possible only in detail having
analyzed structure of use and management SRM.
to speak about most important of specified above factors it is necessary to
note, that secondary use is possible not for any kind of a resource. Secondary
use is possible only for such resource which waste can return initial consumer
properties. The last are characterized by possible quantity of a cycle of
processing more than one. It is necessary to understand the period of time as a
cycle of processing from the beginning of technological processing a resource
up to the end of processing of all kinds of its waste. If from waste of metal,
a paper and some other kinds of raw material reception of secondary raw
material with properties primary that is possible, for example, for waste of
vegetative fibres and mineral power resources restoration up to initial
properties is impossible for cleanly technical reasons. From the point of view
of use SRM any waste, which
restoration up to properties of a primary resource it is impossible, it is
necessary to carry to irrevocable losses. The ashes formed at burning of fuel
on fuel-energy station, can be used as fertilizer or for allocation from it any
valuable elements. But for its use as fuel resource ashes are irrevocable
losses. The smaller share of a resource at different stages of processing gets
in irrevocable losses, a lot of cycles of processing probably for the given resource. That a lot of
production probably to make from the set volume of the limited resource.
But except for presence of irrevocable losses there is still a lot of
the factors interfering an opportunity of use SRM. For their structurization
and estimation it is necessary to divide these lacks on a number of parameters
among which as it is possible to allocate the most essential: technical,
organizational, economic, etc.
Let's consider the technical factors influencing opportunities of use of
secondary resources. These factors are shown at two stages: 1) during processing
waste in raw material, 2) during reception from a secondary resource of
finished goods. During processing waste technical difficulties can be caused by
impossibility of reception from waste of a resource with primary properties.
For example, from some alloys to allocate this or that making component it is
impossible at the given level of technologies. Such wastes usually either
destroy, or use them in other technological processes. At the second stage
technical difficulties of application of a secondary resource can be caused by
distinction of properties of a primary and secondary resource at its
technological processing and distinction of properties of the finished goods
received from different kinds of raw material. These difficulties are caused by
that at the given level of development of technologies of processing of waste
it is impossible to receive a secondary resource absolutely identical on
properties primary. In this connection occurrence of a different sort of
complexities, first, is possible at processing secondary raw material on the
same process equipment, as primary raw material. Secondly, properties of the
finished goods received from secondary raw material, frequently concede to
properties of same production from primary raw material. For example, it is
impossible to receive from paper for recycling a paper same whiteness as from
for technical, opportunities of use of secondary resources are limited also to
organizational factors. Organizational difficulties can arise at various stages
of reception of secondary resources from waste. At designing manufactures of
processing waste economic efficiency is frequently reached due to great volumes
of the given manufacture. Instability of a situation in the market of secondary
resources doesn't enable to plan volumes of processing of waste with a
sufficient degree of accuracy. Besides the aspiration of
the enterprise to decrease material capacity own production entails
reduction of volumes of waste of the given manufacture that causes of search of
waste's sources on the party. It can be realized through the organization of
own procuring network or by search of suppliers of the given waste. But in
connection with that the market of waste was not generated yet, their offer in
the market not stably, that causes the certain difficulties in the organization
of deliveries of raw material (waste) in necessary volumes.
It is possible to carry the information factor to the factors
interfering use SRM. The matter is that the nomenclature of waste of industrial
production and consumption too greater, and information on streams of these
wastes, their properties and about presence of technologies on their processing
is not enough. In this connection there is a problem of a supply with
information of streams of waste in branches of economy.
At an estimation of variants of use of secondary resources ecological
factors have important value. Certainly processing of waste prevents their hit
in an environment. But influence of waste of technologies of processing of
waste on an environment influence of primary waste is frequent appears more
harmful, than. For example, the typographical paint which has been washed up
from paper for recycling at its processing, renders greater influence on an
environment, than paper for recycling. In this case it is more effective (from
the ecological point of view) to destroy or bury the given kinds of waste.
Speaking about presence of a similar sort of waste, it is necessary to consider
following feature. We shall assume, that the enterprise has decided to restore
properties of these waste up to initial (by a principle of use SRM). In this
case homogeneous process
of processing of waste (we shall conditionally name their waste of the second
order) means presence of new kinds of waste (the third order) which processing
causes occurrence of the next new kinds of waste. This vicious circle,
basically, can proceed indefinitely. And its influence on efficiency of use of
secondary resources is rather great.
But the most important in every respect are economic forces. At an
economic estimation of variants use SRM there is the greatest number of contradictions. Economic difficulties
can be divided conditionally on arising in manufacture and in the market (in
sphere of the reference).
Economic difficulties of use SRM in sphere of manufacture are connected with necessity:
1) Additional capital investments in expansion of capacities;
2) Attraction of additional turnaround means for service of new
Both of these the factor influence cost of finished goods, that
increasing its cost price that can reduce competitiveness of production of the
It is possible to carry the following to external factors.
1. A competition in the market between primary and secondary raw
material. The parity of the prices for secondary and primary raw material in
the market can lower efficiency of use of secondary raw material, in comparison
with use of primary raw material.
2. Instability of the offer of secondary resources in the market (in the
short-term period), and jumps of the prices caused by her on resources, are the
reason of growth of parameters of riskiness of investments into manufactures on
processing waste. It raises requirements to efficiency of the given
Parities of the various factors interfering opportunities of use SRM,
change depending on kinds of waste, a level of technical progress, economic
policy of the country (region) and a lot of other reasons. Because of it is
impossible to speak unequivocally about efficiency or an inefficiency of use
SRM. For its estimation it is necessary having defined a mask of effect from
concrete actions in view of all complex, both factors-terminators, and the
factors promoting increase of efficiency of given actions. It is necessary to
develop a technique allowing most full for this purpose and objectively to
estimate efficiency of processes of use SRM. On the other hand it is necessary
to develop the complex mechanism of organizational-economic state stimulation
of the given processes. Only on the basis of carrying out of a similar sort of
actions it is possible to speak about expediency of introduction at the
enterprise of processes of use SRM.
However, at carrying out of estimation by uses and managements SRM at
the industrial enterprises, it is necessary to remember, that prominent feature
of considered processes is the variety of factors influencing on their
efficiency (such as technical-technological, economic, etc.). In this connection, separate carrying
out of the analysis and research of complexes of the technical-technological,
organizational-economic and other factors influencing efficiency of considered
processes is represented expedient.
The Literature:
1. Бобылев
С.Н., Ходжаев А.Ш. Экономика природопользования. М., 2007
2. А.А.Алимбаев,
Т.П.Притворова Стратегическое планирование развития региона в мировой,
национальной и региональной экономических системах. Караганда, 2008 г.
3. Тонкопий
М.С. Экономика природопользования: Уч.пос. – Алматы: Экономика, 2000.-С.475