Історія / 3. історія науки і техніки
Mudruk A. S.
State Scientific Agricultural
Library Ukrainian Academy Agrarian
Sciences (Kiev, Ukraine)
The Elements of Agricultural
Mechanics in the Theory of Evolution the Scientific Thought About Soils
A. Einstein said, that a scientist had to know the general
principles that reflected some common features of great number experimental
facts that we had researched… If we didn’t discover the principles that could
be the basis of deduction, separate research facts should not be useful because
an investigator could begin nothing with empirically discovered general natural
The most and general form of expression our knowledge from this aspect
is utilitarian theory of evolution the scientific conception about soil
phenomenon as an appearance that we got using, perceiving by organs of sense
and fixing by noospheres’ part.
It’s known, that the theory is the most complicated form of expression
scientific knowledge. It could appearance only at the highest level of cognition
development of some sum of total phenomena and contained a number of elements
that represented the simplest forms of knowledge expression.
Terra-complex is an abstract and idealist object of the theory of
evolution scientific conception about the soil phenomenon. It is some system of
closely connected concepts about noosphere’s part of soil phenomenon and its
Terra-complex as a structural element consists of some levels:
The history of scientific idea about
soil formation and its factors.
The history of scientific thought
about soil usage, its influence and improvement the conditions of growth of
cultural plants.
The history of scientific thought
means and methods of terra-complex functionality at the second level.
The main tendency of modern development of sciences totality (including
historical science) is interaction and interpenetration of one method into
others, and general attempt to maximum formalization the research material.
Academician L.V. Pogoriluy wrote, that he had
discovered magic lines of logics and direct mechanics’ regularity that were
useful for techniques elaboration and for the mankind welfare. They were
presented anywhere in the whole ‘dark’ and ‘rough’ matter as cultivation… and
the movement of material substances.
Let use classic method of soil mechanics for
formalization the object of our historical research – cultivation techniques
and soils.
The object under review (soils + cultivating
machinery) is an mechanical system, that reduced to n solids and put m homonymic
and s
non-homonymic restrictions on their movement.
If this solid system put into some general
co-ordinates q1, q2 …, qγ, … qδ, it should be get into equation for description the
conduct of material points’ system.
q –
quantity of general co-ordinates that has determined the configuration of the
solids’ system.
It should be taken under consideration that before
making differential equation of movement of mechanical system had to define the
expression of kinetic energy this mechanical system and make the equation of
restrictions that are put into system motion. It could be decided what form of
Lagranzh’ dynamics equations is useful to making differential equation of
movement the mechanical system only by these means.
The peculiarity of these dynamics’ equations is in
their projections on that system of co-ordinates, which were defined by
elements of kinetic energy of mechanical system and by their similar units on
the conditions that their general forces and equalization of restrictions are
determined by the same co-ordinates in due course.
Thus, concrete system (soil + cultivating techniques)
is a part of notion ‘cultivation’. It is the totality of regulating material
points, that are the subject of mankind activity. It transforms the soil to
optimal surrounding for growth and development of cultural plants during their
usage. The sum of total is characterized by some mechanical, physical-chemical,
biological and other peculiarities.
It should be described as the wok of primitive
agricultural implements (for example, a stick) and as the plough of XX century
or modern complex mechanization of agriculture and cultivation at some
agro-biological background using suggested model. This model could describe the
work of any implement that had existed at whole historical way of the
development of soil science and the implements of future.
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