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Larisa Arnoldovna
Kurymbaev Sayat Gaynievich
Samashova Gulfarida Ergalievna
The Karaganda State University named after E.A.
The informational society and preparation of
The appearance of computer technology for the society became the great
way, which allows many times to increase its intellectual potential with the
help of electronic summering, gathering, making and keeping the information. It
became easier for men to get the information, and also appeared the opportunity
quick and in comfortable way to get the necessary datas.
The involving of new informational technologies into professional activity
changed the life of men, and we can name the modern industrial society
“informational”. In this condition we can observe the changes of requirements,
which the system of education needs, it is changed the social order of society
for the preparing of individual, which have to use a new informational
technology in the education and in his professional activity, to specialize in
new cultural-informational surrounding.
The term “informational technology” was first introduced by V.M. Glushkov /1/, which means “the processes, which deal with
remaking the information”. It is obviously that in the studying the
informational technology was used always as the studying is the passing of
information from the teacher to the pupil. V. Atapova,
not to disturb the definition which was given by V.M. Glushkov,
concretize it /2/: “The informational technology is the summering of means and
ways with the help of which we can remake the information”.
D. Matros /2/, noticed during the considering
the definition of new informational technologies that any methodic or
pedagogical technologies describe how to remake and pass the information in
order to obtain by the pupil, in other words following by his definition any
pedagogical technology is informational technology.
The definition of new informational technologies includes the methods of
remaking of information, organizing- governing the conception, the summering of
different informational techniques. The informational technology is the process
using the summering of means and methods of gathering, making and passing datas (first information) for the getting the information
of new quality about the condition of the object, of the process.
The aim of using the informational technologies in the education is the
providing of all participants of studying process with the right, whole and in
time knowledge of aims, objectives of content, didactical means and methods,
the success of studying for the achievement of planning quality of professional
preparation and governing from the teacher.
The structure of development of informational society consists from
following steps: the level of development of informational technologies; the
level of telecommunications; the possibility of free availability to the
information; automatization and informatization
of the production and governing; the change of infrastructure; the development
of complex making of information; the production of informational resources;
the creation of market of knowledge informatization;
the formation of only world informational
space; the deepness of the process of infîrmational
and economical integration of the country and people /3/.
We think that the development of informational society in the condition
of integration of Kazakhstan into world educational space help to increase the
level of education with the help of widening of opportunities of the system of
informational changes on the international, national and regional levels and of
cause the increase of role of qualification, of professionalism and abilities
to the creation as important characteristic of labors service. The quality and
the content of professional education influences on the development of
informational society because the level of using the modern technologies
determine not only by the development of
the material base of the country, but also by the intellectual society,
its ability to produce, and use new
The informational society is first of all the society with new
qualities. And that’s why the increase
of volume of the information, knowledge, appearance of new informational technologies requires
next requirement to the specialist: the ability to add the knowledge, mobile,
creative worker; with the level of responsibility, as professional, so human;
with high cultural individuals (professional, moral-ethic, cultural); with the complex
new scientific knowledge, gaining new modern
layer of science, new scientific picture of the world; able to regulate,
governing by yourself /4/.
We tried to determine a new requirements to the preparation of
specialist and stressed in them the following: in the professional plan-
the growth of professional knowledge -
the ability t to obtain a new knowledge; the formation of new professional
knowledge; the skill to organize the professional labor as for yourself, so for the staff; the formation of professional
thinking; professional responsibility; the skill to behave by yourself, to
discharge (physiologically and psychologically); in the individual cultural
plan - the growth of cultural knowledge - the
realization and adding to the
human values, human responsibility, the skill to obtain a new knowledge and new
skills; the increase of culture, which take place in the society, following to
the scheme of paradigm of the education, we can make actualization of the
following three huge blocks – requirements to the preparations of specialists,
which crosses between each other; requirements- social order; pedagogical
requirements; requirements required by humanization and informatization
of society.
One of the way of realization of new informational technologies in the
studying process of institution is making and involving electronic books, and
also atomized studying system and programs on courses “Modern technologies of
driver preparation”, “Documentation on the native language”, “The technology of
remaking the documents”, which were created by authors and they successfully
use in the studying process of our high school. The experience of creating new
informational technologies showed the efficiency and practical usage of their
use in the studying process.
Using literature
1 Glushkov V.M. The
base of informatics.
N.V. the informational technologies in the school
D.M. The formation of informational cultureof
the students in the condition of distant education.
4 Kalanova Sh. The
informational technologies of the studying in the modern world.