Arkadiusz Wawiernia

Izabela Jonek-Kowalska


Risk transfer as a financing method


Increasing the risk of economic activity is connected with occurrence of possible measurable losses in case of its materialization. However, the subject is capable of minimizing potential losses by transferring them onto another entity. A facility allowing for such activities are insurances. Their essence is reduced to releasing the subject from bearing the financial effects of a specified event  and intercepting the effects of their occurrence by another subject. Then, it is the subject’s feeling sure about the possibility of the event occurrence that will result in suffering loss and wish to protect oneself from the occurrence of that possibility by transferring it onto another subject that underlain the insurance. Therefore, the aim of the insurance is to transfer the possibility of loss occurrence to the subject ready to take over that risk against proper payment together with that subject’s obligation to cover possible losses in case of that event occurrence. The subjects rendering such services are the insurers. By rendering the insurance protection the insurance agencies release the insured from necessity to gather and freeze the means for covering possible losses. Those subjects render the insurance protection by means of the instrument as are the insurances.

The insurance can be defined as an economic and legal category and method of financing the company’s risk. From the economic point of view the insurance can be seen as an economic category ensuring coverage of losses arisen out from the occurrence of the events subjectively undesired by the subject who has obliged itself thereto. This obligation results from the accepted insurance conditions included in the insurance contract concluded. The parties to this contract are the insurant i.e. the subject who transfers the obligation to cover possible loss, being the result of the event occurrence specified as to its kind and that became the subject of insurance by the insurer, against paying a premium.  Then, in exchange of premium acceptance, the Insurer takes over the risk from the insured as to occurrence of the events subjectively undesired that effects in case of occurrence can be measurably estimated. Therefore, the parties enters in relation by means of the insurance contract. The characteristic feature of those relations is their equivalent nature. It is a derivative of the situation in which the insurance became the subject of market turnover. The results of subordination to rights governing the market is fixing the equilibrium price of the subject of its turnover, e.g. insurances.

            From legal point of view the insurance is always the legal relation. Therefore, pursuant to law, the insurance is called the insurance relation, in which one person, entering similar relations on a large-scale is obliged to cover future financial needs resulting at the other person due to random events reoccurring at some regular basis, whereas the other obliged person is obliged to some payment resulting therefrom. This relation is confirmed by the insurance contract, which is the named contract, since the law regulations determine its essence and basic rights and obligations of the parties to the contract.

The effect of the insurance contract conclusion is necessity to pay a premium. By the insurance premium one shall understood the sum of money as the insurant is obliged to pay to the insurance company for protection granted by it.[1] Zbigniew Łabno[2] considers that it can be assumed as a rule that the value of the premium is conditional on the sum and scope of the insurance. Sharing his opinion one can state that there is a straight relation between those factors. It consists in that the higher the value and scope of insurance is the higher the premium is.

The premium paid by insuring party is a price that is to be paid for utilization of that risk financing facility. The said price is the cost for the subject concluding the insurance contract and charges the costs of the company’s activity.

            The insurance can be discussed also as the company’s risk financing method. It consists in transferring by means of the insurance contract the necessity of financing possible losses of the company onto the insurer, who taking over that risk performs its further distribution onto the insurance community.

From the point of view of the economic subject the insurance shall be the risk financing facility only if it guarantees full insurance protection. By this term one shall understood the whole of actions, which basic attribute is financial compensation of undesired consequences of random factors or others, performed by the insurer at the conditions set forth by him and accepted by the protected subject.[3] Hence, the insurance can be recognized also as the company’s risk financing method and in case of its materialization the coverage of arisen losses. Then, creation of conditions for financial guarantees assurance on the one hand as well as providing the insured with financing the suffered losses in result of random event from the premiums collected by the insurant on the other becomes a constitutive feature of the insurance. Its implementation reveals itself in the insurance functions.

The literature of this subject points out three basic functions of insurances, namely: insurance protection, preventive function and capital accumulation. [4]

The insurance protection becomes the superior function of insurances, which must be met for efficient and effective utilization thereof in financing the risk of economic activity run by the company. It reveals itself in creation of the conditions allowing for financial guarantees assurance by the insurer to the insurant. Their implementation makes it possible for the subject to give up the formation of own reserves for covering the arisen damage. In consequence thereof it is possible to give up freezing a part of means and thereby the possibility to use them in the company’s economic activity. The effect of that action should be a growth of the subject operation efficiency that in turn is vital for the degree of implementation of the assumed objective. The effectiveness of the insurance protection offered by the insurer is the derivative of the insurance company’s compliance with the rule of reality, completeness and generality of protection as it is considered pertinently by J. Handschke[5]. 

The expression of the rule of insurance protection reality is the insurant’s certainty as to that suffered loss will be covered according to the conditions determined in the insurance contract. The said certainty is confirmed by both legal and economic guarantees for obtainment of such a benefit. Legal guarantees provides the insured with legal protection of his business and in default thereof on the part of the insurer the possibility to prosecute a claim under the insurance contract in a court. However the economic guarantee reveals itself by financial readiness of the insurer to fulfill the obligations under the concluded contracts. The security for such kind of guarantees is not only the fund created from collected premiums but also the obligatory reserves created to this end as well as the reinsurance actions taken up by the insurer.

The rule of completeness reveals itself in that the insured expects the insurer to cover all losses in full amount in case of diminished value of property in result of the event occurrence that was the subject of insurance. It refers to both direct loss and indirect loss resulting therefrom and expressed in the form of lost profits as the injured person would have achieved if the damage hadn’t occurred. The rule of completeness is reflected in the insurance law, where it is treated as a rule of postulation nature.

In turn the rule of insurance generality reveals itself on the one hand in awareness of subjects as to the possibility of using the insurance as the risk transfer facility and on the other in the insurance products available on the market. Its implementation will be the derivative of awareness as to the possibility of insuring individual events as well as the facilities offered in this scope. This in turn will decide about inclination of subjects to insure their actions. Z. Hellwig[6] shows that the said inclination is not only the sign of civilizing level of citizens and depends on the relation between the insurance costs and achieved income but also on danger of loss of the possessed property. Then, the cost of insurance as well as potential risk of property loss are decisive for attractiveness of insurance and its particular products as the form of risk financing. It forces the insurer to offer on the market the whole spectrum of various insurance products for his customers.

            The insurance addressed to the companies covers with its scope the company’s property, civil liability, credit security, guarantees, various financial losses and legal protection.

The subject of insurance can be all movable and immovable property being the proprietary of the insured, personal property of his employees, as well as property being in possession or control of the insured. By the term of property[7]  according to civil and legal interpretation one shall understood the ownership and generality of property rights resulting therefrom. This insurance is applied as the basics protection of possessed property values against unexpected casualties. The characteristic feature of this kind of insurances is payment of compensation up to the value equal to the value of damage to property not greater than the insurance sum determined in the contract.

The term of civil liability [CL] is connected with the obligation arisen out in connection with causing the damage to person or property of third person. Therefore the civil liability is connected with the liability for damages (financial liability) of one subject towards the other in connection with the damage suffered in result of events determined in the insurance contract[8]. The injured person becomes the creditor towards the person responsible for damage, and the said person (perpetrator of a damage) becomes the debtor in this scope. Being said that liability under civil liability is a pledge of paying compensation (in case of damage to property) or/and benefit (in case of damage to person). Therefore, the essence of civil liability can be reduced to the protection of the insured person property against threatening encumbrances resulting from necessity to redress the caused damage on the one hand, and the protection of the injured person from possible insolvency of the perpetrator of the damage on the one hand by shifting the liability for damages of an insurance person[9] onto the insurance company

Since the civil liability is connected with unlimited financial liability, the CL insurances includes the guarantee sum determining the upper limit of the insurer’s liability. It means that the compensation is fixed and paid within the limits of the civil liability of the insured, not higher then the value of the guarantee sum determined in the contract.

Apart form CL insurances of compulsive nature one can distinguish also voluntary civil liability insurances.

The insurance may cover also the obligations of the company resulting form its current activity. Among them are the credit insurances, securities, loss occurrence and legal protection. However the said insurances are not very popular among the companies.

The scope and type of insurances utilized by the company shows unambiguously its financing structure. It will be conditional on the company’s awareness in this scope as well as on the attractiveness of that form of risk financing, then in the justified opinion of T. Sangowski [10]  the insurance in comparison with the other risk financing methods is a complex method since it includes the following elements:

-         Risk control –  in decision making process and at the stage of contractual obligations performance (prevention),

-         Risk transfer – onto specialized subject,

-         Risk diversification– by dividing onto a group of subjects threatened with the similar risk,

-         Risk financing– at a price of insurance premium,

-         Risk retention (stoppage) – by leaving a part on own share.

The presented discussion showing the insurance as the method for financing the risk of conducted activity indicates that it can be competitive in relation to self-insurance as well as risk.


Abstract: It is impossible to lead a company without the risk. The risk defines the level of uncertainties connected with achieving the aims. During running the business company has some possibilities to reduce this risk by insurance. The essence of insurance concerns to releasing company from financial consequences of unexpected events. Insurance company takes those consequences. Therefore the source of insurances is the conviction of possible events that could cause the loss. In a result the main aim of insurance is transferring the risk of loss to insurance company against demanded payment. In this case the insurance company is obliged to cover the loss. Due to it insurance companies release firms from necessity of gaining and locking up capital for covering losses. Therefore the main aim of this article is presenting the essence of insurance and their role in running a company.


[1] P. Jedynak:: Ubezpieczenia gospodarcze. Wybrane elementy teorii i praktyki. Księgarnia akademicka, Kraków 2003, p.54

[2] Z. Łabno: Prawo ubezpieczeń gospodarczych. Wyższa Szkoła Bankowości i Finansów, Katowice 2001, p.55

[3] T. Michalski, A. Karmańska, A. Śliwiński, Ubezpieczenia gospodarcze. Ryzyko i metodologia oceny, Published by C.H. Beck, p. 2, compare with A. Banasiński, Ubezpieczenia gospodarcze, Poltext, Warszawa 1993, p. 13

[4] more information in: T. Sangowski, Ubezpieczenie gospodarcze, Poltext, Warszawa 1998, p.78 and Podstawy ubezpieczeń. Vol. I – mechanizmy i funkcje, collective work by J. Monkiewicz, Poltext, Warszawa 2000, p. 66.

[5] J. Handschke, Gospodarcze i społeczne znaczenie ubezpieczeń gospodarczych, [ibidem:] collective work by T. Sangowskiego, SAGA PRINTS, Poznań, p.48-49


[6] Z. Hellwig, Problemy i zagrożenia, [ibidem:] Analiza i metody zmniejszania ryzyka w polskim systemie ubezpieczeń majątkowych, collective work by W. Ronki-Chmielowiec, AE, Wrocław 1998, p.

[7] K. Szymańska Jak i gdzie ubezpieczyć majtek firmy Gdańsk Ośrodek Doradztwa i Doskonalenia Kadr 1997r. p. 30

[8] J. Reps, S. Reps, Ubezpieczenia majątkowe i osobowe, Warszawa 1997, p. 111

[9] B. Kęszycki, „Prawo ubezpieczeń gospodarczych”, Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa, Poznań 1999, p. 118

[10] T. Sangowski, Ubezpieczenia gospodarcze, Poltext, Warszawa 1998, porównaj E. Kowalewski, Ryzyko w działalności człowieka    p.57