Izabela Jonek-Kowalska

Arkadiusz Wawiernia





1. Companies’ cooperation


The term companies’ cooperation means achieving economical aims together. In the literature this phrase is précised and companies’ cooperation is perceived as ‘varied kinds of relations between companies, (…) in these relations companies strive (in the same time) after achieving a common aim or after making themselves unable to achieve diverge aims’.[1] The base of cooperation is written agreement. Companies joined in cooperation have the same aims and make hard efforts to achieve them together.  Usually the main aim of cooperation is looking for possibilities of increasing efficiency. That makes cooperation positive relation because ‘companies defined the aims together, they achieve them together and they respect each other opinions’.[2]

The main classification of cooperation includes cooperative relations and concentration. As it is presented at picture 1 companies cooperation includes a lot of varied forms.

Picture 1

Main classification of companies’ cooperation











Source: own presentation on the ground of: J. Lichtarski, Teoretyczne i praktyczne problemy integracji gospodarczej przedsiębiorstw, [w:] Współdziałanie gospodarcze przedsiębiorstw, praca zbiorowa pod red. J. Lichtarskiego, PWE, Warszawa 1992, s. 30.

Cooperative relations include the first three levels of cooperation: economical agreements, coordinative relations and cooperation in strict meaning. In cooperative relation the object of cooperation is strictly defined. It concerns only some agreed aspect of business. Those relations are loose and not intense. Companies state aims together but the aims are single and short-term. They are unable to realize a task alone or in an effective way and therefore they decide to work on it together. The main cause of this inability is usually lack of resources. So the result of cooperation is joining a part of resources to gain expected efficiency and synergy effects. [3]
Denseness, intensity and durability as well the level of formalization are higher in concentration. But in these relation the separateness and independence of partners are reduced. Concentration includes two more intense levels of cooperation: loose and strict concentration. The aims in concentration are varied and they usually concerns all aspects of business activity. In loose concentration companies work together in wide range and in strict concentration companies cooperate in all areas of business activity. Partners do not separate resources they join them all.


2. Risk against efficiency – theoretical approach


Among different circumstance of cooperation companies often indicate need of increasing efficiency and necessity of reducing risk. Running business in a group seems to be safer due to multiplying resources and scale of business activity in a quick way. In this way companies are able to resist changes occurred in surrounding. Therefore they could easily reduce systematical risk connected with this surrounding. Moreover joining competences positively influences on reduction of specific risk associated with wrong decision about using resources. Consequently due to wide range of joined resources concentration is better way to increase efficiency than cooperation. Furthermore concentration is characterized by more extensive range of risk reduction because of risk dispersion caused by wide scale of joined resources. In cooperative relations risk is reduced only in common activities and in concentration relations risk reduction includes all resources of joined companies.

It is worth of noticing that running business together is not only the way of risk reduction. It could also be a cause of risk intensifying because when a company decides to cooperate it generates a new source of risk – the cooperation risk. This risk is firstly connected with the possibility of unsuccessful resources connection. Failed resources association could cause lack of harmonious cooperation and as a result the aims of cooperation could be in danger. So if the cooperation risk realizes the partners will loose or they will not realize the assumed profit. As a result the efficiency will worsen.[4]

Considering the range of joined resources cooperation risk seems to be higher in concentration because such relations need specified and detailed coordination and adaptation. And therefore planned growth of efficiency is possible only when all resources are harmonized. In cooperative relations risk increase concerns only connected activities and therefore its influence on efficiency is less intense. In accordance with the above statement, companies taking the decision about cooperation should consider not only the benefits such as growth of efficiency but also the threats connected with cooperation risk.


3. Risk in Sokołów –Farm Food merger on Polish market


            In this part of article some practical aspects would enrich theoretical considerations about risk and efficiency in companies’ cooperation. A case study of  Farm-Food and Sokołów merger would be analyzed. Firstly the risk connected with this merger would be measured and secondly the efficiency of it would be analyzed. And at the beginning it is worth of mentioning that both companies run business on Polish meat market.

            The main cause of strict concentration between Sokołów and Farm Food was difficult situation on Polish meat market. Recession in meat branch was a result of crisis on Russian market and decrease of domestic demand on meat products. These circumstances influenced the profits of both companies. Their financial conditions had become worse and finally they decided to cooperate. [5] According to above statements the main reason of this merger was the need of systematical risk reduction.[6]

            The merger was preparing for four years and it was completed in 2000. The research of its results was divided into two periods. First period lasted 4 years – it was time before merger (1996-1999) and second period also lasted 4 years and – it was time after merger (2000-2003). Using beta ratio – one of fundamental risk measures, did the calculation of risk level before and after merger. The results are presented in a table 1 – for Sokołów and Farm Food before the merger and in table 2 – for Sokołów after merger of Farm Food.


Table 1

Beta ratios (b) for Farm Food and Sokołów (1996-1999)


Farm Food














Source: own presentation on the ground of shares quotations.


Table 2

Beta ratios (b) for Sokołów (2000-2003)











Source: own presentation on the ground of shares quotations.


On the ground of contents of table 1 it could be said that the risk level during 1996-1997 had been higher than in the period when companies decided to cooperate and were preparing consolidation (1998-1999). The lowest level of beta ratio was noted just after the merger in year 2000. This situation means that the market expected positive results of this merger. The investors anticipated also reduction of systematical risk for joined companies. Nevertheless after the merger some problems with resources consolidation appeared. Therefore restructuring process was started from material resources. The outdated part of machines was dissolved. The production lines in Farm Food were modernized. Moreover Sokołów made endeavors for the best quality of production. The company constantly received certificates of best quality. All factories produced under permanent supervision of veterinary inspection. The HACCP system was initiated. In October 2002 Sokołów received ISO 9001 certificate and as a first on Polish meat market AQAP certificate demanded from deliverers meat for NATO. The process of restructuring included also human resources. 158 people were dismissed but the company had been trying to find them posts in another meat companies in Poland and Germany. [7] Moreover a new motivation system was introduced. 210 000 bonds with the right to exchange for shares for workers were issued. The market resources were also modernized. Sokołów was consequently promoting own brand. A lot of promotions were organized. The image of company was created in media. The specialists were hired to promote the brand and strengthened the image. As a result Sokołów achieved the most recognizable brand on Polish meat market. 70% consumers knew the brand and the company.[8] Due to restructuring process the financial condition of Sokołów improved. The risk, measured by beta ratios, reduced  (2002-2003).


4. Efficiency in Sokołów –Farm Food merger on Polish market


In this part of article the measurement of efficiency in Farm Food – Sokołów merger will be done. Economic Value Added will be used as a measure of efficiency. It is one of the most modern and perfect measures. The efficiency is analyzed 4 years before merger and 4 years after it. The results are presented in the tables 3-5.


Table 3

EVA for Farm Food (1996-1999)


EVA - Fram Food









Source: own presentation on the ground of  financial reports.







Table 4

EVA for Sokołów (1996-1999)


EVA - Sokołów









Source: own presentation on the ground of  financial reports.


Table 5

EVA for Sokołów  (2000-2003)


EVA - Sokołów









Source: own presentation on the ground of  financial reports.


On the ground of contents of table 3-5 it could be said that Farm Food and Sokołów before merger were in poor financial condition and their situation year by year had become worse. EVA had dropped dramatically in both companies. The main reason of it was the decrease of NOPAT. Companies tried to increase the invested capital but they could not use it effectively. They could not create resource combinations that influence the increase of economic value added. After merger in 2000 EVA was lower than the sum of EVA reached by companies doing on their own. In 2001 the decrease of EVA deepened. Nevertheless in 2002 and 2003 EVA started to increase. It was the result of successful restructuring process. In this case the merger not at once was successful. It needed restructuring process and resources adapting to reach the increase of efficiency.


5. Conclusions


Cooperation is very often consider as an easy and quick way of risk reduction and efficiency increase. Mean-while the companies forget that cooperation needs great effort and well though-out activity. Very often in dense relation with a wide range of joined resources a restructuring process is necessary to achieve the cooperation aims. This necessity occurred in the case of  Sokołów –Farm Food merger. In the first years of cooperation efficiency decreased and risk increased. Only after restructuring process effectivnes became higer and risk became lower.






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4.          Komunikat PAP, Zakłady Sokołowa w Tarnowie planują zwolnienia, Parkiet 17.04.2001.

5.          Kortan J., Kooperacja i koncentracja – dwie podstawowe formy łączenia się przedsiębiorstw, Ekonomika i Organizacja Pracy nr 1/1986.

6.          Lichtarski j., Teoretyczne i praktyczne problemy integracji gospodarczej przedsiębiorstw, [w:] Współdziałanie gospodarcze przedsiębiorstw, praca zbiorowa pod red. J. Lichtarskiego, PWE, Warszawa 1992.

7.          Oktaba L., Płotki i rekiny, „Rzeczpospolita” 17.09.1999.

8.          Oktaba L., Powstaje największa grupa, „Rzeczpospolita” 27.11.1999.

9.          Pszczółkowski T., Mała encyklopedia prakseologii i teorii organizacji, PWE, Warszawa 1978.

10.      Szeloch Z., Związki przedsiębiorstw i metodyka ich tworzenia, Ekonomika i Organizacja Pracy nr 1/1986.

11.      Wieczorek D., Sokołów liderem wzrostu, Parkiet 15.04.2004.

12.      Zadora H., Wawiernia A., Zieliński M., Finanse i bankowość w gospodarce rynkowej, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice 2004.



[1] Encyklopedia organizacji i zarządzania, PWE, Warszawa 1982, s. 590.

[2] T. Pszczółkowski, Mała encyklopedia prakseologii i teorii organizacji, PWE, Warszawa 1978, s. 106.

[3] Szerzej: J. Kortan, Kooperacja i koncentracja – dwie podstawowe formy łączenia się przedsiębiorstw, Ekonomika i Organizacja Pracy nr 1/1986, s. 9-12 oraz  Z. Szeloch, Związki przedsiębiorstw i metodyka ich tworzenia, Ekonomika i Organizacja Pracy nr 1/1986, s. 13-15.

[4] Por. H. Zadora, A. Wawiernia, M. Zieliński, Finanse i bankowość w gospodarce rynkowej, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice 2004, s. 189. Zob. też: Finanse przedsiębiorstwa, praca zbiorowa pod red. L. Szyszko, J. Szczepańskiego, PWE, Warszawa 2003, s. 30-31 oraz W. Grzybowski, Przedsiębiorczość i ryzyko w gospodarce rynkowej, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu M. Curie-Skłodowskiej,  Lublin 1994,  s. 56-57 i dalsze.

[5] Zob. L. Oktaba, Płotki i rekiny, „Rzeczpospolita” 17.09.1999.

[6] Por. L. Oktaba, Powstaje największa grupa, „Rzeczpospolita” 27.11.1999.

[7] Por. Komunikat PAP, Zakłady Sokołowa w Tarnowie planują zwolnienia, Parkiet 17.04.2001.

[8] Por. D. Wieczorek, Sokołów liderem wzrostu, Parkiet 15.04.2004.