Sid I., prof. Severenovska H., Bondar O.

Dnipropetrovsk National University named after Oles Gonchar

Galinskiy A, Rudenko A.

Institute of Gastroenterology


The dependency of behavioral reactions and integrative indicators of activity in the gastro-duodenal zone at

disbalance of nitric oxide system

In recent decades, it is found that the simplest chemical compound - nitric oxide (NO) – is produced by enzymatic way in animals and humans. It is proved that this agent affects the Cardio-Vascular system and affects the heart. NO functions in the central and autonomic nervous systems. Along the efferent nerve this messenger regulates the activity of respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract.

Thus, despite the increasing flow of information about the importance of biological activity of NO in the regulation of behavioral reactions and gastrointestinal tract, understanding its role and mechanism of action in these processes remains unknown.

Our objective is to establish the dependence of behavioral reactions and integrative indicators of gastro duodenal zone in laboratory rats at modeling  disbalances of nitric oxide system. Therefore, we used: OFT according to the method of Buresh and Research Methodology motor index of the stomach and duodenum.

Methodology of research: 75 male white laboratory rats weighing 200-230 grams, were randomly divided into five groups. I – the group of intact animals, II - the  group of animals which were given non-specific nitric oxide donàtîr of Sodium nitroprusside every 6 days,III - the  group of animals, which were given NO donator every 12 days, IV - the group of animals which were given non-specific NOS blocker  Nitroarginine (L-NNA) every 6 days, V - the group of animals which were given NOS blocker every12 days.

The drugs were injected daily intraperitoneally with sodium nitroprusside for the calculation of 1.5 mg / kg of animals, and for L-NNA - 40 mg / kg.

The Statistical analysis of results was conducted using Microsoft Excel 2007, Origin Lab OriginPro.v8.0 parametric method. The dependence was set by the value of the even Pearson correlation coefficient. The data are considered reliable at p ≤ 0,05.

So, comparing the data profile of animal behavior, we found a significant gradual suppression of all indicators of behavior with increasing the introduction of sodium nitroprusside.

In general, we can notice reducing of all forms of motor activity of the animals on the 6th-day of NOS blocker introduction.

The next series of the experiments was the modeling of the lack and excess of nitric oxide on bioelectric activity of the stomach and duodenum. It should be noted that the six-day introduction of nitric oxide donator showed a trend of decreasing motor index (MI) of the stomach, but significantly increased the rate in the duodenum. The 12 day introduction of sodium nitroprusside contributed to the downward trend of MI in the stomach and the duodenum double increase.

Under the prolonged disruption of nitric oxide chain, the indicators of motor index of gastro-duodenal area were significantly different from the indicators of  the control animals and depended on the duration of NO-synthase blocking. On the sixth day of the deficiency of NO the value of motor index both part of gastrointestinal tract increased at 1.5 times (p <0,05). On the twelfth day of the deficiency of NO, we noted the decrease in gastric motor index by 27% (p <0,05), duodenum - by 59% (p <0,05).

Table .1

The correlation coefficient of MI and behavioral reactions in animals of group I


Motor activity

Vegetative response

stomach MI

r= 0,45; (p≤0,05)

r= 0,46; (p≤0,05)

duodenum ̲

r= 0,5; (p≤0,05)

r= - 0,5; ( p≤0,05)


The correlation coefficient of MI and behavioral reactions in animals of group II

6 days

Motor activity

Vegetative response

stomach MI

r= 0,27

r= - 0,45; (p≤0,05)

duodenum ̲

r= - 0,03

r= - 0,03

Table 3

The correlation coefficient of MI and behavioral reactions in animals of group III

12 days

Motor activity

Vegetative response

stomach MI

r= 0,21

r= - 0,4

duodenum ̲

r= 0,16

r= - 0,04

 The correlation analysis showed a moderate positive control in the relationship between physical activity and stomach and duodenum MI. The moderate negative relationship was observed between autonomic response and duodenum MI.

 On the 6-th day the relationship between stomach MI and autonomic response became the negative. On the 12th day the dependence was not observed.

Table 4

The correlation coefficient of MI and behavioral reactions in animals of group IV

6 days

Motor activity

Vegetative response

stomach MI

r= - 0,2

r= 0,7; (p≤0,05)

duodenum ̲

r= - 0,31

r= 0,6; (p≤0,05)


Table 5

The correlation coefficient of MI and behavioral reactions in animals of group V


Motor activity

Vegetative response

stomach MI

r= 0,3


duodenum ̲

r= 0,34

r= - 0,03


On the 6 day of L-NNA introduction the likely positive correlation between autonomic activity and the stomach and duodenum MI was marked, which was the evidence of compensatory processes of gastro-duodenal area due to autonomic influences.

The conclusions:

1. Comparing the data profile of animal behavior, we found a gradual suppression of all forms of motor activity and vegetative indices based on the introduction of a blocker and don Nitric oxide.

2. On the 6th day of lack of Nitric oxide we noted the increase of motor index at 1.5 times (p ≤ 0,05), imposing the rhythm of stomach duodenum, accompanied by duodenal reflux. On the 12th day we noted the decline of motor index of the stomach and duodenum compared with the controls, indicating the exhaustion of adaptive-compensatory mechanisms.

3. When sodium nitroprusside was introduced on the 6th day there was an increase (2 times) in the activity of duodenum by MI. After a 12-day introduction of the donator mioelectric index of the stomach and duodenum, significantly decreased on the contrary increased almost three times under the control, indicating an active response of the active character of GDZ.

4. In the third group of animals which were injected sodium nitroprusside  during 6 days, the increase in autonomic activity is accompanied by a decrease in MI of the stomach (r = - 0,48).

5. On the 6th day of introducing L-NNA  the  positive correlation between vegetative activity of stomach and duodenum MI (r = 0,7 and r = 0,6, respectively) was marked, which is the evidence of  compensatory processes of organs of gastro duodenal zone due to autonomic influences.

6. The prolonged introduction of both the donator and the blocker of NOS (12 days) the disbalance both in the  CNS and the gastrointestinal tract occurs.