New ecological ethics of
A. Tetior, Prof., Dr. Sc. Moscow State University of
Environmental Engineering.
The mankind in the beginning of XXI century constantly
goes away from ethic mutual relation with nature. The powerful intellect of
person has created complex problems of its life and activity influencing on mankind’s
destiny and destiny of planet. The growth of variety of negative influences on
nature is parallel to growth of technical variety; it is observed in process of
growth of development of mankind and technological progress. Each positive direction
of perfection of mankind development is accompanied by unethical negative direction.
Variety of negative influences, their quantity and degree of danger for nature
and man steadily grow. Now proposals on interaction of the person and
environment remind of Commandments of Bible, which are completely correct and
ethic, but not realized until now.
of empathy do not demand of love to all creations of wildlife; it does not
demand of reverence for all forms of life. This ethics supposes deep
understanding of their indispensability and necessity. All forms of life are
necessary and invaluable for nature; they can not be replaced with other
animals. They do not demand creation for them more favorable, comfort and
sparing conditions of life. The position of the person in relation to nature is
very important; it is possible to love all nature or only its beautiful part;
it is possible to reverence all animate nature or only its positive part. There
are in nature very negative subjects and phenomena, which it is impossible to reverence,
which cannot be loved. The concepts of "reverence" and
"love" in models of ideal ecological ethics have human character and
consequently they are inapplicable for objective ecological interaction with
nature. It is incredibly complicated to recognize equality of all animate
organisms: for example, of harmful insects, vampires, parasites, pathogenic
bacteria, and of microbes. The mankind, evidently, in mass never will rise up
to such recognition. Even outstanding scientific - ecologists are horrified at
look, for example, big "terrible" spider.
proposes to inculcate new ethics of empathy to life of nature, of understanding
(from position of human life) all complexity and difficulty of life of animate
organisms in nature. The empathy to life of divine creations of nature is
empathy to life of worm, one-day moth, ant, gazelle, mollusk, plankton, wolf in
snow-clad forest, "terrible" spider, etc. These billions animate
creatures constantly, expediently for cycle of matter, for support of life and
homeostasis on Planet, are called into being absolutely irrespective of their
wish and constantly disappear. They realize small or large functions, equally
irreplaceable and consequently extremely valuable for nature. Nobody will
realize these functions. Life of set of animals in soil-vegetative layer is
especially unenviable (from human point of view); they process all organic
waste and separate them on elements again to include in cycle of matter these elements.
These small animals carry out completely exclusive on value and "divine"
functions; they pretend not on any understanding or sympathy on the side of
somebody. And thus they are very ugly from the point of view of person; they
eat badly smelling carrion, are hidden in ground and try to not be shown on
What is life of many animals from position of human
values? Life of large animals includes constant search of food, alarm for
itself and for animal's young, and struggle for their growth and preservation,
pain from their losses. These animals are exposed constantly to all climatic
influences: rain, cold, heat, snow, drought, etc. They live or directly on
nature, or arrange elementary dens, nests, shelters. Thus they hope for
protection against climatic influences only with the help of own skin.
Sometimes they do not sleep almost (for example, giraffes) to not become a
victim of a predator. They are exposed to many illnesses, and choose a way of
treatment. They have no place for treatment, except for the nature.
Small animals, including insects, worms etc., occupy
the ecological niches in huge network of life, and realize the own individual
functions. They cannot realize other functions, cannot be cleverer, and cannot evolve
fast in the side of growth of beauty. In this connection it is possible to
consider life of the various parasites living inside a body of animals and, as
a rule, extremely unattractive by sight (words worm, parasite, etc. are abusive
language). The parasites can not become humane and nice; vampires and predators
can not turn to vegetative feed: they have short bowels, digesting only blood
and flesh. At last, such absolutely small creations, as bacteria, microbes,
viruses, also are in global network of life, and without them life of animate
nature and evolution are impossible. In ethics of empathy the love to all
creations of the animate nature is not required, and the more so reverence before
all forms of life; it is necessary the simple understanding of their
indispensability and necessity. Their life is necessary and is invaluable for
nature; they can not be replaced by other animals. It is impossible to create
for them others, more favorable, sparing conditions of life. This new
ecological ethics of empathy differs from other ethics that it is more
objective and dialectical. Sympathy and empathy are deep feelings based on
understanding of other forms of life, their applicability and difficulties.
This ethics supposes deep penetration into laws of ecology, in interrelation of
all phenomena, in interdependence all animate nature and in dependence of the
person from nature. It supposes knowledge of ecology, evolution, and
understanding of important role of all animate nature in support of life on the
Earth. Animals during evolution have occupied various ecological niches, have
achieved different level of development - and complicated, and very primitive. Each
of them carries out a number of functions, which anybody can not carry out.
We do not
know, whether receive all animals any encouragement or satisfaction from life,
from good realization of functions, from achievement of purpose (similarly to
the man). Probably, many larger animals receive satisfaction; they are capable
to game, curiosity, even to a joke. But many simpler animals are hardly capable
to receive any encouragement for the action. The life of all animals proceeds
in complex conditions: they depend very much on weather and features of a
climate, from a status of an environment, from features of mutual relation in
that food chain, in which they are. Many little animals perish, not having
achieved maturity. Many animals perish after birth of posterity. Some animals
perish during pairing. The huge mass of animals realizes functions of
sanitation of the nature, clearing it from waste. Many animals are food for
other animals. The person is able to understand only such dangerous, heavy,
complete hardship life of animals. They of anything were not guilty; they
realize very important functions frequently in awful conditions from the human
point of view. They help to support life on the Earth. The ethics of empathy as
one of set of ecological ethics will help the person to concern to animate
nature more objectively.
Now mankind is in beginning of long and complex way of
understanding and inculcation of new ethics of interaction with nature. Human
society is characterized by consumer attention to nature; it replaces flora and
fauna from all spheres: atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. It is
necessary to inculcate ecological ethics of interaction with nature and new
ethics of empathy.
A. Tetior.
Plurality of environmental ethics. - Ì., Nature, 2000