I.V. Poryadina, candidate of economical
the Eurasian Institute of Humanities
development of banking in modern conditions can not exist without the use of
different types of technology, electronic payments and the introduction of new
banking services. The main directions of development of e-banking operations in
Kazakhstan are connected with the use of plastic cards as one of the progressive means of cashless payments, as
well as inter-bank electronic transfers of moneyfunds to trade organizations
and at home.
mechanism of the electronic payment system operation is based on the use of
plastic cards and includes operations
carried out by ATMs, electronic payment system of the population in the trade
organizations of banking customers at home and the workplace. A plastic card
means all types of cards, different in purpose, a set of provided services with
their help, as well as technical characteristics and organizations that produce
most important feature of all cards, regardless of their degree of perfection
lies in the fact that they keep a certain set of information that is used in
various application programs. In the area of monetary circulation plastic cards
are an innovative means of cashless payment. In the process of forming a system
of electronic money settlement
International Standards Organization (ISO) was created which has developed certain standards for
the form of plastic cards, the order of the accounts numbering , the format of
magnetic stripes, the format of messages sent to a cardholder about his
operations | 1]. The members of such
large issuers of cards are: Visa, Master Card, American Express.
Kazakhstan, the number of payment cards in circulation in 2011 totaled 4.1 million units that exceeds the level of
the corresponding period of 2010 to 27.5%. Number of the card holders increased by 27.9 % in 2011
totaled 3.93 million, or 49% of the total economically active population (for
comparison, in 2010 this ratio was 39%), still the most popular cards in the
country are the cards of the
international payment systems Visa International, which is currently
used by 19.5% of the residents of Kazakhstan.
Currently, more than 200 countries use credit
cards in payment transactions. This suggests that credit cards are an essential
element of the technological revolution in banking. Exactly plastic cards in
some cases serve as a key element of the electronic banking systems. All cards
intended for the calculations can be divided into personal and corporate. Banks
give out personal cards to individuals, after studying their credit history and
the opening of a bank account or making a deposit insurance [2]. Corporate
cards are issued to legal entities under their warranty and support, and after
analyzing their ability to pay. Corporate cards can be used by the employees of
the organization that received the card. In accordance with their purpose
plastic cards can be divided into magnetic cards (credit, check guarantee,
cards with a fixed purchasing power) and electronic multifunction card
(microprocessor, laser cards).
important area of the customer service using the latest electronic technology
is the provision of electronic services in their stores. In the system of
inter-bank electronic funds transfers in the trade organizations the funds from
the buyer to the seller are transferred at the moment of purchase or in some
cases with deferred payment by the client. The seller passes the card through a
special terminal and verifies its purchasing power after which the payment is
followed. The use of such systems has several advantages for clients:
speed of the transaction. Currently, the speed rate with the use of EFTPOZ
system is 15-30 seconds;
reduction of fees for banking services. Operations carried out by electronic
payment systems cost the bank much
cheaper than similar transactions with cash or other paper-based payment
a more rapid transfer of funds to the seller, compared to other methods of
payment, as this operation is carried out automatically at the time of
high speed data processing and immediate collection of revenue;
a guarantee of payment and reliable protection against unauthorized access to
customer’s account;
the ability to purchase goods without carrying cash.
with the use of ATMs, electronic payment systems and payment, carrying out home
banking is an independent form of banking services to the population, based on
the use of electronic equipment. Users of electronic banking services at home
independently acquire the necessary equipment, and the bank advises clients on
domestic terminal equipment and the acquisition of the necessary software. Such
systems allow the client to connect to the bank computer by telecommunication
lines. In this case, bank transactions can be carried out round the clock.
Before each operation the account holder uses the key in the code protection
from unauthorized connections to the system. Using such system allows you to
manage current accounts, deposits, client's budget estimates, invoices,
payments and savings. The operations performed when connecting a PC to the bank
computer system:
to receive the account balance on current account;
the ability to order a check book and statement of funds on the account for a
certain period of time;
carrying out money transfers on
customers accounts;
payment for the services of various
execution of securities transactions;
acquaintance with the details of instructions, rules, under which are subject to change, corrections, etc.
banks of Kazakhstan offer their customers to use the services of the
"Client-Bank" system, the bank advises clients on the purchase of
necessary equipment, guaranteed technical support, software upgrades when new
versions of the system appear, advice and guidance when working with the system
by telephone. "Client-Bank" system has a multilevel system of
protection and ensures the authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of
information transmitted. This system allows you to:
transfer to a bank payment instruments;
receive an extract from customers' accounts;
to receive electronic copies of payment documents for enrollment on the account
of customers;
exchange electronic text messaging;
to get background information.
Currently, the world is booming e-commerce
(electronic economic activity). including the economic activities of the bank.
It is carried out in the new environment – informational on the nature of the
global Internet computer network. Economic electronic activity is a set of processes aimed at the redistribution of
goods (services) that are formed in the course of the subject activities, as
well as the processes to ensure such redistribution, in electronic form using
modern information technology | 3]. And an Internet connection serves as an
economic tool. Internet is an open world communication infrastructure
consisting of interconnected computer networks, providing access to remote
information and exchange of information between computers. The official date of
birth of the Internet is January 2, 1969. Management of bank accounts using the
Internet is the fastest growing segment of electronic banking. This is due to
the presence of a wide range of financial services and technology versatility
of the activity. So different systems of Internet banking can serve as the
basis of remote systems on the securities market and remote insurance, as they
effectively provide the calculations and control over the procedure of payments
from all participants in financial relations. Internet banking systems include
the full range of banking services to customers in the banks. All kinds of
banking activities with the use of the Internet, according to their proportion
(prevalence) in the relevant market of banking services are divided into major
and additional. And the classification of e-banking activity can be carried out
both on legal and on technological grounds.
a legal point of view, in accordance with international law, the basic banking
activities through a network are:
opening and maintaining bank accounts;
non-cash settlements on behalf of individuals and legal entities on their
buying and selling foreign currency in cashless form.
types of banking activities using the Internet include:
attraction of the Internet non-cash assets of individuals and legal entities to
placement of attracted funds on your own behalf and at your own expense;
providing information and consulting services.
a technological point of view, all types of banking activities using the
Internet are divided into [3]:
Internet banking, implemented using a networked PC Internet;
Internet banking, implemented using a cell phone or other remote access
using a computer connected to the Internet and using Internet banking systems
offered by different banks, you can buy and sell non-cash currency, pay utility
bills, pay for Internet access, pay bills for mobile and paging services,
conduct interbank payments, transfer funds to your accounts, keep track of all
banking operations for any period of time. Internet banking systems provide
users with a number of advantages: firstly, it saves time by eliminating the
need to go to the bank personally, and secondly, the clients have an
opportunity 24 hours a day to control their own account and in accordance with
the changed situation in the financial markets immediately react to them.
Internet banking is indispensable to track the operations performed with the
use of bank cards, any debit card account is promptly reflected in the
statement of accounts prepared by the system, which also contributes to the
control of the customer for their operations.
high interest in the Internet-banking by customers is due primarily to the
attractive conditions compared to
traditional operations offered by banks. Since the costs for the organization
of banking services through Internet Banking are disproportionately small,
online banks (virtual banks) most industrialized foreign countries initially
offer their customers very high interest rates on deposits. Kazakhstani banks
gradually reduce tariffs on basic banking operations to increase customer base,
although at present, domestic banks are not inferior to the rate of development
and implementation of the latest financial technologies.
important technological components of e-banking activities, which necessitate a
special law to regulate such activities are a form of electronic transactions
and electronic payments, which serve as tools to ensure economic activity using
the Internet. There are three groups of instruments to ensure effective
e-banking activities [3]:
technology - the main instruments are the technical tools (software and special
hardware), which are necessary for the
effective management of the subjects of any activities in electronic form;
legal - legal and regulatory framework for electronic regulatory framework of
economic activity, as well as protecting and promoting their rights, liberties
and law interests;
calculation - the legal way to regulate electronic transactions are the forms
of law, technology embodied authenticity of electronic documents using digital
Signature is intended to be an important mechanism for protection your rights
and legitimate interests of contractors in the implementation of e-economy.
Procedures of creating and verifying electronic signatures legally confirm the
validity of contractual obligations ensuring protection of their unilateral
change or failure, and also symbolize the necessary of the written form of the
transaction made by a global network of contractors.
Kazakhstan, the introduction of new types of e-commerce activities of banks
will become a new impetus to the further development of the banking system and creating
an efficient market model of electronic money.
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Regulation of production and circulation of payment cards on the territory of
the Republic of Kazakhstan (Decision of the National Bank of the Republic of
Kazakhstan 24.08.2000. amended on 1.01.2012)
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