Экономические науки/8. Математические методы в
Dr. Sci. (Econ.) Suvorova V.V., Cand. Sci. (Econ.)
Kochevatkina E.F.,
Timarsuev M.V., Kudlovich D.V.
Balakovo institute of technical, technology and management
Вranch of Saratov State Technical University
Information and Computer Complex is a shell with a set of
specialized tools for creatingof informational objects, describing of their
properties, interconnections and algorithms of information processing, as
well as the mechanism forthe interpretation of
thesedescriptions which are used for the formalization of the
calculation and graphical part of projects.
aim of the development of the Information and Computer Complex
is an automation ofproduction processes projection.
implementation of the Information and Computer Complex which is
used to solve problems of automatedprojection of productionprocesses includes
aseries of successivestages of work(in Fig. 1).
Figure 1 –Stages of automated projection in the Information and Computer Complex
us examine in detail every stage of the automated projectionof production
processes implemented within the developed Information and Computer Complex.
1st Stage - Entering the massive of basic data (parametersof
production process). At this stage a production process is being identifiedi.e.
the complex of all actions of personnel and tools which are needed for
an economical subject to make products, works or services is being determined.
Based on it the module which corresponds to this production
process is being chosen (in Fig. 2)
Figure 2 – the identification
of the production process
the formulation of the problem begins and basic data which describes the production process, e.g. a type of work, duration, detailed
description of production process technology, is being
entered (in Fig. 3).
Figure 3 – Entering
The 2nd
Stage - Setting the logical interconnections of production
process. Based on the input data the logical interconnections are set due topreviouslyidentifieda specifictype
ofmanufacturing process. In other words,the sequence of works
whichinvolve the studied production process is being formalized (in Fig.
Figure 4 – Setting the logical interconnections
result of this stage of working in the Information and Computer
Complex is theinterpreted structure of the studied production process (in Fig.
5 – The interpreted structure of the studied production process
every element of the interpreted structure contains the
information about parameters of a single work of the production process
(duration of works, encoding, description of works which are performed).
If it is necessary,these elements can be modified and/or
6 – Editing the element of the interpreted production process
3rdStage - Automated information
processing. This stage of work in the Information and Computer
Complex provides automated calculation of time parameters of the studied
production process (in Fig. 7).
Figure 7 – The results
of automated information processing of the studied production
Based on data from fig.
7 there is a calculation of the parameters which characterize the production
process at this stage of work in the information and computer
complex.They are:
the critical way which describes the
duration of works with absence of time reserves;
the early term of
fulfillment of the event which determines the time period of performance of manufacturing operations without using the time reserves;
the late term of fulfillment of the
event which fixes the duration of works with full using of time reserves;
full time reserve which allows to
determine the amount of time which can be used to delay the performance of the
initial work stage without violation of general termsof the production process;
free time reserve which represents
the amount of time which can be used without any violation of early terms of
the work performance.
4th Stage - Choosing the form of informational visualization. To
analyze the data which has been resulted after processing the basic information
it is necessary to present the production process graphically that allows to
visualize the sequence of business operations which are involved into the
production process. Options of the developed Information and
Computer Complex allowto present the results of automated information
processing in the studied production process which has been calculated at the
previous stage as “a set of events”, “a sequence of works” or “a table”.
of the results of automated data processing as a set of events is more
informative, i.e. it contains maximum amount of information and more suitable
for a user (in Fig. 8).
Figure 8 - Presentation
of the production process as a setof events
As you can see,
the presentation of the results of automated information processing as a
complex of events involves the information output about sequence of
interconnected technological operations, terms of the operation performing,
time reservesand duration of the works.
visualization of the automated information processing results as a sequence of
works a user gets less informative form of data presentation but at the same
time more suitable for editing and adding in case of
changing the parameters and factors affecting the production process (in Fig. 9).
Figure 9 – Presentation
of the production process as a sequence of works
tabular display of the automated information processing results allows to represent
analytical data as a compact integrated system which provides more efficient
way of generalization and analysis of the production process parameters (in
Fig. 10).
presenceof additional options allows user to adjust the interface individually.
Figure 10 - Presentation
of the production process as a table
5th Stage - The visualizationof
the preliminary resultsand their evaluation.The visualization of the
results is being carried out as a project map which consists of ribbon diagrams and the diagrams of parametric data
forparticular parameters and the cumulative diagram which displays synergistic
effect of the complex of given parameters (in Fig 11).
disadvantages of existing organization of the production process are visualized
on the original production project plan.
So that “laydowns” show underutilization of existing resources and “spires”
show the overload of used resources and the necessity of involving additional
identified shortcomings of the production process can be corrected with the
developed byinformation and computer complex.
6th Stage - Optimization of the production process.
Basing on the results of the analysis the optimization of existing production
process is being performed. With menu command “Solution” a user adjusts the
ribbon graphs and diagrams that leads to the distribution of existing
production reserves (in Fig. 12).
Figure 11 – Basic card
of the production process
The feature of
choosing the optimal variant of production process is the lack of strict
algorithm for solving the problem. Basing on it the optimization of the
production process which is being realized in a traditional way represents non-formalized
solution of the basic problem through choosing one from many other variants
which have been obtained by the empirical method. This method suggests the
examining a generous amount of production data combinations. Herewith the
obtained result does not guarantee the optimal variant of production process.
Figure 12 – Optimized production
process card
using of the information and computer complex to optimize the
production process provides full automated solution process of the problem and minimizes
the possibility of making a mistake which is caused by human factor.