As.professor DubitskiyA.A.

Medical University Astana, Kazakhstan

Medical errors, their frequency, character and the reasons, being an object of research of a medical erologiya, long time serve as object of the analysis and studying from heads of establishments of health care, experts of insurance companies, and is more rare than psychologists [1].

At the review of literature it was revealed that questions of medical errors in the conditions of a hospital and policlinics at the moment are most fully studied. The reason of the medical mistakes arising at a stage of rendering of an emergency medical service in the conditions of threefold deficiency: time, information and resources, and also stressful kind of work, - it is studied a little and insufficiently shined in domestic literature [2].

Studying of a role of the reasons of emergence of mistakes showed that 13,8 % are the share of a share of subjective mistakes from their total number. For emergence of subjective mistakes professional and psychological factors (change of a place of work, a profile of work, a position) and difficult character of the doctor have the greatest value [3].

The great value is given to characterologic features of the identity of the doctor, directly connected with its professional suitability for work in specific conditions of an emergency medical service, including so-called professional deformation of the identity of the doctor.

So, for example, in the early nineties in the city of Astana a peculiar experiment was made. During the winter period, in a flu epidemic the group of doctors-therapists of hospitals and the policlinics which earlier weren't working for station of an emergency medical service was directed on work on station of ambulance. Each of them, despite solid length of service and specially carried out preliminary instructing in ambulance, allowed a number of the tactical and diagnostic mistakes surpassing in frequency of occurrence and those weights at constantly working at station of an emergency medical service of doctors.

Thus, attempts to use at station of ambulance of doctors of other specialties without preliminary psychological preparation and training terminated unsuccessfully.

In this regard the working hypothesis was put forward: the combination of certain qualities of the identity of the doctor can affect acceptance of the incorrect decision by it and lead to mistake emergence.

Within check of correctness of this hypothesis the techniques which are most suitable for psychological research in the conditions of deficiency of time at the doctor were used:

1) on ability to listen;

2) on adequacy of self-image;

3) on behavior strategy in conflict situations;

4) on level of subjective control;

5) versatile questionnaire of the personality.

Research was carried out at casually chosen doctors of linear brigades and brigades of intensive therapy of station of an emergency medical service of Astana.

As a result of research qualities of the identity of the doctor, influencing emergence of medical errors came to light:

1) low level of audition (inability to listen and adequately to apprehend verbal information);

2) inadequate assessment of and the possibilities;

3) lack of flexibility in performance of social installations and overcoming of psychological barriers;

4) inability to choose individual tactics of rendering of emergency medical care;

5) tendency to risk, carelessness, preference of own decisions to the established algorithms of actions. Aggression in relation to people around;

6) an inadequate choice of strategy of behavior in permission of conflict situations.

The combination of these qualities of the identity of the doctor promotes adoption of the incorrect decision and can lead to emergence of a medical error that confirms the hypothesis put forward by us.

The obtained data allow to draw the following conclusions:

1) At employment to a position of the doctor, the medical assistant of a mobile team of ambulance carrying out a complex assessment of personal qualities by means of specially picked up techniques (tests) the expert – the psychologist is expedient;

2) Carrying out psychological consultation on assistance in the solution of personal, professional and household psychological problems as in usual, and, especially, in crisis situations, and also trainings on psychocorrection is important.

3) It is necessary to include questions of medical, social psychology and conflictology in programs of preparation of the medical personnel of an emergency medical service.

Acquisition of knowledge in the field of psychology gives additional possibilities for the prevention of medical errors at the exit personnel of an emergency medical service.


1. Meshchersky L.A. Social assessment of quality of the organization of an emergency medical service. – Novosibirsk, 2004.

2. Nemytova L.L. Psychological preparation of the personnel of an emergency medical service//Emergency medical service.-2003. - N. 3. – P. 42-43.

3. Dubitsky A.A. Portrait of the emergency doctor of the XXI century. – Astana медициналык magazines. – 2011. - N. 5. – P. 16-18.