Zhanna Zhusupova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

Aktorgyn Agisbayeva, senior teacher

Aktobe State Pedagogical Institute Kazakhstan



Model of fulfilling tasks focused on

the personal self-development


At the beginning of the XXI century the society, developing intensively, the development process itself, updates all spheres of human activity. In all spheres of the society different aims and objectives are put and problems for their achievement are solved. In preschool, primary and secondary education and in higher educational institutions new methods, technologies of education are determined and models of persons’ formation, appropriating the updated technological society with a high information stream are developed.

In the President’s message N.A.Nazarbaev to the people of Kazakhstan « New decade – new economic progress – new possibilities of Kazakhstan » is told, that progress of each citizen connects with its own efficiency and the progress of the society [1].

In the concept of education development in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2005-2010 it is emphasized, that in conditions of the quickly changing world and an increasing stream of the information fundamental mastering knowledge, skills and abilities are not the only problem of the national education. It points out the necessity to develop the next generation’s cognitive interest in education based on the competitive approach [2].

In accordance with the requirements set out above and in the transition to the 12 years of education, particular importance is given to the formation of investigative and highly educated person is able to exercise all of his nature, which maintained a creative direction

According to the requirements given above, and by transition to 12 years education, a special attention is paid to the formation of inquisitive and high educated person, capable to show all his nature creatively in the activity.

The main objective of the primary stage, as indicated in the standard 12 year education is to show students’ personality and to master educational activities [3]. It means that the younger generation’s education requires the system use of huge possibilities in educational activities.

Realization of these problems gives    an actuality to the methods and objects, providing an opportunity to form cognitive interest of students’ of primary school. Therefore new achievements of the modern world requirements need to the education.

The main sign of the person on the basis of modern requirements is his self-cognition and the activity which has been directed on the definite aim. This activity improves, changes the society and the person mainly. Educational activity assists to advance  the student, to develop changes in the progress of fulfilling educational actions. If to take the given idea for a basis we can speak about educational activity as one of the basic mechanisms of the persono’s  formation.

In the standard of 12 years education three stages of the general secondary education are determined. As the main objective of the primary education mastering of the educational activity, for example, is allocated. The organization of educational activity in the main secondary school provides the formation at the person’s mechanisms of cognition, methods of scientific knowledge and thinking, development of bases of culture of research and professional objectives. In the senior stage the educational activity is more directed on independence. In higher institutions the educational activity has a research direction.

Consequently, in the structure of education each teacher, methodologist,  future teacher should pay attention to the keeping continuity of the educational activity.

Proceeding from all stated, it is possible to come to the conclusion: at all stages of the general secondary and higher education educational activity is characterized by its original use. In the whole, it is possible to speak about the deep educational activity’s mastering and the personality’s theory make conditions for the student’s personal self-development.

The educational activity – complex concept. The feature consists that in the practice of the educational process the content of the educational activity is worked out in the form of educational tasks. There are cases of understanding the meaning of  sense of educational activity as skills to write, read and count. At the same time it is necessary to consider, that the formation of the educational activity should occur on subjects without distinction. Consequently, the content of the concept of the education is insufficiently reflected in practical activities of the teacher.

The formation of the educational activity in the personality’s harmony with public foundations requires a high theoretical level of teachers. The formulation « Any activity begins with the analysis » is important as it is the basis of  the self-critical view of the subject.

In narrow meaning,  exercises, objectives and tasks are types of work which fulfilled by students. In  broad meaning, exercises – systems of the tasks which served to develop, to realize and to fix student theoretical knowledge and skills in practice. Consequently, the fulfilling exercises, objectives and tasks is necessary to  begin with the analysis. During the analysis what  known and not known is defined. Besides the student defines the future action, realizes, that it knows, and that does not know and that is not clear.

Fulfilling tasks (exercises, objectives, tasks) by earlier settled methods shows on the partial orientation of the subject in motives of self-determination. One of the factors negatively influencing to the level of student’s development is limitation of fulfilling concrete practical, educational tasks, an ambiguity of educational problems. From this the student cannot realize  his knowledge and in existing educational-methodical textbooks the insufficient attention is paid to the education of self-criticism to himself.

Proceeding from the above mentioned, we offer the model of fulfilling  tasks which have been directed on the self-development. This model can assist the formation of the student’s critical attitude to himselfself. The student in his development should master a social practice.

Nowadays  students’ mastering set of knowledge, skills is not a unique problem of the education in Kazakhstan. Alongside with it, skills of independent search, analysis and use of the necessary information must be formed. It helps to accept the positive participation in the life of the society and to show himself with the positive side.

According to these problems, the aim of the school – is the student’s set of the certain subject knowledge, skills on traditional technology, and the personlaity’s formation of the educational activity. In formation of the person the role of a level of the elementary education, all formation being by a basis is very great.



1. The Message of N.A. Nazarbaev, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan "New decade - a new economic ascent - new possibilities of Kazakhstan" (Àstana, January,29 2010 year)

2. The Concept of education development of Kazakhstan till 2015 year Àstana,


 3. 12 year secondary educations state  standards ñòàíäàðòû  Astana, 2004.-

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