Historic-philosophical perception of mathematics

Petrova V.V.

Peopels Friendship University of Russia


The students of the nonmathematical specialties who have studied a university course of mathematics, should, in our opinion, not only seize knowledge and skills of application of mathematical models and methods, but also to come to understanding of its role and a place in system of sciences.

The French theologian and the philosopher of the period of the High Middle Ages, Pierre Abelyar (1079-1142) wrote about mathematics that «it is a science which occupation is disgusting» [1]. It is possible to assume that other medieval scientists allocated for mathematics this dark role. The member correspondent of AN of USSR A.N.Bogolyubov explained it to that at the time of Abelyar the mathematics was used for astrological calculations [1].

Eventually dominating views changed. During an era of early Education, in the middle of the 17th century the English theologian and philosopher Thomas Gobbs in the book «Six lessons for professors of mathematics» (1656) assimilated social sciences of geometry, opposing them to natural sciences. He wrote [2]: «Of arts, some are demonstrable, others indemonstrable; and demonstrable are those the construction of the subject whereof is in the power of the artist himself, who, in his demonstration, does no more but deduce the consequences of his own operation. The

reason whereof is this, that the science of every subject is derived from a precognition of the causes, generation, and construction of the same; and consequently where the causes are known, there is place for demonstration, but not where the causes are to seek for. Geometry therefore is demonstrable, for the lines and ourselves; and civil philosophy is demonstrable, because we make the commonwealth ourselves. But because of natural bodies we know not the construction. But seek if from the effects, there lies no demonstration of what the causes be we seek for, but only of what they may be».       


Thus, according to Gobbs, exact, demonstrative statements of rather geometrical objects are possible so far as ourselves design them. While we enter such concepts as a point and a straight line on the plane, we define length and an angular measure, we thereby define that the sum of corners of a triangle is equal to 180 degrees, and length of the party of this triangle less the sum of two other parties. Thereby, ãåîìåòð is engaged only in extraction of that truth which he created implicitly.

As the American philosopher Y. Shapiro notes, Gobbs's reasonings lie in the tideway of logic of «the privilege of the founder» (workmanship idea): there is a theological argument that God âñåâåäóù as he created the world. The creator thoroughly knows the creation as he knows, what principles put in its basis. Geometr is the same creator for the world of points and straight lines therefore it is capable to do exact, demonstrative statements about them. Contrary to it, the person can't do demonstrative statements about the natural nature as not he created it. Respectively, natural sciences aren't demonstrative, the person can only try to find the basic principles.

Similar classification of branches of knowledge: the mathematics and social sciences on the one hand, natural sciences with another looks quite unusual from positions of today's time. Let's note that a starting point for this classification was the theology – possibly, most deeply developed science of that time.

Today mathematics group with physics more often. To it point, for example, names of scientific degrees in Russia: doctor or candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. The sheaf of mathematics and physics became possible thanks to enormous successes of mathematical methods and models when studying the physical phenomena and processes.

Thus, it is possible to tell that the mathematics place in system of sciences isn't constant size, it depends on cultural conditions, from current situation in the mathematics and other sciences.




1. A.N.Bogolyubov. How magician Herbert got to M.A.Bulgakov's novel?//Nature. – Ì.: 1988, ¹8, p.122-126

2. T.Hobbes. Six Lessons to the Professors of Mathematics. 1656

3. http://oyc.yale.edu/transcript/802/plsc-118