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K.f.-m.n. Shiyan A.A.
Vinnitsa national technical university,
in the information space for the problem of control in industrial and
organizational systems
Introduction. Control of industrial and organizational systems
requires the consideration of the operator – the person who makes decisions.
Therefore, the construction of an automated control system must include a model
of a person activity. Previously the psychological models for a person activity
were used. However, the problem on identification of the psychological model
for areal person is no solving.
the problem construction of the model for description of a person management
activity is urgent and has a great future for practical applications.
Literature review and problem statement. It is shown in (Novikov, 2007) that the key point for successful application of
modeling human needs to establish correspondence between two spaces: A space that characterizes the strategy
of human and space A0,
which describes the results of its operations. In (Shiyan, 2007) the Information Space is constructed and the definitions for Information
Space and Control are presented. Information Space structures a database. It
contains the eight components of information.
article aims is to develop the mathematical apparatus for the operators in
Information Space, which one can to interpret as a types of a person activity.
Information space and modeling of the person
Definition 1. Transformation (change) of characteristics for components of information
for the Information Space (IS) of a problem can be called a person activity.
Let’s have a look at the object which can perform a person activity in terms mentioned above. It is possible to give to it such a
Definition 2. An object which accepts (identifies) components of information (from
the corresponding information space of an economic problem) about stages and \
or processes in reviewed industrial and organizational system and which can
transform (change, convert) stages and\or processes in it is called an information
operation (IO).
Note. It should be stressed (emphasized) that IO used, in general case, two
different information spaced. The first information space it “creates” before
taking a decision (before a choice of strategy for a person activity), and this information space plays in it programming role. Another
information space IO creates after performing by it a person activity. As a result, IO is an automorphizm for an information space for a
problem (invariant with the precision to the choice of economic object and to a
variety of choices for strategies in each person activity).
In a given definition is clearly stressed an ability
of a subject (that performs a person activity) to
a change of stages and\or processed in industrial and organizational system. Finally,
AIO can be observed as an object which has such structure.
<block of perceiving (software)½block of activity>
in such a way IO by its first block (a block of software) receives certain
components into components of information (generally speaking – different ones)
as a result of its activity by another block (a block of activity). Thus, IO is
an object which fulfills a set of methods (algorithms, regimes, models, means,
technologies etc.) for fulfillment of a person activity.
informational operator in the information space. Presented
above IO in a mathematics sense can be studied as an operator in IS.
this purpose it can be used a basis in IS. Arbitrary information about an
economic system can be presented in such way.
Here ik – basis vector of space
component information, which determine the names of component information; Ik – characteristic (data)
which can be referred (attributed) to this component of information (for
example it can be a database that attributes to this component).
(1) has such a meaning. Ik presents by itself a database
which refers ratio to k component of IS.
It can be noted that Ik is
not a number, and as a result of this an operation “step by step addition” has
to be determined as an integration of two homogeneous (i.e. the ones which
describe one and the same component of information) databases into one (similar
elements are taken into account only once). “Step by step subtraction” is
determined analogically. An operation of multiplication of a number which is
necessary for creation a linear space corresponds to the change of scope for
units of measurement while describing a database. In this sense an entry (1)
presents a certain generalization of a linear space.
(1) a person activity of the agent can be described in a way
of operator G that changes IS Ibefore for a researched
problem (which had been before performed a person activity),
in IS Iafter for the same
problem (but which appears already after a fulfilled a person activity).
It can be written in the following way.
Note. Determined in (2) operator G has such a characteristic: if an
information space is divided into two sub-spaces Ib1 and Ib2,
which do not cross, than G(Ib1+Ib2)=G(Ib1)+G(Ib2)
(operation of an addition is commutative). This feature is a result of a
case that an answer (solution) to an aggregate of tasks where each of them is
received by means of decomposition of a main (difficult) task in mutually
correlated parts (when each of them can be resolved independently) is
equivalent to an opening of a hard task. But it means that sub-spaces Ib1 and Ib2 of information space to not cross (i.e. to not have
common points).
feature can be studied as a reflection of the case that a choice of strategy by
a player is done independently for each of the parts of space activity A in a situation when each of sub-sets
doesn’t have common parts.
As a
result of this if IS Ibefore is
divided into a direct sum of sub-spaces.
, (3)
then an
operator G acts in the following way:
. (4)
In (4)
is a different way of a record (1).
(4) it becomes clear that the operator G
can be represented as a tensor operator which has n “low” and m “upper”
indices. As the same time because of availability in the information space a
basis, a quantity of “upper” and “low” components with a tensor G(n)(m) is limited
to 8: n,m£8.
It can
be agreed for easiness that “low” components correspond to components of
information for IS Ibefore,
and “upper” to Iafter.
(2) can be shown in such a way:
feature (3) and (4) it is possible to make a conclusion that activity of any
tensor operator G(n)(m) can
be represented in a way of sum of operators which have a form gik (operators in
this sum are commutative).
statement can be formulated in a way of the theorems.
Theorem 1. For creating a model for
performing any person activity it is necessary to have only such IO which are
being programmed by only one component information (from IS Ibefore) and activity of
which can be expressed also in a change of only one component information (from
IS Iafter).
means that for such IO resulting change of IS because of the result of their
activity (transformations Ibefore
to Iafter ) lies in change
of IS Iafter of only one component (in comparison
with IS Ibefore).
Theorem 2. Operator gik has a feature
to be commutative gik+gnm=gnm+gik and associative g1+(g2+g3)=( g1+g2)+ g3.
to theorem 1 and 2 each operators that corresponds to AIO can be expressed as a
sum of certain “binary” operators which connect between each other only two
components information: one is from a space Ibefore, and another one – from space Iafter.
Theorem 3. General quantity of
operators gik counts 64 different variants.
operator gik may have only one out of eight component from
IS Ibefore and only one
out of eight component from IS Iafter.
A number of different possible variants can be 8´8=64.
Definition 3. IO is called double
component (abbreviated – 2IO) if it corresponds to the following conditions:
1. Each 2IO has at the input only one
component information and at the output – also only one.
2. For
each 2IO one component information describes statics and another one – dynamic
3. For
each 2IO one component information is general and another one – detailed.
definition 2IO as an object that fulfills these or other means (types,
algorithms, methods, ways, etc.) of a person activity can
be only like that.
Theorem 4. Not resisting ruling can be
done only by an aggregate of 16 types of 2IO.
Theorem 5. For fulfilling an arbitrary
economic behavior in an arbitrary information space it is necessary and enough
to have 16 types of 2IO.
1. Novikov D.A. (2007). The theory of managing of organizational systems. Ìoskow,
Fizmatlit. (in Rusian).
2. Shiyan A.A. (2007). Economical Cybernetics. Lviv, Publ. House