sciences/Regional Economics
Kuchko-Badina Valeriya
Institute of the economics and
law of the NASU
Criteria of
the effective use and estimation of regional resources
modern stage of economic and social transformations in Ukraine is accompanied
by the permanent increase of resources, engaged in an economic turn. Economic
development of regions of country is indissolubly related to the increase of
efficiency of the use and reproduction of all types of economic resources,
located on the territory. Therefore the special actuality is acquired issues of
estimation, monitoring and efficiency of their use.
Any economic activity is based on resources; it is a process of their
use. Under economic resources it is accepted to understand sources and factors
of process of production and extended reproduction.
Basic factors it is been: earth, facilities of labour, enterprise abilities,
scientific and technical progress, forms and methods of organization of
production, financial and informative resources, material and raw material
sources of providing of process of production and extended reproduction. All
economic resources are limited, while necessities are boundless.
The feature of the modern stage of development of economic relations on
the use of economic resources in Ukraine consists in that the results of this
process interested not only the state but also it separate territories. Regions
feel all negative consequences of the inefficient going of realization of processes
in this sphere. The task of providing of the rational use of resources for
regions becomes one of major, and it successful decision affects on development
of economy.
Regional resources are a certain aggregate of economic resources which
are presented directly on this territory. As a rule, their amount less than economical
resources. Development of territory is directly conditioned by system
organization of reproduction of such resources: labour, natural, material
(capital), organizational (enterprise), informative, scientific and technical.
Speaking about the effective use of regional resources, it is necessary
to be stopped for essence of concept "efficiency". In a general view
under efficiency understand ability to bring an effect, effectiveness of
process, which is determined as attitude of effect, result toward expenses
which provided this result. Economical effect this is achievement of most
results at the least expenses of living and materialized labour.
Consequently, the effective use of resources of region is the economic
and social category, expressing optimal combination of making it elements,
which join in an economic turn, effectiveness of economic activity, programs
and administrative influences.
The choice of criterion of the effective use of some types of regional
resources is become actually in this connection. As a rule, labour, material
and natural resources join in their composition.
Labour resources are the most active element of productive forces, on
their functioning in a great deal depends on efficiency of work of every separate
enterprise and regional system the whole. Under influence of this resource are
formed the important proportions of regional reproduction, and first of all,
relation of living and materialized labour in the process of regional dynamics.
In thus case, diminishing of expenses of living labour on unit of producing of
products is the main criterion of rational management.
Loading rises on regional natural resources. Contradictions increase
between the requirements of material production in these resources and their
effective use. Optimal is such variant, which, from one side, provides
achievement of economic and social tasks of development of region, and on the
other hand - provides the effective use of these resources.
Presently for the increase of efficiency of the use of each of types of
natural resources the charts of rational water consumption, organization of the
use of land are developed et criteria. Maintenance of high-quality descriptions
of environment comes forward the basic criterion of the effective use of
natural resources.
For description of efficiency of
the use of material resources the whole system of summarizing and private
indexes is used. For example, there are well known such summarizing indexes as:
resource-demanding, coefficient of correlation of rates of height of production
and material expenses volume, specific gravity of material expenses in an unit
cost, coefficient of the use of materials.
Materialization of living labour is the main feature of capital
resources. The higher term of exploitation of material recourses, the more
valuable living labour, materialized in them. Thus, longevity of material
resources is the basic criterion of their effective use.
Substantial changes in the size of the use of resources are brought in
the increase of level of regional development. Regions which have high level of
economic and social development, run into the deficit of resources. At the same
time the increase of level of regional development results in the quantitative
increase of economic necessities of all managing subjects, and also the
personal necessities of population. Contradiction increases between limitation
of resources and boundlessness of expansion of requirement in them.
This contradiction can be decided by a transition from extensive to the
intensive methods of the use of regional resources.
Consequently, the task of providing of the rational use of resources for
regions becomes one of major, and it successful decision is reflected at the
level of development of economy. Disposing of regional resources must take
place so that not only to satisfy the necessities of now above-ground
generations but also save economic potential of life and activity of future
generations of region. An important problem is determination of criteria of the
effective use of regional resources.
Diminishing of expenses of living labour on unit of producing of
products, maintenance of high-quality descriptions of environment, extension of
tenures of employment of material resources are the main criteria of rational