N.A. Kovchyn
Candidate of
Science, Scholar of
Pedagogical Science
Research of the Didactic Process Efficiency at Applied School in the Field of
Science Education.
At present the problem of modern didactic
process effectiveness is becoming a highlight taking into account studying of
the number of science cycle subjects at applied school.
Practice shows that while controlling
effectiveness of learning science, Geography in particular, at applied school
main attention was concentrated on knowledge and the ways of its successful
In many cases index of intellectual
achievements, intellectual skills, motivation of educational activity psychical
process, index of individuality moulding were left out of attention.
It’s important to define the criteria of
didactic process effectiveness. While defining and selecting these criteria and
forminy diagnostics model of intellectual achievements, we based on Gilford
intellect model taking into account thesis that activity reflects character and
methods of this intellectual activity while processing information, any of them
being very important. But the number of operations was widened.
Taking into consideration different
definitions of intellect, we based on one which characterises intellect like
relatively stable structure of individual intellectual abilitien and also like
a system of brain activity, style and strategy of solving problems.
While studying transformation of
pupil’s individuality like an indicator of didactic effective process in
science education, we consider complex approach to be the only garantee of
objective result. This complex approach assumes combination of pedagogical
aspects of research, it’s variability, deapth and integrity and it’s based on
the following principles:
1. The principle of
complexity – assumes that only combination of methods of studying and ability
diagnostics, intellectual and other researches, profound studying of pupil’s
individuality, getting acquainted with teachers and parents points of view, and
view of pupils themselves studying and analyses of activity results this
complex research of the didactic process can give real data about the level of
it’s effectiveness.
2. Systemacy principle suggests that all
researching and diagnostical methods should be put into practice according to
thought-out scientifically sequence system and of course, succession.
All collected data in the process of
researching have to complement
each other.
3. Principle of succession and step-by-step
approach supposes that methods and methodologies are used in certain sequence
after antecedent data have been analysed.
4. Principle of constancy and continuty requires
learning of all indicators of didactic process efficiency in their constantly
developing dynamics.
Our complex methodology of didactic
process research in the course of
differentiated education consists of two components: pedagogical and
psychological interconnected with each other, Pedagogical component of our
complex methodology was based on the pattern on the basis of which there is a
systemic – structural approach and according to which thinking process is
regarded as a complicated system, that has it’s own fundamental components:
substantive (knowledge), operational (ways of activity) and motivational
(stimulus for activity) which are closely interrelated.
Our main attention was concentrated on
studying of the operational component, i.e. diagnostics of the students
thinking operation level. A special methodology of the diagnostics of the level
of intellectual skills for senior students was developed. This methodology
embraces learning of such intellectual skills as analysis and putting forward
the main thing, conysarison, generalization and systematization, learning of
the notions (conseptions), evaluation, concretization, proving and disproving,
creative skills. The level of such method acquisition is a criterion of the
intellectual development and thus is closely diagnosed due to this methodology.
The developing of the methodological tasks and their contents was based on the
intellectual skills which the pupils of the applied school should master.
To learn the motivation of the educational
activity we developed a set of forms for studying it in dynamics. As it was
mentioned above, this methodology has a complex character: it includes
psychological component in addition to pedagogical.
For deeper studying of the student’s
individuality development dynamics in the course of differentiated education
several separate methodologies on researching the peculiarities of perception,
memory, attention, imagination, verbal and nonverbal intellect were included.
The dynamics of the intellectual skills
indicators were researched either, general education successfulness, the
dynamics of the interest to education and general motivation were analysed,
several cases of students transfer to another (parallel) class were researched
and dicussed.
Due to this integrated results of
researches psycho-pedagogical recommendations for teachers and school
psychologists were worked out for implementing into practice at applied school.
To study the efficiency of education
it’s not worth using the result of the questionnairies, tests etc. for a long
time, but it’s necessary to watch the dynamics of the individuality development
of every pupil being researched.
For the impartial assessment of the
individuality’s development and intellectual abilities showings (index) you
mustn’t be limited in using only isolated tasks and tests. It is necessary to
use a certain complex of methods for studying senior pupil’s education
efficiency .
To study the character of progressive
changes of pupil’s individuality in the course of educational process it’s
important not to be limited only by the “outside” criteria (forms,
questionnairies), but it’s necessary to harmonically combine “inner” criteria:
deep and all-round studying of the wide range of pupil’s abilities, psychic processes, perception, attention,
imagination, way of thinking , memory, motivation process.
We can make the following conclusions
based on the analysis of the research results:
Presence of the objective estimation of pupil’s abilities during the
course of education process can ensure effectiveness in science education at
applied school.
Only using complex approach to estimate every student’s abilities we can
ensure the objective evaluation of student’s development and demonstration of
mental abilities.
Using complex methodology in determination of intellectual ability and
psychic development level retrace of their dynamics in the course of education
ensures a high level of education efficiency.
We consider that this problem needs
further and deeper research.
about author:
Natalia Andriyivna, Candidate of Pedagogical Science, scholar of Pedagogical
Institute of the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine.
0969278129, (044)468-14-45.