PerepelitsaE.A.,Halilova-Chuvaeva J.A

Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade after M. Tugan-Baranovsky

Modern election campaign

  An important part of any political system in democratic states is the regular holding of elections to representative bodies at various levels, as well as the higher authorities, as well as senior officials and heads of local executive authorities. Simultaneously with the strengthening and development of democratic traditions improved forms and methods of influencing public opinion, the voters, as well as lobbying and public activities of all kinds. The aim of this work is considering of the essence and main stages of the election campaign.

    All efforts in the campaign aimed at optimal use of available resources to enhance the benefits of the candidate and neutralization of the strengths of his opponents. Such tasks facing the team during the election campaign:

- Forming of  group of supporters and encourage their activity on election day;

- Winning over the people who will vote, but have not yet decided for whom;

- Weakening of the opponents and the introduction of doubt and discord in the camp of their supporters.

    Protagonist of the election campaign is candidate for a particular elective office. The nature of the campaign provides for joint work group of people (teams), which together with the candidate overcome the path to their goal. The more people interested in the victory of the candidate, the more likely this victory.

    Each campaign differs from the others. The uniqueness of the campaign is determined by three components:

1) the identity of the candidate means: his ability, experience, education, opinion, character and temperament, as well as his relationships and obligations;

2) the specify of the moment assumes the geographic and demographic characteristics of the district, the degree of urbanization, the availability and specificity of the media, the number of volunteers, funding opportunities, etc.;

3) Strategy for the election campaign consist of political objectives, theme, focus, schedule, budget, and tactics.

   Studying the experience of successful political campaigns, we can mention five basic factors that determine the technology of the election campaign:

1) by analysis assesses the needs, objectives and real possibilities of individual priority groups of voters;

2) activities of the election campaign systematically planned and implemented in a timely manner;

3) continuously monitors and analyzes the results of this work, the plans are made tactical changes;

4) particular importance has interpersonal communication and ways of conveying information to the voter;

5) the candidate has throughout the election campaign, a central place, but there is a clear functional structure and the basic grunt work is done by assistants - support group.

       The electoral campaign preceding the appointment date of the election, cutting constituencies (in the election of the majority voting system), the creation of electoral commissions, the specification of voter lists. Subsequent stages of the electoral process - the very voting, counting and determination of election results. Taken together, all the stages of the electoral process covered by the concept of the electoral system, and each of them quite strictly regulated by legislation on elections.

      There are five stages, distinguished by both its goals and objectives, as well as style, tempo and intensity of work.

   "Zero" phase. At this stage, negotiations with a candidate for political consultants, campaign with the customer on the budget for the campaign, the fees

   Preparatory phase. At this stage the field visit team of political consultants. Many forces took the decision of domestic issues and accommodation, rental space for the headquarters and district offices.

   Stage of planning work. At this stage the main lobbying activities, production and dissemination of agitation and printed materials, placement of materials in the media, holding meetings with voters, etc. For phase is characterized by high intensity of work, the maximum degree of control over the electoral process.

     "The finish line". The most nervous time. The campaign goes on the homestretch. Dramatically increases the need to respond quickly to changing situations. For phase is characterized by increased intensity of work and their chaotic, nervous atmosphere in the headquarters.

      Reporting stage. The results are already known, everything that was planned is done. The next few days after the counting of votes will be spent on something to write reports (including financial report and the electoral commission). At this stage,it would be good to analyze errors in strategy and tactics of the election campaign.

    So, the election campaign is a stage of the electoral process, which includes the nomination and official registration of candidates, their election campaign, designed to acquaint the voters with their programs and platforms, with the personality of the candidates on that basis.


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