Ýêîíîìè÷åñêèå íàóêè/3.Ôèíàíñîâûå îòíîøåíèÿ.
Zayats A.
Gorbatko V.
Vlasova I.A.
Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade
Named after Mikhailo Tugan-Baranovsky
Essence and evolution of money in
the international market
most universal equivalent of money practically for all people B.C. was the
cattle, and later metal (gold). From this point on made product for exchange
becomes the goods.
of money. At ancient Greeks – cattle. In Russia – fur (martens); India, China,
Philippines – bowls. On island Java – huge stone wheels which transferred on
poles, later in China – tea plates, salt. In the second half nineteenth
centuries the standard has been established. The value applying for role of
money, should possess following properties:
Durability and keeping;
Divisibility in any proportion;
5) Cost
the role of money was originally fixed to gold, and then has passed to paper
bank notes. Money – special kind of the goods which serves as universal
equivalent for all other goods.
essence of money finds expression in unity of functions carried out by them.
The classical political economy allocates five functions of money: measure of
value (values), currency, instrument of payment, means of accumulation
(savings), and world money.
of money as measures of value consists in measurement of cost of the goods; it
carry out ideal, i.e. mentally represented money. Money serves as material for
expression of cost of all goods. Till 1933 1, 505 of gold was called as dollar.
Currency in Russia to 1897 contained 0, 774234 of gold. Pound sterling meant in
the beginning silver pound, and then silver was superseded by gold.
exchange – money is used at purchase, goods sale; serve as the intermediary in
exchange are real money: gold, coins, paper money. Appointment of function of
money as currencies – to be the intermediary at an exchange of the goods. Money
carries out the given function fleetingly, passing from hand to hand.
money as means of accumulation money leaves reference sphere, turning to the
various values having ability to keep the consumer ability in the future (gold,
securities, the real estate, currency etc.). Feature of money in this case
consists that money carries out this function through "substitutes".
of money as instruments of payment is shown at goods sale on credit. At the
transaction conclusion about goods sale on credit money appears ideally, i.e.
as units, and at credit payment – as cash. At functioning of money as
instruments of payment the requirement for cash turn of money resources
decreases and at approach of terms of payment the quantity of active money
of world money, as a rule, is fixed to the steadiest monetary unit. Evolution
of world money repeats a way of national money: from metal to the credit.
modern economic science concentrates attention to three cores, fundamental
functions: a measure of value, a currency and accumulation means. There are two
basic concepts of occurrence and essence of money: the rationalistic and
historical concept. The rationalistic concept explains an origin of money as
result of the agreement between the people; convinced those for improvement of
terms of the exchange special tools are necessary. This idea about money as the
contract undividedly dominated up to the end of 18 centuries. P.Samuelson
defines money as artificial social convention. The American economist Dzh.
K.Gelbrejt considers that fastening of monetary functions to precious metals
and other subjects – an agreement product between people. Thus, money is a
product of the agreement between people. According to the historical concept of
an origin of money, they have arisen as result of development of social
activities, an exchange, and commodity manufacture. Such concept is divided by
neoclassical and Marxist schools.
metal theory of money has appeared in a capital era of primitive accumulation
of capital. They absolutes functions of money as treasures and as world money
and on this basis identified money with precious metals. Were active opponents
of damage of coins the state? Considered money as a thing, instead of as the
social relation. Creator theories
of money were the Roman and medieval lawyers. In its further development in J.
Berkeley (England) and J. Stewart (Scotland). Criticizing representatives of
the metal theory, they absolutes other functions of money – a currency and an
instrument of payment. «Nationalists »declared money purely conventional signs,
units which serve an exchange of the goods and are a government product.
Founders of the quantitative theory of money are considered as J. Lock,
S.Monteske, D.Jum, D.Rikardo. They have set aside a cost basis of money.
Supporters of the quantitative theory of money consider that cost of monetary
unit and level of the commodity prices are defined by quantity of an active
circulation is a continuous movement of the money which is carrying out
functions of a currency and an instrument of payment, serving circulation the goods and services.
Thus between money and the prices for the goods there is an inverse
relationship: if the prices grow, consumer ability falls, and on the contrary.