of 159.922:316.64:165. 242.2
Dmitrienko I.V. Kharkiv national pedagogical university the name of G.S.
of Skovoroda
Dmitrienko Yu.N. Kyiv national university of the name of Taras Shevchenko
Judicial spiritual archetypes of legal consciousness present the investigational mechanisms of the
judicial, technical and technological forming of concrete spiritual sights of
becoming of legal consciousness as national and as legal nature which is within
the limits of certain chronologic period specific or family legal nature. Can
exemplify historical and modern methods, methodologies of realization of legal,
legislative technique and technology, are known, in particular, offered by an
author modern "Mechanism of adaptation of home legislation in the sphere
of rights for the citizens of Ukraine to the legislation of the European union
"New direction of development of theory and history of the state and
right: a legally-technical computer design and prognostication of priority of european adjusted tendencies after development of european adjusted of
component proportion of formula of Ukrainian sense of justice are formulas of
norm rights" (technologically-legal technology
of the graphic state, design and prognostication of legal behavior of component
proportions of formula of the Ukrainian sense-formula of norm of right after
their different nationally-mental in density of miscellaneous of time-space of Ukrainian legal historical and real reality) [1-2]. The verbal
artefacts of legal consciousness, as a rule, do not exist. An exception is
formed by the different signs of primary and secondary subjects of legal
consciousness, created by their organs of body, for example, by hands, by a
chairman signs: motions by a chairman to the right to the left (equivalent to
the word - "no", heaved or arcuated up a hand - "good-bye"!
but other, including done by the imperious secondary subjects of legal
consciousness, which acquire legal signs as signs-artefacts of legal
consciousness, which substantially influence on making of substantial
normatively-legal conclusions, decisions, judgements or replace them verbal,
afterwards equivalent. For example, at taken away state decision is a nod by
the head (sign of consent) of judge, voting of deputies, pressure hands on the
buttons and other
Yes, after our approach, verbal, in a greater degree judicial archetypes of legal consciousness (of song, verses, bylinas about folk heroes
(including about the deputies of people's of Verkhovna Rada), which protected
and protect native land from enemies ("protect" the people of Ukraine
now), and have in a greater degree unwriting and by a less measure (single
writing or mass-media) basis (unprintable, unelectronic and other, not fixed in the signs of legal culture or fixed in single mass-media archetypes), characteristic for approximately for the middle of chronologic period
of the typical becoming of legal consciousness, for example, televisional KVN,
in particular telecast of modern Ukrainian television of " Quarter -95",
"Evening quarter". Here take different long or short fairy-tales,
saying, aphorisms and anecdotes also, for example, about leaders which serve as
a standard for national derision them negative internalss and other, that have
also in a greater degree unwriting basis (modern), said of in the hidden genres
of literary and pseudoliterary work (historical and modern verses, fables, þìîðåñêè, with a normative and unnormative vocabulary, devoted, for example, by
the leaders of the state, modern folk the deputies of Ukraine). Such verbal archetypes of legal consciousness is characteristic, foremost, and for the persons
of narrow circle, presenting the typical unliberal and liberal verbal genres of
literary, musical and other work, as though thought of and noticed by people,
including with an unnormative vocabulary, because at a writing or authorized
utterance it is possible to be punished (for example, liberal remarks,
foremost, in a network Internet,
about language "errors", standards of "wrong" Ukrainian of
leaders of the state of top grade and other Writing (historical and modern), in
a greater degree material (printed, electronic and other fixed in the signs of
legal culture) basis verbal archetypes of legal consciousness have in time-space, characteristic for completion of certain chronologic period of
becoming of legal consciousness as typically national. The presence of certain
dominant of verbal archetypes of legal consciousness in modern
legal life marks nothing other, as permanent, but functional dominants of crisis
cycle of social activity of Ukrainian legal consciousness which is the
mechanism of the legal adjusting of public relations at the weak, crisis
becoming of static right [3-4].
1. Dmitrienko Yu.N. Going near making of criteria
of determination of the natural and unnatural becoming and development of
Ukrainian legal consciousness and culture / Yu.N. Dmitrienko // Forum of right.
- 2010. - ¹ 4. - P. 305-318 [the Electronic resource]. - ²t is access Mode:
http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/e-journals/FP/ 2010-4/10djmctk.pdf
2. Dmitrienko I. V. Ways of development and becoming
of Ukrainian legal consciousness and culture in XIV - XVII of century:
specific, sources, tendencies / I. V. Dmitrienko, Yu.N. Dmitrienko // Forum of right.
- 2010. - ¹ 4. - P. 297-304 [the Electronic resource]. - ²t is access Mode:
http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/e-journals/FP/ 2010-4/10divcdt.pdf
3. Dmitrienko Yu.N. Direct effects of deviant sense of justice: the first formula of the Ukrainian
legal idiom // Right and safety. Scientific magazine. 2004/3'2. - Kharkov:
NUVS, 2004. – P. 11-18
LEGAL CONSCIOUSNESS (2) (Ïåðñïåêòèâíûå
ðàçðàáîòêè sciences of è
(Poland, 07 - 15 íîÿáðÿ 2010) //
Materialy VI Miedzynarodowej naukowi - praktycznej konferencji of
"Perspektywicze of opracowania sa nauka i technikami - 2010" (07-15
listopada 2010 rokè). of Volume 9. Pravo. - Przemysl: Nauka of i studia, 2010. – P. 15-17