159.922:316.64:165. 242.2
I.V. Kharkiv national pedagogical university the name of G.S. of Skovoroda
Dmitrienko Yu.N. Kyiv national university of the name of Taras Shevchenko
What artefacts and archetypes do prevail at the different cycles
of social activity of legal consciousness and culture?
With the conducted researches [1], for the crisis cycle of social
activity of legal consciousness the most characteristic material, judicial
material artefacts and archetypes; for uncrisis cycles are spiritual,
judicial spiritual artefacts and archetypes, at what, than
higher cycle of social activity of legal consciousness, the more so spiritual
artefacts and archetypes with the dominant of the last. Will
mark also, that, after the conducted researches [2] to every cycle of social
activity of legal consciousness, in particular Ukrainian as typically national
[3], the certain closeness of Ukrainian aiming of component proportion of formula of the Ukrainian legal
idiom answers, for example, 0-30 % is a crisis cycle, 30-50 % is a subzero
cycle, 50-70 % is a middle cycle, 70-90 % -
it is a high cycle, 90-100 % is the greatest cycle of
social activity. Thus will add also, that in ascenting nationally-mental closeness
of Ukrainian
aiming of component proportion of formula of the Ukrainian legal idiom absolute
independence of Ukrainian aiming of constituent as absolute independence of crisis
cycle of social activity of legal consciousness (Ukrainian legal consciousness
is the mechanism of the legal adjusting : dominant of the most important system
element - a legal emotion performs the duty of the world ideological-view and
normatively-legal adjusting of active public relations at the terms of unformed
the most important structural element – different orientation of branches legal norm) diminishes to absolute relativity of this independence
(legal consciousness is basis of mechanism of the legal adjusting with the
dominant of different orientation of
branches legal norm) [4]. In connection with diminishing of
nationally-mental closeness of Ukrainian aiming of component proportion
of formula of Ukrainian legal Idioms other component proportions of the Ukrainian legal
idiom (of Russian aiming begin to prevail,
Asian aiming or European aiming, that determine the priority vectors of mental orientation of that or
other concretely-historical transformation of Ukrainian legal consciousness and
culture. At the crisis cycle of social activity of Ukrainian legal
consciousness, as we already marked before, material artefacts and archetypes prevail. At what there are the most apt at maximal development
spiritual artefacts and archetypes the natural ways of becoming and
development of legal consciousness. At the crisis cycle of social activity of
Ukrainian legal consciousness the high-quality dynamics of spiritual and
material artefacts approximately equal; she is extremely subzero (in percents)
or is other mentality. Functionality of spiritual archetypes increases at the
subzero cycle of social activity of legal consciousness. There is approximately
an identical quantitative dynamics of spiritual and material artefacts and archetypes at the middle cycle of social activity of legal consciousness. At the
high cycle of social activity of legal consciousness spiritual artefacts and archetypes begin in a functional and valued relation, but substantially, at first
unimportant, afterwards - substantially to prevail. It is interpreted by us and
verified in the concepts of dominant of "nationally-mental closeness
of component proportions of formula of the Ukrainian legal idiom" [5],
when the last (closeness of dominant) can or to increase, or diminish, except
that she can change on other, not Ukrainian mentality dominants.
Will remind only, that after our researches [6], at ideal development of
Ukrainian legal consciousness national [Ukrainian territory] the mental
closeness of Ukrainian
aiming of component
proportion of formula of the Ukrainian legal idiom constantly increases as an
index of increase of the Ukrainian mental closeness of level of nationalization
of legal consciousness at the certain typical concretely-historical or typical
chronologic period of her development.
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