159.922:316.64:165. 242.2
I.V. Kharkiv national pedagogical university the name of G.S. of Skovoroda
Dmitrienko Yu.N. Kyiv national university of the name of Taras Shevchenko
non-perfect development progressive or regressive development of legal
consciousness and culture is possible. At non-perfect progressive development
of Ukrainian or any other legal consciousness and culture as typically
national, after the conducted researches [1-4] there is an increase of [not Ukrainian territory] mental closeness of Ukrainian aiming of component proportion of formula of the Ukrainian
legal idiom, and Ukrainian aiming of
similar closeness of component proportion of the Ukrainian legal idiom only at
this (typical) concretely-historical development of Ukrainian legal
consciousness as national, her by such priority forms or forms of other legal consciousnesses, which identified an international and home, in
particular imperious elite and world association as certain forms-standards,
forms-standards. For example, those forms of European legal consciousness, that
idea, outlook and standard-
regulating present the higher standards of mechanism of adjusting of public
relations, than, for example, authentic, but unfull-function mechanism which
exists in modern Ukraine of beginning of ÕÕ² of century.
Standards allow nevertheless, for example, to Europeans far anymore officially
to earn money, to live longer than Ukrainians, to have far greater
possibilities for realization of the capabilities and professional
possibilities. At such development the closeness of Ukrainian aiming of component proportion can forecast change, but, as a
rule, she diminishes forecast. Legal consciousness partly or fully loses the
strategic internalss as national, but finally does not grow into the different
forms of artificial ideological legal consciousness, and legal tradition is
kept, or develops permanently, totally not it
will be transformed on artificial. What legal tradition each time can recommence at, as a
rule, recommences and not lost finally, keeping the succession of Ukrainian
legal consciousness and succession in legal to consciousness. At non-perfect
regressive development of Ukrainian or any other legal consciousness and legal
culture as typically or atypically national, there is
an increase of [not Ukrainian territory] mental closeness of Ukrainian centrality of component proportion of formula of the Ukrainian
legal idiom, and vice versa, Ukrainian mentality of unsimilar
closeness of component proportion of the Ukrainian legal idiom only at this (atypical) concretely-historical development of Ukrainian legal consciousness. At
what, Ukrainian mentality unsimilarity of component
proportion, as a rule, straight is not determined by directions of the world
development of legal consciousness civilized, as national. At what can be discovered or created or new, the
fundamental with anything is not family with world values, elements or
standards artificial, as a rule, ideological structured closeness of dominant
of component proportion of formula of Ukrainian legal consciousness and culture
(for example, in soviet time are artificial elements of soviet legal
consciousness, reality and tradition), or there is a purposeful substitution of
present Ukrainian centrality dominant of component
proportion her by such priority narrowly corporate dominants of Ukrainian centrality of component proportions formulas of the Ukrainian
legal idiom, which arrange this corporate minority of untitle majority of
population, formative certain national legal consciousness, or such forms of
dominant legal consciousness, which not identified an international and home,
in particular imperious elite and world association as certain forms-standards,
are created forms-standards. At such development the closeness of Ukrainian central of component proportion diminishes not forecast, legal
consciousness loses the strategic internalss as national, growing into the
different forms of artificial ideological legal consciousness or totally grows
into continuous ideological legal consciousness (for example, former soviet),
legal tradition is torn. What legal tradition each time can not recommence at,
as a rule, does not recommence and lost finally, not keeping the succession of
Ukrainian legal consciousness and succession in legal consciousness. Will add
only, that at ideal and non-perfect development of Ukrainian legal
consciousness there is the complete and final forming of integral paradigm of
world ideological-view base of further changing
of legal consciousness as a national value and quality, or such world
ideological-view base which will allow quickly or slowly farther formed to the
processes of her standard becoming. Quickly, - when
natural, mentally structured ideological outlook
primary normative perception of the world was created by the primary subjects
of legal consciousness of title ethnos or title nationality. Slowly, when at
the beginning of new chronologic period of becoming of legal consciousness
unnatural, not mentally structured ideological outlook
primary normative perception of the world was created by any subjects of legal
consciousness of untitle ethnos or untitle nation.
LEGAL CONSCIOUSNESS (2) (Perspektywicze opracowania sa nauka i technikami - 2010 (Poland, 07 - 15 November 2010) // Materialy VI Miedzynarodowej naukowi - praktycznej konferencji of
"Perspektywicze of opracowania sa nauka i technikami - 2010" (07-15
listopada 2010 rokè). of Volume 9. Pravo. - Przemysl: Nauka of i studia, 2010. - P. 15-17
2. DMITRIENKO UY. NEW ACTUAL ASPECTS OF BECOMING AND DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINIAN LEGAL CONSCIOUSNESS (1) (Perspektywicze opracowania sa nauka i technikami - 2010 (Poland, 07 - 15 November 2010) // Materialy VI Miedzynarodowej naukowi-praktycznej konferencji «Perspektywicze opracowania sa nauka i technikami - 2010» (07-15 listopada 2010 rokè). Volume 9. Pravo. – Przemysl: Nauka i studia, 2010. – P. 25-27
IS LEGISLATIVE CONSCIOUSNESS CREATED? // Materialy VI Miedzynarodowej naukowi-praktycznej konferencji «Perspektywicze opracowania sa nauka i technikami - 2010» (07-15 listopada 2010 rokè). Volume 9. Pravo. – Przemysl: Nauka i studia, 2010. – P. 22-25
4. Dmitrienko Yu. Psychological – pedagogical sactors of development of
Ukrainian legal consciousness of
teenagers. - Nr 4 (4) 2007. - Przemysl: Sp. z.o.o «Nauka i studia»,
2007. – P. 57-65 (Poland)