Марущак А.В.
Научный руководитель: Лавлинский Р.А.
национальный университет экономики и торговли имени Михаила Туган-Барановского,
Divorce as a social
Family - a society cell,the
most important form of organization of personal life, based on the marital
union and family relationships. The family laid the
foundation of morality, spirituality and tolerance. The concept of
family should not be confused with the concept of marriage. The family is
a more complex system of relationships, than marriage as it unites not only
spouses, but also their children, other relatives. The emotional parties of interpersonal relations
become a basis of modern marriage not economic or status, and. But the
sharpness of problems that exist today families is alarming. One such
problems is the problem of divorce.
The urgency of the matter is that,
although the relationship between people in a marriage and strictly private
individual, but at the same time they have also social significance.. In these
relations the state future that should represent especial
interest is covered and serve as a subject of care from the state and a
Divorce - a formal termination of a real
marriage between live spouses. Divorce is not only personal but also a social
problem: the quantity of incomplete families increases, divorces influence a demographic situation , on
the decision of housing problem and etc.
Naturally,every phenomenon has
reasons. And divorce is not an exception . In every country, every
culture with the course of time developed their own
individual traditions, concerning
marriage and family institute , and they have a tangible impact on the
statistics of divorce.
Stats - a stubborn thing, however
concerning divorces not all so clear as it might
seem at first glance. Even an appeal to the official sources do not fully
clarify things, as, for example, when completing the application for divorce is
not required to specify the reason for divorce.
results of the sociological polls spent in Ukraine in 2011, it was found that
the initiators of divorce often serve women. Among the reasons, induced to dissolve a
marriage, the following has been named:
-incompatibility of
characters and views 33.4%;
incorrectness 15,0 %;
-forced marriage
because of pregnancy 15%;
or the use of psychotropic substances 13,5%
-the hasty,unconsidered
marriage 6.5%;
-lack of training
spouses to family life 6.4%;
-a sexual
dissatisfaction with each other 5.2%;
-pressure on the
young from parents, relatives
or friends
-and other causes 2.7%.
With the advent of children's relationships
spouses again put to the test. However the care of joint children often keeps
spouses in many families from divorce even if both of them have lost to each
other interest.
So, 2010 became
record-breaking low by quantity of divorces in Ukraine, the press-service of
the Ministry of Justice informs. Denounced their marriage 126 000 pairs,that almost on
14% less than,than in 2009, and almost on 25% it is less, than in 2008.
Thus the quantity of marriages among
Ukrainians exceeds quantity of divorces in 2-4 times. In particular,
during 2010, in Ukraine it has been registered over 300 thousand marriages, that has on the average exceeded quantity of the
registered divorces almost in 2,5 times.
In 2010 the high parity of quantity of
the concluded marriages and terminated also has been fixed in the Rovno,
Volynsk and Lvov areas where on each 3,5 marriages,accounted for a divorce, in the Ternopol
and Ivano-Frankovsk areas
- for every 3 marriages a divorce in the Chernovitsky area and
Kiev - for every 2.7 marriages a divorce in the Odessa area - 2.5 marriages
on 1 divorce.
For 9 months 2011 in Ukraine 189 818
marriage unions and 39 039 divorces are registered. Such statistics at press conference on a theme: «Wedding autumn in Ukraine: features of a season
of 2011» has published the deputy director - the head
department of the organization of work of bodies of the state civil registration
of citizens of Department on affairs of a civil status of citizens Irina
Pasechnik. Pasechnik also noted that
for III quarter of 2011 in Ukraine 95 609
marriage unions, while during the same period of 2010 - 94
529. "Thus, we can say with confidence that our country marriage activity of the population" – she
Professor of Sociology, University of
Chicago, Linda Waite, who heads a group on research
of problem
marriages , notices that "the
advantages of divorce as means of the decision of problems are strongly exaggerated." It
is also a professor at Oxford University, Michael Argyle by
results of the 11-year study, during which thousands of people were
interviewed, found that "most unfortunate in
society feel those who are divorced or living separately from his partner in
Thus, in many cases divorce evil than
good. Even if the marriage is not ideal, saving it, much can be
corrected. Many who have done this, have found happiness.
First of all it is necessary to achieve
change of the relation of public opinion to divorces, and then already to
change laws. The solution of a problem demands participation of lawyers,
psychologists, teachers, workers of mass-media , and also ecclesiastics of orthodox and other
traditional faiths.
On employment in educational institutions, and also in films and
the television programs devoted to problems of family life, it is necessary to
explain to all and everyone that any rupture of
relations with the
spouse, who in what
it is
not guilty, not only
immoral, but also goes to harm to
the initiator.
The list of the
used literature:
1. Ruetskaya E.V. "In
Ukraine there are less divorce" / Donbas is always in the center of
events, № 121 (18115) / electronic resource http://donbass.ua
2. Swan O. Statistics of
divorce in Ukraine. Figures and fakty. / Donbas is always at the center of
events / electronic resource http://donbass.ua
3. Sinelnikov A.B. Divorce - a revolution of the family / / Vestnik of Moscow
University, 2010, p.136-146