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Associate professor,
candidate of political sciences Valieva A.R. , Farhutdinova L.N.
FGBOU VPO «The Bashkir State Agrarian University», Ufa
In all countries the state regulates market relations and is
the guarantor of the maintenance of the economy stability. The market economy
and the bankruptcy are closely interconnected. Without the bankruptcy institute
the economy becomes inelastic as the overflow of financial, labor and material
resources from inefficient to successfully working enterprises becomes
impossible. The state problem doesn’t consist of liquidating the
enterprise-bankrupt, on the contrary, of the restoration of its solvency by
means of special procedures [1].
The word "bankruptcy" occurs from Latin words
"bench" (bancus) and "broken" (ruptus). As "bank"
originally a bench established in crowded places (such as the markets and
fairs) on which changers and usurers carried out the transactions and legalized
papers was called. After the owner of "bank" was ruined, he broke the
The origin of the bankruptcy institute was caused by the
development of economic, credit and property relations at the time of Ancient
Rome. At that time the non-return of debts has been connected with the danger
to be deprived of freedom and even life, and the capture of the debtor’s
property that is quite characteristic for slaveholding production relations. In
the most ancient monument of legal culture, i.e. in the Roman Laws of XII
tables, the right of the creditor to indemnificate from the obligations default
was fixed. According to this law the unsatisfied creditors had the right to
split the poor debtor into parts.
In Russia the first laws regulating competitive relations,
appeared later, than in other European countries. Most intensively the
bankruptcy institute starts to develop from the XVIII century that is connected
with the growth of capitalistic relations after Peter I reforms.
In 1832 in Russia the Charter about a trading inconsistency
operated till 1917 was accepted. This charter consisted of nine chapters
including 138 articles, was installed without a retroactive effect and applied
only in the cases of the inconsistency of the persons who are carrying out the
trade. The special attention in the Charter was given to the status of the
debtor’s trade enterprise of.
Gradually the legislation of all countries qualitatively
changed its installations, paying attention to the property maintenance of the
debt and its real return. The businessman, having lost the sold for the
repayment of debts property, but having saved life and health, could begin a
new enterprise business taking into account his experience.
The bankruptcy institute
passed a long way of development and was definitively generated to the middle
of XX century. The Occurrence and the development of rules about an
inconsistency are connected with the objective requirements of the society.
The destructive for the economy
consequences of bankruptcy, of businessmen’s, as though the last were called —
merchants, bankers, factory owners, farmers, manufacturers, — were sharply
showed already at the moment of the occurrence and the formation of market
relations. And from the first steps the state began to play an
active role. The inconsistency and the failure of businessmen interfere with
the normal development of the economy, break the sociopolitical stability and
create the intensity in the society, fraught with revolts and other forms of
the violent disobedience, deprive the state the possibility to carry out its
functions, carefully[2].
The Presence of the state of the competitive right in the
legal system institute has a high value both for the right and for the national
economy as its norms are directed to the exception of the subjects, capable to
carry out the profitable activity, and also to the restoration of a financial
condition of the legal representatives experiencing part time financial
complexities. All this makes the economy to improve, to withhold the crisis
non-payments and the functioning of the insolvent enterprises.
The basic aspects of the state activity in the development of
the bankruptcy institute in modern conditions, in our opinion, are, first of
all, legal organizational and financial aspects.
It is caused by that the primary task of bankruptcy institute
in the developed market countries is connected with enterprise preservation,
so, with the preservation of the property of its owner by changing of a control
system by the enterprise, by granting of a delay and payment installments.
As an example it is possible to result that in 1993 for the
state policy realization on the prevention of bankruptcy and financial
improvement of the insolvent enterprises at the State committee of the Russian
Federation on management of the state property was founded Federal management
on affairs about an inconsistency (bankruptcy) (the Governmental order of the
Russian Federation from September, 20th, 1993 ¹ 926 has been created).
Subsequently it has been transformed to Federal Agency of Russia of affairs
about an inconsistency and to financial improvement (the Governmental order of
the Russian Federation from June, 1st, 1998 ¹ 537), thus Federation has
essentially increased the role of this agency in the state system, the circle
of solved problems and a level of authority has considerably extended [2].
State regulation is carried out by an establishment of
special norms, i.e. the rules regulating procedure of bankruptcy and
corresponding priorities. So, the basic priority in the Law is a restoration of
the debtor’s solvency and the preservation of the managing subject.
The literature:
1. About an inconsistency (bankruptcy)
[the Electronic resource]: The law from October, 26th, 2002 N 127-FZ//Union of
Right Forces «the Adviser Plus».
2. Karelin S.A.Mehanizm of legal
regulation of relations of an inconsistency / of S.A.Karelin, Moscow, 2008. —
With. 262.