Социология /
14. Кадровый менеджмент
Lavlinsky R.A., Shcherbak I.Y.
Donetsk national university of
economy and trade
impact on informal relations in the collective
times of crisis and deep recession in demand, many organizations are
restructuring. There is a mismatch of interests of workers and organizations,
motivation of personnel changes. In a crisis management should remove the
contradictions, creating a socially acceptable option for change.
of his life, a person spends at work. And no wonder, it is there that originate
and develop friendships. An internal peace at any company - is a tangle of
friendship and hatred, indifference and compassion strange problems. Inside the
office is set the same life as the outside. Friendly team - a kind of engine
life inside the company where you can gain confidence in your professional
skills, make friends or even friends, with whom there is always something to
talk about, to get support in difficult times. In the professional sphere There
is two opinions that the work - have a job, and sincere friendship should not
be there and the view that friends at work - a good support: both in the
workplace and in everyday life. It should be noted that the most friendly
relations - women. Most men just come to work and earn money, while women are
much more important than working in a friendly team, where to maintain cordial
relations. Sometimes relationships in a group formed in such a way that even
the most interesting work can not compensate for them. The man gets a huge
negative message from the team, and then the best solution - to change it.
There is a category of people who deliberately excluded from contact with
colleagues at work, believing that the "working" friendship can not
be. Friendship of colleagues in our country can not be called the most
mercenary. At the forefront quite often are informal relations. But in a crisis
that has affected almost all the companies, the situation with relationships in
the team changed a bit, there was a trend toward the "mercantile" friendship,
friendship against anyone - else. The crisis has dealt a blow not only to
economic and financial component of the company, but also moral - psychological
climate in the team.
approaches to organizational behavior find expression in models of
organizational behavior, among which there are three main ones: the
authoritarian, custody and maintenance. Model selection strategy is influenced
by the organization, the speed and predictability of changes in the external
environment, the strength of power in the organization, the stage of its life
Increasingly, you can hear such expressions:
increased nervousness staff, development of the dismissal of colleagues,
harassment in the workplace, barratry. With what changes are associated in
groups of firms? The only answer - reduction in staff. Now fear the majority of
employees - job loss. Where it becomes known that there will be cuts and
eliminated entire divisions, begins to fight for a place. Everyone is trying to
survive at any cost, especially if this place - the only source of livelihood.
In most offices are deployed that no eat "fighting" going under the
slogan "war on all methods are good." Leadership role in this play
"war" - the main one. It is a clear definition of the positions and
policies of the firm's downsizing staff report timely information to employees
and the explanation of action - the key to solving the problem.
We must
remember that friendship does not replace no job and no career boost. Only a
healthy, happy, friendly atmosphere in the team will attract customers to the
company: a man always seeks to go where it's warm and cozy. Confusion in the
team can do a heavy blow to stability of the enterprise. And in the current
situation teamwork of team members - a defining factor of victory.
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http://www.vivakadry.com/31.htm - Заголовок с экрана.
Сохач Ю. Коммуникация и
кризис: влияние фактора ситуации на коммуникацию в коллективе / Сохач Ю., Кметь
К. [Электронный ресурс]. Консалтинговая группа «Четвертое измерение». Режим
доступа: http://www.4izmerenie.com/content/ - Заголовок с экрана.
Как наладить отношения в
коллективе? [Электронный ресурс]. Информационный портал. Психология. Режим
доступа: http://digest.subscribe.ru/business/psychology/n637122647.html -
Заголовок с экрана
Кризис не испортил
взаимоотношения людей в коллективе [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа:
http://www.bigness.ru/news/2009-03-03/vciom/82774/ - Заголовок с экрана