íàóêè/ 2. Òåîðåòè÷åñêàÿ îðãàíèçàöèÿ çäðàâîîõðàíåíèÿ
K.m.n. Pogodinà V.A.
Novosibirsk state medical
university, Russia
The society developing taking into account market economy should have the
population with high performance which is provided with considerable degree of
health. Therefore both the population, and at the employer should have a
motivation on health preservation at the first case - the, and in the second -
the worker. Thereof the primary health service realizing control of health of
the population in health system should render such preventive medical care
qualitatively. But as each person lives in a family which is that Wednesday
where concepts of health, a healthy lifestyle, preservation of health of a
family are defined, the service prosecuting these subjects should have due
level of competences by techniques and technologies of their implementation.
From various sources (literary, Internet resources) it is known that at this
stage of the organization of the Russian health care the population shows
complaints on not qualitative (absence of control «preservation of health of a
family») rendered preventive medical care. And as the person, a family are
considered as the mass consumer of high-quality medical services, it makes the
corresponding demands to health system, functioning of the medical
organizations and experts. It follows from this that there is a situation of
reorganization of the Russian primary health service where there should be
separate «a medical practice» which activity would be defined mainly by control
of «preservation of health of a family». In some foreign countries for this
medical professional function «family practice» answers. It can change a
measure and degree of responsibility of rendering of the preventive help of the
Russian medical organizations before the population, doing it to higher.
Research objective – to study the qualitative characteristic of
the contents of texts of the Russian scientific publications about need to
improve system of preservation of health of a family.
Materials and methods. The analysis of the Russian articles in number
of 200 (100, %) where the volume of one article made from two to five sheets
from which the paragraph with the contents «need to improve system of preservation
of health of a family in Russia» was allocated was made. The sample (improbable
– by subjective criteria) was executed. Methods were used: 1) the sociological:
– «the qualitative or structural content analysis», based on use not frequency
model of the contents of the text, allowing to reveal types of qualitative
characteristics of the contents of the text regardless of frequency (that is
quantities) occurrences of each of these types, being one type of the
"content analysis", contents which was characterized by the
qualitative and quantitative analysis of documents for the purpose of
identification or measurement of the various facts and tendencies, contents
which was characterized by the qualitative and quantitative analysis of
documents for the purpose of identification or measurement of the various facts
and the tendencies reflected in these documents [1, 2, 3]; 2) the statistical –
calculation «average arithmetic». The "content analysis" qualifier,
in the form of the sociological questionnaire, presented by the table
characterizing the analysis of the content of concept «need to improve system
of preservation of health of a family in Russia» where category of the analysis
was "question", and analysis unit – "answer" is developed.
Categories of the analysis displayed the point of view on the purpose, the
organization and techniques of improvement of system of preservation of health
of a family in the Russian health care. Processing of materials of research was
carried out by means: - pair comparisons of units of the analysis of the
contents; - programs: Microsoft Office Excel 2010, standard statistical package
of the SPSS type.
The characteristic of the analysis of the text «need to improve system of
preservation of health of a family in Russia» is presented by questions and
answers (table).
The analysis of the contents
of the text of the Russian scientific publications on improvement of system of
preservation of health of a family in health care
Indicator (question) |
Indicator characteristic (answer) |
Number of authors |
Àbs. |
% |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
What purpose on
improvement of system of the organization of preservation of health of a
family? |
The purpose on
improvement of system of the organization of preservation of health of a
family - to increase quality of life, extent of social and economic
development of society. |
200 |
100,0 |
Of what major factor
there is a concept «family health»? |
«Family health»
develops from individual health of each representative of a family. |
200 |
100,0 |
Who should train the
population «how to keep family health»?» |
«How to keep family
health» the doctor should train the population. |
30 |
15,0 |
«How to keep family
health» the population it should be trained independently. |
170 |
85,0 |
Whether the population
suffices as the system preservation family health is organized? |
The population enough
as the system preservation family health is organized. |
32 |
16,0 |
The population not enough as the system
preservation family health is organized. |
168 |
84,0 |
What services in health care form system of preservation of health of a
family? |
System of preservation
of health of a family forms – local service (district doctor). |
144 |
72,0 |
continuation on the following page |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
System of preservation of health of a family forms –
the general practitioner. |
56 |
28,0 |
What new scientific and reasonable methods are
recommended to use in health care for improvement of system of preservation
of health of a family? |
There are no new scientific and reasonable methods
in health care for improvement of system of preservation of health of a
family. |
196 |
98,0 |
New scientific and reasonable method: through
studying of health of representatives of a family. |
4 |
2,0 |
What place is occupied in labor activity of the
general practitioner, the family doctor and the district doctor by medical
function and the preventive function including system of the organization of
preservation of health of a family? |
In labor activity of the general practitioner, the
family doctor and the district doctor the first place is occupied by
preventive function, and the second place – medical. |
4 |
2,0 |
In labor activity of the general practitioner, the
family doctor and the district doctor the first place is occupied by medical
function, and the second place – preventive function without a mention of
system of preservation of health of a family. |
196 |
98,0 |
Whether it is necessary to improve system of preservation of health of a
family? |
Yes, it is necessary to improve system of the
organization of preservation of health of a family. |
138 |
69,0 |
There is no need to improve system of the
organization of preservation of health of a family. |
62 |
31,0 |
Note: Àbs. – absolute number; % - percent.
1. More than a half (69,0 %) authors of articles consider that there is a
need to improve system of the organization of preservation of health of a
2. The majority (84,0 %) authors of articles specified that the population
isn't enough organization of system of preservation of health of a family.
3. More than a half (72,0 %) authors of articles came out with the
assumption that mainly local health service forms system of preservation of
health of a family.
4. A considerable part (98,0 %) authors of articles reported that at a
today's stage of development of health care in Russia it is not presented new
modern scientific and reasonable methods of preservation of health of a family.
5. A significant amount (98,0 %) authors of articles had information that
in labor activity of the general practitioner, the family doctor and the
district doctor on the first place - medical function, and on the second place
– preventive where it was mentioned nothing system of preservation of health of
a family.
6. A significant amount (85,0 %) authors of articles consider that the
population can independently, without the aid of the doctor, keep family
7. Everything (100,0 %) authors of articles defined the same concept of the
purpose and «family health» that can confirm need to improve system of
preservation of health of a family in Russia.
8. The qualitative characteristic of the contents of the text about need to
improve system of preservation of health of a family in 200 (100,0 %) the
Russian scientific articles is studied, and is revealed that more than a half
of authors is defined by insolvency and inadequacy of modern system of
preservation of health of a family in Russia that can promote its further
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