Deontological measuring of national law-making

            As the Ukrainian scientists specify, for jurisprudence it is necessary to acknowledge, that disorganization processes in society are natural, objective and make the necessary element of social development, and that is why it is necessary to give the men legal valued guidelines for life in a state of vagueness, instability, chaos[1]. Research of deontology of national law-making       is needed from point of pushing away from opposite. Deontological measuring provides with the legal phenomena the line of demarcation between a right as value and invalue. So, according to A. Kozlovskyi, an invalue right can be shown in such forms:

1) when it is used in illegal aims, by passing illegal acts, normative acts which conflict with human rights;
2) when it is not used consciously|scienter| for realization of justice of existent authority;

3) when, leaning against principle of stability and authority of law, authority stands against legal registration of necessary changes|changing|;

4) when social relations are normatively overregulated and thus harm is inflicted to social development[2] [2, c.189].

         Deontology of national law-making products a sphere of invalued in a right, that is included in radical divergences|disagreement| from natural|real-life| measuring of understanding of right.

Actuality of researching of deontology of national in law-making predetermined yet and that by a ponderable question which must be decided in a theory and practice of right, is overcoming of extremes of social self-organization, exposure of golden mean, between embodiment ontological national and by deviant rejections predefined this embodiment. It is justly marked in legal literature that for the theorists of right more deep study of mechanisms of legal acculturation and introduction of modern right will be needed in the traditional legal systems, with the detailed consideration of problem of perception of new legal norms a man[3]. Legal acculturation is carried out not only under influence process of law-creating but also in unison with the row of other legal phenomena, as here legal education, law-application and realization activity. Fully successful legal acculturation not accessible, as introduction of any legal institute results in his distortion within the framework of new legal culture. Next to it law-creating is on soil of national is a value which is tested sometimes within the limits of this state, that is why implemented in consciousness of subjects of realizations adjusted rigorismical and with adjusted temporal amplitude.

An openness and reserve|lockin| of national law-creating must be in an equilibrium, and|but| actually, frankness for new|firsttime|, abnormal and unexplored must be assured in the same measure, as a complexity of duties|debt| and correlativeness of norms|standard|. Thus the system of norms|standard| of one culture does not mean the exception|exclusion| of norms|standard| of other cultures, including|switch| tolerance, that inability to glue on the labels of abnormalness on any|some| lives forms|form| which differ from it|her|. On this background some|certain| national legal cultures destroy the legal values of other cultures literally, deform|destort| a national legislation, legal practice, negatively affect|designated| legal mentality of people|peoples|. Movement to|by| legal harmony is not accessible on the road|way| of the hasty borrowing of legislation, legal ideology, organizational forms|form| of existence of right. In modern legal reality there are the legal systems which|what| in relation to|toward| other aggressive, aim|seek| to subordinate them legal development to the norms|normative|, principles, procedures|proc|, by a decision et cetera. Using|use|, above all things, economic|economical| and political pressure alien legal values intrude upon swiftly, national law-creating is paralysed, deprive ontological measuring national legislation, legal mentality and legal practice is deformed|destort|. In these terms the maintainance|safety| of national idea means moving|advancement| toward|to| legal harmony, provides|secure| assertion|statement| by|by means of| the right of principles of formal equality, freedom|liberty| and justice.

A national legal culture, legal mentality, keep the unique limits of every people on a background moving towards all more complete embodiment of rights and freedoms of man[4]. It is marked in legal literature, that the mechanical borrowing of international law principles, institutes and norms, [5]quite often creates a "foreign body" in the national legal system, causes contradiction during realization of laws and other normative acts[6]. In this connection the very relevant use of our own legal inheritance, continuation of his traditions, more active introduction, [7][8]in legal practice of achievements of domestic legal science, development of normatively legal base and state institutes which answer legal mentality and state ideology of people of Ukraine[9].



[1] Оботов Ю.Н. Традиции и обновление в правовой сфере : вопросы теории (от познания к постижению права) / Ю.Н. Оботов.- Одесса: Юридична  література, 2002 .- 280 с. С.19


[2] Козловський А. А. Право як шзнання: Вступ до гносеологи права. —
Чершвщ: Рута. — 1999. — 295 с.С. 189.


[3] Ковлер А. И. Ковлер А. И. Антропология права. — М.: Норма-Инфра-М., 2002. - С. 26.


[4] Оботов Ю.Н. Традиции и обновление в правовой сфере : вопросы теории (от познания к постижению права) / Ю.Н. Оботов.- Одесса: Юридична  література, 2002 .- 280 с.  С. 155

[5] Оботов Ю.Н. Традиции и обновление в правовой сфере : вопросы теории (от познания к постижению права) / Ю.Н. Оботов.- Одесса: Юридична  література, 2002 .- 280 с.  С. 155

[6] Баранов В. М., Пшеничнов М. А. Гармонизация законодательства Рос­сии: философские и правовые аспекты // Философия права. — 2000. — №1. — С. 43.


[7] Оботов Ю.Н. Традиции и обновление в правовой сфере : вопросы теории (от познания к постижению права) / Ю.Н. Оботов.- Одесса: Юридична  література, 2002 .- 280 с.  С. 155

[8] Баранов В. М., Пшеничнов М. А. Гармонизация законодательства Рос­сии: философские и правовые аспекты // Философия права. — 2000. — №1. — С. 43.


[9] Оборотов Ю. М. Юридичний образ постмодерну /Науковх пращ Одесь-ко1 нащонально1 юридичжн академи. — Т. 1. — О.: Юрид. лгг. — 2002. - С. 97-103.