Экономические науки/5. Управление трудовыми ресурсами

Nikiforova L. O., Bilokon Y. V.

Vinnitsa National Technical University, Ukraine

Investigation of the mechanism of creating a positive

socio-psychological climate in the group on the basis of a model reconciling the interests of conflicting parties.

Today the process of personnel management requires not only general knowledge manager, but significant knowledge in the field of psychology. Thus, skillful communication, and effective use of subtle forms and means of influence, the use of different types of power, the ability to professionally get out of the conflict - all very modern managers want any level.

Without knowledge of the main principles of psychology of conflict management is difficult to talk about the successful organization and management firm or enterprise [1].

The necessity of research is due to the fact that the problem of application of modern social and psychological methods of management teams is relatively new.

The study of foreign and domestic literature on re-teaching models of interests between the conflicting parties, without evidence of questionable interest to scholars of this problem [2].

In domestic and foreign literature in management and psychology and manage-

ment reasonably considers multidimensional methods of groups and organizations. Significant contribution to the development of theoretical and methodological and applied aspects of the use of psychosocial management of such enterprises have made Ukrainian scientists B. M. Andrushkiw, O. M. Borodin, V. G. Halanets, V. M.  Grineva, et al. General theoretical issues of methodology and use of social-psychological methods developed well-known foreign scientists: K. G. Blanchard, P. F. Drucker, Maslow, P. Hersey, C. Bouldinh, M. Spencer and others. In his scientific publications authors define the structure, function and process of labor disputes, revealing the specifics of the conflict of consciousness, suggest methods of conflict management, but do not reflect the characteristics of conflict management in the en-

terprise resource management system [3].

Domestic scientists also achieved significant results in the development of methodological approaches to psychological microclimate and social relations in large enterprises [4]. However, attention focuses primarily on material motives, while psychological methods referred to as auxiliary. Requires scientific justification for the role of the enterprise in the rational selection of workers, cohesion them into a coherent team, interested motivational methods of all workers eventually.

The objective is to study the mechanism of creating a positive social and psychological climate in the group on the basis of a model reconciling the interests of conflicting parties.

In our view, optimization of social and psychological climate in the group inc-

lude the following actions:

- managing the process of forming the main components of the psychosocial environment (norms, values​​, traditions, group thought and mood);

- optimum selection, placement, training and recertification of personnel managers;

- completing primary groups based psychological compatibility of staff;

- prevention and resolve conflicts within the organization.

It should be stressed again the need to resolve conflicts in an organization is through the use of models of interests between conflicting parties. Much attention any manager worth and regulation of an existing conflict in the team. Regulation of the conflict - a type of entity management, aiming to reduce and limit the conflict, and ensure its development towards the solution [5].

The main ways of establishing social and psychological climate of the group and resolve existing conflicts are, the following:

1. surrender - the destruction or complete subordination of one party;

2. compromise or consensus - the coordination of interests and positions of con-

flicting parties on a new basis;

3. nursing - mutual reconciliation of the conflicting parties;

4. cooperation - go against the channel cooperating to jointly overcome contra-


Thus, in view of the above is necessary in the formation of future managers skills psychological analysis of personalities and interpersonal relationships in groups, the definition of an optimal impact on the employees to create a proper social and psychological climate in the team.

 In any team individuals interact with their personal qualities, interests, with different status, which determines their behavior and impact on others. Each of them tries to take a proactive stance to defend their rights and realize opportunities to establish ambitions. This complex mosaic of interests, aspirations, actions, forms of social and psychological climate in the team.

Thus, socio-psychological climate in the team - the state of interpersonal relations, manifested in the aggregate psychological conditions that facilitate or hinder productive work team.

The literature:

1.     Нікіфорова Л. О., Білоконь Я. В. Значення інноваційних підходів на основі соціально-психологічних чинників в системі ефективного управління персогалом/Л. О. Нікіфорова, Я. В. Білоконь//Фінанси України: матеріали ХV Міжнар. наук.-практ.конф., 8-9 квіт., 2011 р. – Д.:, 2011. – Т. 3. – 152с.

2.     Мороз О.В., Нікіфорова Л.О. Регулювання міжособової взаємодії в колективах/О. В. Мороз, Л. О. Нікіфорова//Економічний простір – 2008, № 10 − С. 163 - 170.

3.     Orban-Lembryk L. E. Psychology: study guide / L. E. Orban-Lembryk. - K.: Akademvydav, 2003. - 567 p.

4.     Shiyan А.A., Nikiforova L.O. Why do inefficient innovative institutions have place in Russia and Ukraine?//Institutions & Transition Economics: Microeconomic Issues eJournal, Vol 3, Issue 43, April 19, 2011April 12, 2011 - режим доступу: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1808131

5.     Нікіфорова Л.О. Специфіка взаємодії спілкування та діяльності працівників всередині малих соціальних груп: практичний аспект/О. Л. Нікіфорова//Економічний простір − 2009 − № 23 − С. 275 - 290.