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Organizing Students’ Independent Work in the Process of Teaching
Economics in Ukrainian Universities
The goal of
independent work is to develop independence as the quality of a personality
through educating skills of systematizing material, planning, monitoring and
regulating one’s own activity in the process of learning and in practical life.
Recent changes in
Ukraine affected all the spheres of its life. Educational system has also
altered so that to meet the requirements of the modern business society for
highly-qualified specialists in Economics. In addition to it, introduction of
the Bologna Convention in Ukraine directed these transformations to
considerable increasing of students’ independent work part in the whole
teaching process, which needed to be restructured, modernized and improved.
Professor of Kiev
National Economic University O.V. Aksyonova in her book “Methodology of
Teaching Economic Disciplines” recommends every teacher, occupied with this
problem, to keep in mind two axioms:
Life’s ambitions and people’s
education depends on the social and economic circumstances of every generation.
Education improves in such a way so that to give new generations possibilities
to move further than the previous ones.
The bigger is the part of
self-education in the system of education, the advanced is the personality.
Almost without overestimation we can highlight that education may be treated as
self-education based on the independent work of the students. All the
pedagogical and methodological work is directed to the organization of the
optimal conditions for such work. It is extremely important for the knowledge of
Economics while it is known to be the part of people’s practical life [1].
The teacher leads
the student through the knowledge of basic categories and conceptions, which
form economic way of thinking. But the teacher is also responsible for bringing
up moral-ethical principals of economic behaviour. Well-known psychoanalytic
Karen Horney considers: “Contradiction is in our approaches to competition as
the progress engine on one hand, but advocating friendship and humility on the
other” [2]. E. Shostrom replies to Karen Horney: “When you search you will find
an actualizing creative combination, and will try to make your wishes and your
ethics appropriate, as the norm for every person on the planet” [4].
By conducting
economic disciplines it is significant to rely on the essence of the main
notions, contents and examples close to the real modern social-economic life.
Then the questions of economic education and economic study become closer. As
I.P.Podlasy states that our life offers different examples: in some cases it is
rational to set and control time precisely, in others – to demand the quality
of the work [3]. It is known that tempos preferred by the students are always
lower than the maximal ones. If the terms are not defined, the exercise will
not be done and one course will last longer than it is permitted.
The ancient
statement “Everything difficult is unnecessary. Everything necessary is simple”
would be proper here. Famous books by J. Traut are recommended for those who
are willing to plunge in this issue [5].
The problem of
enhancing the effectiveness of students’ independent
work organization should be examined in five stages. The first stage – is the
research of the psychological aspects of the qualitative mastering educational
information. The idea about choosing the contents and the methods of teaching
in accordance to the type of the students’ mental activity is becoming very
popular nowadays. For people with abstract-logical type of thinking such
technologies as structures, formulas and diagrams are better. For people with
obvious-imaginative type of thinking such methods as talks, comparisons,
allegories are more effective.
The second stage
– is the development of metacognitive learning skills, or the problem of
teaching students to study effectively (modern culture of teaching). Our
perception depends on the amount of the information, the number of the objects
percept simultaneously. Researches proved that a person is able to perceive not
more than 8 (±2) objects not combined by the plot of the information. Trained
perception may change this limit.
The third stage presents teachers’ work
directed to the optimization and rationalization of time spent on education by
students and by teachers. The fourth stage deals with the analyses of the forms
of independent work utilization. The fifth stage shows the methodology of
independent work organization in the range of the definite course or module.
Organization of
the independent work in the universities demands concrete motivation for
students, methodological and informative supply. Common standards of estimating
projects and essays should be recognized.
Conclusion. Current
essay proves that the organization of the students’ independent work in the
process of teaching Economics in Ukraine is quite a complicated issue. This
kind of students’ activity has been characterized from different points,
ranging from its psychological background to practical application in real
life. Ways of enhancing efficiency of this work through students’ involving in
various traditional and extraordinary pedagogical arrangements have been
analyzed. The necessity to enhance the level of economic education in Ukraine
requires further research on the topic. Possible extension of this paper may
include specific analyses of additional recourses of learning material for
students’ independent work in Economics, such as specialized Internet
Aksyonova O.V. Methodology of
Teaching Economic Disciplines. Kiev: KNEU, 2006. – 280 p.
Horney K. Collection of Writings.
Translation from English. Moscow: Smysl, 1997. – 272 p.
Podlasy I.P. Productive Pedagogy:
Book for Teachers. Moscow: People’s
Education, 2003. – 540 p.
Shostrom E. Anti-Carnegie or
Person-Manipulator. Translation from English by A.Malysheva. Psychotherapy,
2008. – 190 p.
Traut J. Power of Simplicity:
Recommendations for Successful Business Strategies: Translation from English. Saint
Petersburg: Piter, 2004. – 302 p.