Lavrinenko O.V., Candidate of Jurisprudence, Senior Lecturer, Donetsk Legal Institute of Lugansk State University of Internal Affairs of E.A. Didorenko


Modern Problems of the Doctrine of Principles of the Labour Law: a Polemic Discourse


In a science of the labour law the attention that now it is necessary to ascertain «presence of blanks in legal regulation of the relations labour and directly connected with them is not unreasonably paid. All it has generated serious problems in practice on law application... The Labour code still remains the statutory act full of riddles and paradoxes... Paradoxes of the Labour code are rules of law which cannot really be executed in practice owing to the absurdity» [1, р. 179-180]. Presence of the legal collisions, essential dizharmonisation the conceptual device [2-3], presence of blanks, estimated norms [4] lead in practice to infringements of the labour rights [5]. Determinants of the specified phenomena concerns also infringements of logic receptions in process definition the conceptual device of the doctrine about branch principles of the labour law.

Meanwhile in XIX century English philosopher D.S. Mile underlined, that «the logic is the general judge and the judge of all researches» [6, p. 596]. As is known, the concept is the thought reflected in the generalised form. It reflects essential and necessary signs of subjects and the phenomena, and also interrelations. If the concept was included into the scientific reference, it designate in a word or use set of words – terms [7, p. 15]. Methodologically significant here we consider the thesis that scoping and concept maintenances is made through a patrimonial sign and the nearest specific difference. At first name patrimonial concept to which the defined concept enters as a component. Then specify in that sign of concept which distinguishes it from all similar, and this sign should be the most important. There are rules of definition of concepts: the rule of dimension demands, that volume of concept which is defined, answered volume of concept which defines, i.e. These concepts should be identical; the new concept should not be tautological; concept should be accurate and unequivocal. If at concept definition it is impossible to specify one sign, name some signs, sufficient for disclosing of specificity of its volume and the maintenance. Really scientific definition of the difficult phenomena and the facts cannot be limited to is formal-logic requirements. It should contain an estimation of the facts, objects, the phenomena which are defined, «integrally to enter in operating terminological system of sciences» [7, p. 59-60].

Considering specified, it is impossible to agree completely, in particular, with I.K. Dmitrievoj’s position which at first writes, that in «concept definition «law principles», that general sees, that unites opinion of the majority of scientists in their characteristic of principles of the law. Thus, it is possible to allocate, first, definition of principles as the ideas recognised in a society of basic values, the basic beginnings expressing essence of the right and its main maintenance. Secondly, law principles possess the higher imperativeness and universality. Thirdly, law principles operate irrespective of, whether they have received fastening directly in norms (norms-principles), or by «to indirect fixing are expressed in a number of norms». Fourthly, principles are more durable norms, they remain invariable for a long time in comparison with the rules of law corresponding to this or that historical period. Fifthly, law principles are directed on its development and should serve as a reference point in area activity on law working out. Sixthly, regulating value of principles of the law is shown not only in activity on law working out, but also in application of norms or institutes of branch of the law and at interpretation. But application of concrete norms out of any communication, «counter» with corresponding principles of the law can lead to misunderstanding or a distortion of a meaning of rules of law. Seventhly, law principles prove in the course of formation, development and law functioning» [8, р. 99]. Further in I.K. Dmitriev’s research writes: «Thus, main principles of the labour law can be defined as the special legal category representing the initial beginnings and substantive provisions which define unity, essence of legal regulation and the general orientation of development of branch of the labour law» [8, p. 142]. And then the author «...reveals characteristic lines of principles of the labour law as conceptual category...» and already does the following conclusion: «Principles of the labour law in system of norms of the labour law take a special place, possess a complex of signs inherent in them: they are the most important basic beginnings, a fundamental principle of the labour law, refract (penetrate) the maintenance of its norms; have universal, general sphere of action...; possess a certain priority in comparison with usual norms (behaviour rules), norms and institutes cannot contradict and correspond to principles; they mutually caused, have complex character, are interconnected, each principle is considered in a context of all other principles; possess formal definiteness» [8, p. 143].

In our opinion, synthesis of the resulted author’s maxims of I.K. Dmitrievoj testifies to some inconsistency in the characteristic of system and the maintenance of specific signs of the specified concepts: «specific» without fail should include signs of «patrimonial» concept, and also absence of accurate differentiation among themselves separate signs and the definition of concept «law principles». The system of signs specified by the researcher with which it is possible to agree as a whole is represented, that, should be integrated into uniform complete concept so it is made with reference to the characteristic of principles of the labour right all the same. Definition of volume and the concept maintenance should is made through instructions on a patrimonial sign and the nearest specific differences. Thus, at first it is necessary to define patrimonial concept to which the defined concept enters as a component, and then to specify on distinctive, but not everything, including less significant (derivative) signs, but only in the most important – characterising signs defined specific concept. Hence, «law principles» are initial supervising beginnings, the bases abstractly existing in public consciousness in the form of certain ideas, i.e. system of the conventional basic ideas (a patrimonial sign – O.L.), which are to some extent expressed in the maintenance of norms of the current legislation, characterise its essence and directions of the further development. Accordingly, principles of the labour law represent, based on system of objectively existing conventional ideas, the supervising beginnings which to some extent reflect such ideas in sphere activity on law application, being fixed in the maintenance of norms of the legislation on work, both defining basic lines and internal unity of all means and forms of regulation of public relations in wage labour sphere. The author given publication in the scientific workings out directed on improvement of the special conceptual device of the doctrine about principles of the labour law and the mechanism of their realisation [9-15] is guided by the such.


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