sciences / 5. Power
DPhil Kaganov
W. I.
The Moscow state institute of radio engineering, electronics and
automatic– technical university.
Heating of
wires of a contact railway system with on-power an electromagnetic wave for
struggle against ice
It is known that
at temperature of air from 0 to-50Ñ and
the raised humidity there is an icing of bearing and contact wires of networks of railroad lines that leads
to delay of speed of movement of trains on electric draft or even to their full
stop. For struggle against this extremely undesirable phenomenon it is
necessary at approach icing conditions to heat up wires to temperature not less
The basic way of
clearing of wires from icing consists in the following: stop movement of trains
on electric draft, short-circuit close wires of a network and pass through
them from traction substation of enormous force a current which is heating up
wires. So according to [1] in the spent experiment for struggle against ice on
a high-speed railroad line Paris-Lyons at a short-circuited contour in the
extent 43km and a source pressure in 26 kV the current in a copper contact wire
section 150 mm2 equaled 615
A and a bronze bearing wire section 65 mm2 -420 A. Hereby, the general
spent capacity for heating of wires on 15-200 Ñ
has made nearby 27 MW,
and specific capacity - 650 W/m. Is short we name an applied method of heating
of wires way of short circuit.
In [2-3]
essentially new method for struggle against an icing of wires by means of the
high-frequency electromagnetic wave extending on two- or three-wire line is
offered. With reference to system of an electricity transmission of a railroad
line the general scheme on realization of the given method is presented on fig.
Owing to
so-called skin-effect [4] to frequency increase there is a replacement of the
current proceeding on a wire, to its periphery therefore resistance of a wire
sharply increases and there is more effective transformation of electromagnetic
energy of the wave extending on a line, to the thermal. So according to [3] for
a copper wire specific resistance of a wire at low and high frequency
where S - section of one of
two copper wires [mm2], F - frequency of an electromagnetic wave
According to (1) and
(2) at transition to a warming up of a wire by means of electromagnetic energy
of high frequency the factor of its transformation to heat will increase N = Rf
/ R0 time. So for example, according to (1) resistance of a wire at section
S=150 mm2 and length 1000m
at low frequency makes 0,119W,
and according to (2) resistance of the same wire at frequency F=100 MHz - 61W, i.e. increases more, than in 500 times. Hence, in the same number 500
of times there will be more effective transformation of energy of a source to
Radiation of
electromagnetic energy at its distribution on a two-wire line of transfer
minimum as the field is concentrated basically between wires. The basic source
of losses of energy in this case is òåïëîîòäà÷à
warm wires to air by a convection, which size in the established mode:
where q [W/mm2
× Ê] –
factor heat emission (convections) of the top hot layer of a wire to air, A– the general surface of a wire [mm2],
ΔTm- average value of difference of temperatures
between the top layer of a warm wire and air, t – time [c].
From (3) we will receive for
capacity Â× of the generator demanded for
heating n wires on ΔTÑÐ of degrees:
where N=2 and more, l - length of one wire [m], S – wire section [mm2].
As the amplitude of
the running wave extending along a line, decreases on ýêñïîíåíöèàëüíîìó to the law capacity of an electromagnetic
falling wave on distance x from the generator will make:
where PG= (U0 )2/2 ρ – capacity of a wave in the line beginning, equal to target capacity of the
high-frequency generator; U0
- amplitude of pressure of high frequency in the line beginning; a= Rf /r (1/m) – an
attenuation constant; Rf– resistance of a wire at
high frequency; r=276lg (a/r) – wave resistance of
a two-wire line; a - distance between
wires; r – wire radius.
Thus the capacity disseminated
on a site of a line of small length Dx :
Difference between temperature
of a wire and air depending on the races-standings, connection counted from a
place high-frequency generator :
example. According to formulas (5) –
(7) we will give an example calculation of heating of a two-wire line from a
copper wire at the following initial data: capacity of high-frequency generator
PG=100 kw, frequency F=100
MHz, length of a line l=5000m,
section of wire S=150 mm2.
We will accept convection factor q
=16 W/mm2 × Ê.
Schedules of capacity of falling wave P(x)
and temperatures of difference DT(x) along a line, calculated under the program,
are resulted on fig. 2. From them follows that in a considered example at
average temperature of heating of copper wires on 150 C concerning
air it is required to spend capacity Â× of an electromagnetic
wave for each meter of a line in 20 W.
Besides skin-effect it is possible to apply specially developed, simple
converters to wire heating on the converter of electromagnetic energy in
thermal which can be established along a line with certain step. These
converters can be fixed from above a contact line, without disturbing contact
of a current collector of an electric locomotive with a wire (fig. 3).
Laboratory experiments on heating of aluminum wires by means of the generator
capacity in 100 W frequency of 100 MHz, have confirmed substantive provisions
of given article.
Fig.2 Fig.3
The conclusion.
1. Bases of a new
way of prevention of formation icing on contact and bearing wires
of system of an electricity transmission of a railroad line with use of two
physical phenomena are developed: skin-effect and direct, discrete
transformation of electromagnetic energy to the thermal.
2. The offered way
in comparison with a method of short circuit applied now [1] has following
- It is not
required to stop movement of trains on electric draft on-skolku an
electromagnetic wave of high frequency and a current of a food elektrovo-call
can extend simultaneously on a contact line (fig. 1);
- The considerable
economy – on an order and more – the source of electric energy demanded for
heating wires, in view of more effective transformation of electromagnetic
energy of high frequency in thermal in comparison with a direct current and a
current of low frequency is possible.
3. As sources of
electromagnetic energy lamp radio transmitters of VHF FM of an announcement by
frequency around 100 MHz can be used.
4. Full-scale check
of an offered method of heating of wires of contact and bearing wires of system
of power supplies on a railroad line not less than 5 km by means of the
industrial sample of the high-frequency generator capacity 5 - 10 kw is necessary
in the extent.
The literature:
1. System of struggle against an icing of wires of a contact network. - RWM–
online - 11-2002.
2. Kaganov V. I. Struggle against ice in transmission lines by means of
a high-frequency electromagnetic wave. – Elektro, 2010, ¹5, p.41-45.
3. Kaganov V. I. The patent ¹2356148 of the RF from 20.05.2009 . The way and the device for struggle against ice on transmission lines».
4. Tamm I.E. Bas of the electricity theory. – Ì, 1956.