culture and sport /1. Physical culture and sport: problem, study, proposal.
Professor V.A. Magin,
associate professor J.V. Sorokopud,
associate professor E.N. Nabat, student
oP.J. Tischenko
Stavropol state university, Russia
Metaqualities as the basis of the image of the instructor
of the physical culture
In the recent decades the sphere of physical
culture and sport underwent significant changes. Its humanization is one of the
leading tendencies. In this connection the requirements for the instructor of
physical culture and sport, his image, which is the most powerful lever of
action on the students in the process of their interaction in the occupations
on the physical culture, has changed. The serious attention is paid to this
problem in the department of the physical culture of
verbatim from English is transferred as
“means”, moreover by means is understood not only the visual, visual means
(form, appearance), which composes the so-called “external image” of a man, but
also means of his thinking, actions, personal qualities, which compose
“internal image”. We define “the image of the instructor of physical culture” as
the system of the personal of instructor, his pedagogical technology, directed
toward the practical realization of the humanistic ideas of the modernization
of the sphere of physical culture and sport.
us examine the system of the personal qualities, which must be located, in our
opinion, in the basis of the image of the contemporary instructor of physical
culture. We have designated these qualities as the metaprofessional
the metaprofessional qualities of personality we
separate assertiveness (from assert).
Assertiveness - is the pedagogical contact,
which rests on the truly humanistic beginnings, where manipulation, cruelty and
aggression are denied.
behavior allows the instructor:
to speak out clearly and
to enter orderly;
to understand himself/herself and
to avoid manipulation with people;
in this case to act
consider that taking into account specific character, assertiveness is the
important component of the professionalism of the instructor of physical
culture. At the same time, assertiveness
– is also the adequate estimation of situation, own behavior and the way to
Facilitation (from
“to facilitate”) - is this the ability of the instructor to create the favorable
conditions for the maximum physical, intellectual, spiritual development of
each student.
-is a capability for a constant self-development, without which the improvement
of the craftsmanship of the instructor of physical culture is impossible. This
quality is especially actual in connection with the processes of the modernization
of the system of physical culture and sport. These processes will require the
revision of the content of the programs realized by the instructors and the
formation of new professional positions from the instructors.
goes without saying, under the contemporary sociocultural
conditions one of the most important metaqualities of
the instructor of physical culture is tolerance.
In many cultures the concept “tolerance” is the unique synonym “of tolerance”
(Lat. - tolerantia - patience; Engl. - tolerance,
In connection with the humanization of the
sphere of physical culture we should note one more important quality of the
instructor of physical culture – “feliksologichnost”
(from the the Latin of felix
- “happy”, “the carrier happiness”, “bringing happiness”). Physical culture has been always directed
toward the realization of recreational function and it must bring a feeling of
happiness to all participants. Thus, the instructor of physical culture must
personify the harmony of soul and body. His activity must be based on the skill
to organize physical and sporting, physical and health-improvement activity of
students, which facilitates realization by them the happy essence of every
moment of life in the process of occupations by physical culture and sport.
Definition “the image of the instructor
of physical culture” has been defined by us as the harmonious totality of
external and internal personal, individual and professional qualities, directed
toward the practical realization of the humanistic ideas of the modernization
of the sphere of physical culture and sport.
the noticed qualities are system-forming in the image of the contemporary
instructor of physical culture. They will make it possible to realize
innovation technologies.
professional positions are considered to be the basis of key scopes and assume
the skill to organize the training - educational process This skill is based on
the ability to accomplish effective interaction in the process of the mastering
of innovation technologies in the sphere of physical culture and sport in the
context of humanization of formation system.