науки/1. Металлургия
Каnaev А.T., Baibossynova L.А.
Eurasian national university named after
L.N.Gumilev, Kazakhstan
The most important aspect of the usage of local,
plasma heat hardening for railway wheels is consideration of possible influence
of exploitation terms on microstructure and working efficiency of ironclad
layer. The thermo, appearing during braking and slide of wheels over the rail
is perceived by outside part of surface rim and flange, which depending on
breaking regulation can be heated till the phasic and structural transformation
It is known, that for carbonic steels, reinforced with
heat hardening, admissible temperature of exploitation must not exceed 200°C,
as by heating in the higher temperature breakdown of martensite with sharp
abating of ironclad layer is happening. Also, we know that on exploitation in
various regimes of braking, there can be much higher temperatures than 200°C.
So, heat calculation, done in the work, witness that in the end of braking
maximum of wheel driving surface heating temperature can exceed 500°C, and most
part of wheel band heats in the higher temperature than 250°C. It leads to
plasma ironclad effect taking off.
That’s why, it will be efficient to use low-alloy
steel with vanadium, instead of carbon, for the production of wheels and wheel
bands, it will allow us significantly increase heat stability. It is explained
so, that, diffusion mobility of alloy elements’ carbon atoms, saluted by the
way of substitution is much lower, than carbon atoms’ diffusion mobility, which
is saluted in α – ferrum by way of insertion.
In abatement temperatures lower than 400°C in matrices
diffusion redistribution of alloy elements do not happen, from α –
dilution at the beginning ε – carbide is plated out, and then iron
carbide, in which concentration of alloy elements the same with those as it was
in martensite. Alloy elements’ atoms in beaker plate of transitional ε –
carbide and iron carbide, appearing in temperature lower than 400 °C, often
replace ferrum atoms – (Fe, V)3.
Analyses of literary facts shows, that for the first
stage of martensite dissection, that is for “biphasic” dissection in
temperatures lower than 150°C, alloy elements, in particular V, doesn’t make
much influence on practice. It conforms that on the first stage of martensite
dissection, the main process is the origination of carbide parts, and it
depends, mainly, on congestion of α – solution by carbon, and diffusion
growth of carbide extraction, also in carbon steel is developed very flimsy.
Many alloy elements influent very strong on the
dissection of martensite, slowing down the growth of carbide parts and
maintaining congestion of α – carbon solution, that is maintaining
condition of loosen martensite till the temperature 450-500°C. For example,
adding V, Cr, Si, act this way. Latency of martensite dissection by alloy
elements at this stage is explained by two reasons:
At first, such alloy elements as V, Cr, Mo decrease
speed of carbon diffusion in α – solution;
Another reason is elevating of interatomic bond’s
durability in breaker plate
α – solution under the influence of such elements, as V, Si, Cz and
others, in which transition of atoms through bound α – carbide solution is
made difficult and consequently, martensite dissection is made difficult.
Alloy elements influent much on carbide
transformations during letting down in the temperature higher than 450°C, when
their diffusion redistribution is becoming possible. As a result of this,
special carbides can be produced. There are two ways of their appearing. At
first, concentration of carbide-forming, alloying element as a result of its
diffusion redistribution between α – solution and iron carbide is
increasing to such dimension in cementite, that it is turning into special
carbide, for example, alloyed chrome-cementite (Fe, Cr)3C is turning
into carbide chrome
(Cr, Fe)7C3.
Secondly, special carbide can be produced right in
congested alloyed element
α – solution.
At the beginning, clusters out of atoms of alloying
element and carbon with dimension of 3-5 Nm is forming near to dislocation. On
increasing the temperature till 550°C, they are forming in the parts of special
carbide, for example, VC. It is very important, that extraction of such
carbides, as VC is much smaller than dissolving parts of cementite, one of the
reasons of this is little diffusion mobility of alloy elements’ atoms.
Alloying elements influent on speed of carbide parts’
coagulation. Cr, V, Mo and some other elements make coagulation difficult.
Elements, enforcing interatomic connection in breaker plate α – solution
and carbide and carbon diffusions, decreasing the speed in α – solution,
make atom transition through bound carbide - α – solution and transit of
carbon through solution difficult. Such elements hold back dissolving of little
and increase of big parts during coagulation. Because of little speed of alloy
elements’ diffusion, carbides’ coagulation is going slowly (for example, VC).
Certainly, the speed of these processes is increasing
with rise of temperature and rise of drawing length.
If in the capacity of plasma forming gas, nitrogen of
particular cleanliness is used, in this way there will appear formation in case
of plasma heat hardening in wheel steel of nitride constituents, also firm
against dissolution and coagulation possible. On heating temperatures till
600°, formation of nitride constituents is becoming possible due to enrichment
of steel with nitrogen in the process of plasma processing. Herewith, nitrogen
concentration in surface layers so big, that in the result of process formation
of structures, not corresponding to simple carbon steel is happening.
Affirmation, that wheels, appearing during braking
down of heating, totally take off effect of wheel band’s plasmic hardening is
not convincing and require concrete metallographic researches with measurements
of microhardness of structural and phasic components of heat-treated zone
surface. Conversion of scientifically founded technology of crown’s hardening,
require cardinal reconsideration of accepted apprehension concerning surface
Today, it is considered, that crowns are eroding
during gripping, that is leading mechanism of side wear is binding. It can be
prevented, only by increase of firmness and change of contact surface structure
material. It is recommended to set the correlation of wheels and rails firmness
as 1:1,2.
Because of plastic deformation’s suppression
heat-hardening of even one element of contacting system to high firmness 600 HV
and higher not only influent positively on other element, but also improve its
Differences in indicators of hardened wheel pairs’
durability improvement, mentioned in various sources, probably, conditioned by
parameter spread of hardened wheels’ layer. Parameter spread of layers is
defined only by accuracy and stability of heat-hardening parameters. That’s
why, it is very important to provide with accuracy and positioning precision of
hardening process.
1. High concentration of carbon in wheel band steel (0,57-0,65%), on the
one hand, provides with durability and back-to-back endurance, on the other
hand, decrease heat endurance. That’s why, vanadium is included to the content
of wheel band steel of the mark 2, which by increasing heat resistance,
contribute to the improvement of resistance to thermic and thermothermic
2. Thermal analyses, done in the work, confirm that in the end of breaking
down, maximal surface heat temperature can exceed 500°C, and most part of wheel
band can be heated till 200-250°C. It leads to relief of effect from plasmic
3. In plasma-flaming technology, in the capacity of plasma forming gas, nitrogen
of special cleanliness is used, leading to the formation of nitride
constituents, heatproof against dissolution and coagulation till 500°C.
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5. Канаев А. Т.,
Кусаинова К. Т. Влияние соотношений твердости рельсовой и бандажной стали на
износостойкость пары трения «колесо-рельс». Вестник Акмолинского
аграрно-технического университета им. С. Сейфуллина.