PhD, Assoc. Nikiforova L.O., Melnyk O.V.

Vinnitsa National Technical University, Ukraine



Each employee is interested in high performance and effective work of the staff. After all, in achieving the main objectives of the enterprise – to have the profit, the staff play an important role, especially its psychological characteristics, needs and interests. The key issue of effective use of the staff is motivation, in particular, the incentives’ intensification  that cause changes in behavior in the desired direction and the appropriateness between the structure of motivation system and the structure of motivation of the staff. Motivated staff is a  guaranty of successful  work and progressive movement  toward the realization of the strategy and strengthen its market position [1]. Successful enterprises understand how to use not only financial motivation. After all, everyone wants to feel their importance in the firm and be respected by colleagues and administration. Therefore, the main task for today is the immaterial methods of the staff motivation.

The key to improve the efficiency of the staff’s work and the whole enterprise in total is motivation, and its main task is to provide an opportunity to express all the capabilities of the employees connected with their education, skills and training.

Motivated worker has the desire for self-assertion and self-realization, leads to develop a working potential [2].

The main methods of motivating employees are material and immaterial. The material motivation deals with satisfaction of physiological needs. It includes salary, different kinds of bonuses and allowances. But money - is not the only and often not the most effective way to motivate employees. It is believed that the material compensation sometimes can affect significantly and effectively [1,3]. Immaterial motivation deals with satisfaction of psychological and social needs. Effective motivation will apply only to those who has satisfied their basic needs and is sure that can do it in future, and the next step is self-realization.

After analyzing the universal methods of immaterial motivation [2-5], the authors concluded that the most effective methods, suitable for large enterprises and for medium-sized businesses are: improving the workplace, positive relationship between managers and subordinates, promotions, flexible schedule, free education, employment of employees during working hours, feedback.

Consider some of them. Thus, the most common immaterial factor of motivation, used in many companies around the world, is flexible schedule [3].

There are many different kinds of it: sometimes the employees are allowed to choose the start and end of the day, they can work part-time day or part-time week. Managers need to evaluate not the time the employees have spent in the company, but the quality of their work.

One of the methods of motivating the staff of the organizations is extensive work during working hours. Today some of the leaders positively related to the fact that their subordinates can go in for sports during working hours, have a healthy lifestyle. Sports positively and directly affects on the grouping of the collective. Motivation the employees to have the healthy lifestyle makes them active, positively changes their attitude toward the leadership and creates a healthy, athletic team, which can positively affects the formation of a favorable social and psychological climate in the team and is one of the methods of teambuilding [5].

An important element of the staff motivation system is a feedback. Qualitative feedback establish the positive behavior patterns and motivates people to qualitative work in the future. In practice, one can observe [4] that feedback exists in two forms: compliment and criticism. Almost always the criticism cause the negative emotions which always cause the degradation of productivity. It seemed that the alternative version is to compliment and encourage the employees. Sometimes words of compliment are valued more than money. To make the feedback effective you need to follow the algorithm presented in Pict. 1 [6].







Pict. 1. The algorithm of optimal feedback between manager and subordinate

After all we can say, that the motivation is the process of awakening people to achieve business goals. Without well-trained and motivated staff the high efficiency and effectiveness of work can not be achieved. They can achieve the tangible results in the activity of the enterprise without large financial losses but only with the attentiveness of the guidance to the subordinates. After all, every employee wants to have not only the big income, but also to express himself professionally. Therefore, immaterial methods are an integral part of the staff motivation, and effective feedback - one of the main methods of immaterial motivation.

1. Moroz O.V. Social and psychological factors of motivating employees of instrument-making enterprises: Monograph // Moroz O.V., Nikiforova L.A., A.A. Shiyan - Vinnitsa: NTB - 2011. - 275 p.

2. Nikiforova L.A. Initial sources of human motivation / L. Nikiforova // Bulletin of the Lviv State Academy of Finance. - 2007. - ¹ 12. - S. 244-250.

3. Universal methods for immaterial motivation of the staff. [Electronic resource] - Mode of access: - Name of the screen.

4. Staff motivation: Feedback. [Electronic resource] - Mode of access: - Name of the screen.

5. Nikiforova L.A. Teambuilding as a basis for effective team development / Nikiforova L.A., Belokon Y. // Economic Area - the Dnieper.: PSABA - ¹ 2. - 2012. - P.24-31.

6. Nikiforova L.O. Application of immaterial motivation of the staff / Nikiforova L.O., Melnyk O.V. // The IV International Scientific Conference "Quality of Economic Development: the global and local aspects" (24-25 May 2012, Kyiv) - Dnipropetrovsk: Bill K. - 2012. - S. 38-40.