Pedagogical science/ 2.Problems of
training specialists.
4.Strategic directions of the reform of the educational
Rosa Iskanderovna
Director of the City
Methodological Centre of the Education
Authority in Kazan, Candidate of Pedagogic
Sciences, Assistant Professor, Russia
and development of ICT competence of teachers in modern conditions: Methodological aspects
Information Technology is highly relevant. Undoubtedly, IT is a rapidly
developing field and, in order to keep up-to-date with it, it is necessary to
learn continuously. Participation in research and practice conferences as well
as seminars allows us to not only disseminate our work to colleagues but also
to obtain an assessment of our activity also. The exchange of experiences with
fellow-thinkers makes it possible to learn about new techniques, methods and
innovations that each of them learns daily through intensive work.
Consequently, we are able to state that using Information Computer Technology
(ICT) today enables an increase in efficiency of both the lessons and the
educational process.
main areas of informational support are as follows: the gathering, processing
and analysing of information on different topics vital for the development of
the education system; and informing about new pedagogical technologies as well
as the results from the development of systems and institutions. The
task of the methodological service is to increase the quality of information,
to achieve complete, current, reliable, safe and essential information that
possesses the potential for allowing competent decisions to be made.
the schools of Kazan have a broadband connection to the Internet. As part of
the republican projects, ‘Computer for Teachers’ and ‘Computer for Schools’,
more than 8,000 laptops and around 3,000 computers equipped with necessary
software have been obtained. It is clear that the most important task, one that
doesn’t allow for progress without its completion, is the training of pedagogical
personnel firstly in the use of computers in the same way as a subject teacher
uses his pen or chalk in the modern lesson. For the mass training of educators
we have trained tutors, using the potential of the best teachers and, together
with lecturers of higher education institutions, have been carrying out ongoing
seminars. This work continues today with the motivation of teachers to use IT
in everyday practice as a medium term task.
this purpose, using leader-schools, centres of competence in electronic
education have been set up to disseminate the best level of experience in using
ICT in school education (there are 8 of them in the city). The task of these
centres is the provision, demonstration and the spread of the best work
practices with new technologies to all schools of the district and the city
itself as well as to support teachers from neighbouring schools. With the help
of practical experience in these centres, internships for increasing the career
growth of educators are run. Now, with the pedagogical staff of the city, we
are carrying out the following task – the mastering of the new information
system “Electronic Education in the Republic of Tatarstan”, with participation
in the experimental programme of electronic class registers and school diaries.
With the understanding that IT technologies are a powerful pedagogical tool in
the hands of the teacher and that it should be used and applied widely in
subject lessons, many of them have created communities of interest and share their
working experience with colleagues.
the leading area of informational support in the CMC is to motivate teachers to
use IT in the educational process as discussed above, then another area of this
support is the provision of consultation in the form of scientific
methodological assistance to educators in their mastering of innovation
processes. The main method is intensive and purposeful communication on the
Internet. The development of modern interpersonal communications (blogs,
Twitter) has led to the appearance of social networks and unions. However,
there is a risk of spontaneity and uncontrollability by this process. Keeping
in mind the great importance of this problem, the necessity to organise a
multi-functional space with a large quantity of different services unified by a
single concept has arisen in the city. The Kazan educational portal (
has become one such space, the main purpose of which is to increase the
informational culture of the pedagogical community in the city. What task does
the portal serve? This is foremost an exchange of experience and a widening of
the spectrum in professional competence; the formation of a single policy in
the field of electronic education in the city; the perfection of the
educational governance system on the basis of the introduction of ICT; and the
systematisation, generalisation and implementation of experience in applying
electronic education in the education process. What kind of educational
resources are available on this portal to help educators? There are
methodological recommendations on preparing for the USE and SFC, on drawing up of work programs for study courses in educational
institutions, and on the realisation of the new generation Federal State
Educational Standard etc.
Master-classes given by the best
teachers in the city, a collection of modern lessons, author’s seminars (video
recordings of seminars by leading educators of Russia), public reports by the
leaders of educational institutions of the city, publishing projects, links to
internet sources etc are all featured there.
at the Kazan educational portal, there are Virtual Methodological Unions (VMUs)
that are an alternative form of methodological unions. The purpose of the VMU is
the unification of pedagogical personnel in the city around common professional
interests. This includes teachers of a discipline in one educational field or
subjects in one level of education, supervising teachers, educational
psychologists, and leaders of educational institutions. To become a member of
the VMU, the user should complete the registration procedure and after, he has
the ability to post notes and materials and also comment on the publications of
other members. The advantages of the VMUs are the following: the dissemination
of work experience to a wider circle of colleagues, a comfortable schedule and
rhythm of work (each member chooses for himself), an unlimited number of VMU
members, saving time on trips for face to face participation in the
methodological unions’ sessions, and efficiency in getting methodological help
in the professional subjects that are relevant to you. The VMUs realises their
activities through online distance education – it can organise web seminars,
forums, online surveys, internet testing, and a cycle of distant open lessons
in given and defined subject area etc.
to the fact that the portal has the possibility to attract a large number of
users, the necessity has arisen to publish an electronic scientific-methodological
journal, “KAZANOBR.RU”, once per quarter with a defined subject matter. The
purpose of the journal is the provision of assistance for the effective
functioning of the educational space in the city by ensuring the professional
growth and the increase of informational culture among educators, creating the
conditions for their development and self-realisation. The journal is active
within the “Kazan educational portal” website, which is registered as a mass
medium by the Federal agency that oversees communication and mass
communications. Articles of scientific and scientific-practical character,
statutory and regulatory documents, analytical articles, the best work
experience of educators, and answers to topical questions in education are
published in the journal. The following rubrics are available: “Education for
everybody and everyone” (the perfection of infrastructure in EI (Educational
Institutions); the development of self-sufficiency in EI; advanced pedagogical
potential; standards of the new generation; electronic education; health
preservation; all children are gifted), “Preschool academy”, “Innovations and
experiments”, “Upbringing: before and after lessons”, and “Creative workshop”.
These rubrics can change depending on the subject of an issue.
Thus, the professional
development of teachers now
proposes not only the development
of his competence in the subject area, but also in
the use of ICT. Most teachers, widely using ICT in teaching practice, confidently say that the new
technologies contribute to the growth of culture
of pedagogical work.
1.Tsvetkova M.S.
The models of complex information system of general education. Moscow, 2007.
2. Materials of the
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3. Lazarev V.S. Innovation in schools: a manual for
the system of higher professional education and teacher’s development program/ Ekaterinburg,
4. Information Science and Education, 2011. ¹11.
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