Technical science / 4. Transport


Senior lecturer Pokrovskaya O.D.


Siberian state industrial University, Russia




In the mining regions transport network has sufficient development. The availability of stable powerful industrial freight traffic causes the pre-emptive maintenance of export of mining regions of the railway. With the divestiture of the role of parties of cargoes motor transport is growing as for short, and over long distances. This determined the necessity to search for ways of effective polytransport service of freight traffic.

In view of this it is necessary to create conditions for the development of polytransport systems of delivery of a cargo, identifying the effective use of various types of transport when transport services extractive industry. And this is possible only through the work of transport, and customers with a terminal network, which will reduce the cost of products and bear the cost of transport for distribution in a competitive environment.

Among the existing conditions of transport-expeditionary ensure regional cargo movement it can be noted that: 1) industrial and transport enterprises operate independently; 2) large manufacturers in conditions of complication of transport-economic connections and objectives of the distribution of working directly with numerous small consumers of the product; 3) the creation of the cargo terminals of a casual nature, and does not ensure the development of the transport-forwarding service and attraction of investments.

Foreign experience shows that for the acceleration of economic processes and improving the systems of delivery of the cargo it is necessary to create «terminal villages», multimodal hubs. In Russia the formation of such complexes is spontaneously, simple accumulation of objects of transport-logistics and trade business, in the absence of scientifically based methods of their design and development.

The peculiarities of the modern  cargo movement is the crushing of the major traffic flows in part of the distribution, which stipulates the necessity of their three-phase service: the collection (concentration) in the nodes, the backbone of transportation and further spray on consignees. There is also a need to implement a full complex of transport-logistics services from a single person». The functioning of the network of logistic accumulative-distribution centers (further - LADC) for the organization of transportations of cargoes will create in the region the conditions of a single transport-expeditionary space.

The absence in the regions of the cargo terminal and, as a consequence, large transport-logistic operators and financial investments in transport and warehouse infrastructure leads to «freeze» the stocks of products at warehouses of enterprises, inefficient use of rolling stock.

The existing storage infrastructure is imperfect and cannot be considered as a terminal network in virtue of the fact that: the work of the manufacturers directly with many consumers of products inefficient in the conditions of the increase of the transport and economic links, quickly changing market requirements and  small parties distribution; enterprises incur significant costs on maintenance of their own developed warehouse infrastructure and equipment of cargo platforms; logistics infrastructure is in a non-competitive environment, which makes their interaction. For example, small consumers often do not have access to railroads, which predetermines the  monotransport delivery; while the enterprise traditionally served by the railway, and do not have the necessary infrastructure to work with motor transport.

Should be technologically and economically link available objects, re-Orient their work on implementation of the complex of logistics functions, centralizing the management of  cargo movement. The formation of a terminal network should ensure the manageability of the system of accumulation and distribution of freight traffic, which will increase the efficiency of transport-logistics services.

The transfer of the distribution functions LADC solve a number of tasks distribution: 1) monitoring of the needs of the products in terms of volume and nomenclature; 2) concentration at the terminals of managerial work and logistics functions on cargo accumulation and cargo distribution products on the external network; 3) the planning of delivery systems and the choice of type of transport; 4) improvement of the  cargo carrying out ability transport.

The deployment of the terminal network that is within the region, despite the fact that the main sales markets are located in other regions and abroad, motivated by possible multiplicative effect in the part of urban development, transport and road infrastructure (construction of roads, freight items, container platforms...) and good transport links.

Russia implements large-scale projects of the universal cargo complexes, and in the regions there are no specialized centers to cater to local cargo traffic, the share of which has increased. As an example, take coal. So, in 2000, the main volume of coal ïîòðåáëÿëñÿ within the area of its production, only 23% was supplied to other regions of the country, and in 2010 this share increased up to 36%. This is evidenced by the range of transportation: so, at a distance of up to 1000 km transported 63.8% of coal.

The LADC, as a new organizational form of  mesologistic systems in cargo distribution, implements independently or buys classic logistic services, and integrates them in a fundamentally new, consolidated «end-to-end» service and then sells them to a total product sales organizations or directly shippers on the market. If logistics services are traditionally «narrow-functional» intermediaries - carriers, warehouse operators, forwarders, the LADC provides the realization of a wide range of services for maintenance of effective of cargo movement throughout the logistics cycle, and in one person.

Possible financial ways organization LADC may be the use of alienated infrastructure (warehouses, cargo platform, cargo handling equipment, industrial premises...) of industrial enterprises, loading and transportation departments, motor depots, unused (at reduction of volumes of transportations) ways of railway stations and etc., that will allow to save on costs (public or private nature) in the construction of LADC.

The presence in the region LADC will provide: 1) the inclusion of the region in all-Russian network of terminals, 2) economic and transport integration, 3) the infrastructural basis for the output of the passing of the country's transport corridors, 4) increased mobility of factors of production and the efficient allocation of resources. The network's work LADC will create the necessary points of growth of the regional economy, capable to cause a business and commercial activity, to attract additional cargo flows and investments, create new jobs.

Our studies show that the cost of transportation and handling operations reach 15-18% of the final cost of goods. One of the areas of cost reduction in the sphere of circulation and distribution is the use in transport-expedition service terminal technologies that will allow to reduce the level of stocks held by manufacturers on 30-50% and in 1,5-2 times faster delivery of goods to consumers [1]. By the beginning of 2010 in the Russian Federation the expenses for logistics service  cargo movement in the regions accounted for 40% and more of the value of the goods. Main components - it is a railway tariff, the price of handling and road transportation.

Transport strategy of the Russian Federation for the period till 2030, says: «the Share of transport expenses in the production cost in Russia is 15-20% against 7-8% in the countries with developed market economies. It is connected with the insufficient development of the system of distribution» [2]. For commodities, this indicator is equal to 50-80%. As in the structure of export of Russia the largest share of products of mining industries, the amount of transport costs in the price of goods on average significantly higher than in the leading countries. In these conditions significantly reduced the competitiveness of domestic products on the markets.

In Russia, considering the average distance of transportation, management of the regional traffic flows with the participation of several types of transport is possible only in the context of a developed terminal networks, covering the whole transport system of the country. The remoteness of the production companies of the regional consumer has a negative impact on transport costs of the manufacturer. According to the Institute of a conjuncture of the coal market, at an average distance of transportation of products within Russia 4000 km, for Kuznetsk coal it is 4450 km, transportation costs are 30 - 45% of the total cost of coal.

Almost the whole route of the mass of bulk cargo through the huge territory of Russia there is no specialized terminals. there are no appropriate organizational structure for the implementation of end-to-end transport-logistics service  polytransport delivery.

The modern stage of market development in Russia have put the regional carriers task of not only the effective (the cost aspect) of the carriage, but also the distribution of goods. Intensification of  cargo movement processes in the mining regions of the country demanded a new approach to the management of the transportation and distribution of goods that are adequate to the realities of the domestic market, as the formation of transport corridors and infrastructure basis for integration into them - terminal network in every region of the country. On the example of the Western experience can evaluate the significance of the formation of the efficient structure of the distribution. In most Western countries with market economies, the share of transport-forwarding services in the transport process is about 60%, while in Russia - only 6%.

Relevant to issues of effective formation of the terminal network of the region by the number and disposition of its components and the type of the transport service. At formation of the logistics centers is not taken into account the real need for them is not solved the problem of their positioning in the transport system of the region according to the number and deployment, as well as the exploration of the interaction of different modes of transport for their maintenance. A consequence of the low competitiveness of the domestic carriers, because the costs related to freight transportation in Russia above the level of the Western countries in 2-3 times.

In connection with this important direction of growth of competitiveness of the Russian Railways is the development of logistic centers, which ensures the complete cycle of services on delivery of cargo to the client « door- to- door». Realization of this task assumes creation in the major economic centers of the country system of warehouse and distribution centers - for example, LADC, with its own transport and ensure effective dock road and rail transport and delivery of goods directly to the client «just-in-time».

The scientific and practical significance of the issue of complex formation of of a terminal network in the number and disposition of its components and the choice of the type (combination of) transport for service says the fact that the quality of decisions on creation of terminal systems in the regions depends on the efficiency of logistics of the whole country. During formation of a terminal network should take into account the specifics of regional production, transport development, the volumes of demand and supply on the regional products.

Analysis of world and domestic experience in solving the problems of designing efficient systems of transport services showed a lack of development and science-based methodology for the calculation of such systems. In such conditions, domestic carriers and freight forwarders have to make subjective decisions on the choice of the type of transport and schemes of delivery, leading to a reduction of rationality cargo movement and cargo distribution processes.

In this regard, urgent scientific and practical task is conceptually-methodical ensuring the establishment of a terminal network for the transport and logistics support cargo distribution processes [3].




1. Troitskaya N.A. A unified transport system: ucheb. - 2 edition, a stereotype. - M.: Publishing centre «Academy», 2004. - 240 p. ISBN 5-7695-1988-6.

2. Transport strategy of Russia until 2030. The Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation. - Moscow, 2008. - 259 p.

3. Pokrovskaya O.D. The FORMATION of the TERMINAL NETWORK of the REGION FOR the ORGANIZATION of TRANSPORTATIONS of CARGOES: scientific monograph. – Moscow, 2012. - 192 p. ISBN 978-5-94976-452-7.