Sarbasova K.A.

Karaganda State University after E.A.Buketov

Significance Al-Farabi's pedagogical theory


               The important problems which connected with changing is occurring in contemporaneous society of our country to bring up the all round development person who can decide main problem independently and who is capable of creative activities. Solution of this problem demands new approach to bring up and education of future generation. That  is why every person should have availability knowledge of the field of pedagogic. It demands of the time.  Mastering pedagogical main principles are the way of the spiritual development of person and regulate relation between them.

               The great our ancestor Makzhan stated deep own thought: «Aim of bringing up is to make a happy man, further make humanity. If the members of nations - every man will be happy, then every nation will be happy, humanity happy.  In short  the aim of bringing up is not only thrusting name of man, but bringing up the man in real. For accomplishment of commonsense thought of our ancestor everybody should reach mastering of main pedagogical knowledge.

              In this time when Kazakhstan taking new stage of socio-economy renewal and political democratization comes up the time for analyse source of Kazakh pedagogical science from coming up and give exactly assess.

              There are many ideas and practical legacy reserved by great thinker Al-Faraby for future generation which is fixed on the top of Kazakh pedagogics. There jobs undoubtedly serve for rationally  decision of problem in the field of education conscious future person.

              Actuality of this problem is defined more exactly by scholar's works which investigate legacy of Al-Faraby with historical point of view especially, works of unknown Kazakh scientific A. K. Kobesov as «Al-Faraby», «Mathematical legacy of Al-Faraby», «Unexticing star», «The problem of astronomy in Al-Faraby's work», «The unopened world of Al-Faraby» are invaluable.

             And scientist K.Zh.Ibraeva defined Al-Faraby folk pedagogical and psychological view by exploring the forming and developments of educational thought in Kazakhstan in X - XIV centuries.

             In The Kazakh pedagogical science to show clear and practical meaning, to make clear some ideas about upbringing of our generation, finds similarities with the world of pedagogics, to appoint its place in pedagogical theory and practise, to use them in education system and for preparing some educational tools we need to make some research works. The interrelation of national pedagogics with civilization phenomenon, show us the the place of our independent country and future possibility of our mental development. Some pedagogical heritage of Al-Faraby is spring which can show us our mental development from ancient times till nowadays.

              Some considerable changes which take place in our contemporary society are the base of changing of industrial paradigms to cultural paradigm which is based on some new world educational principles; from machine technology to socialization; from national economy to the world economy. All these changes were the main reason to make some new paradigm in the sphere of education. This paradigm is the paradigm of reviving.

               The reviving paradigm is the main thing in the Al-Faraby's pedagogical idea. He made sure in his scientific works that the process of education must be based on this paradigm. As the result of it, nowadays after so many years we can recognise this paradigm as one  of the new paradigm in the sphere of education.

               He wrote in his work. About how can we reach happiness as a result of being educated: «In a life time everyone needs a lot of thing for his life and to reach the peak of his life. And also he needs some association of people to reach all his dreams.               

               And this association of people, everyone, of them finds from some common things the thing that he needs and gives it. All people are interrelated between each other. According to all these facts such associations of people which help each other during life time and with the help of  each other they can reach the peak of his life». The state high peak can be illustrated with a help of human's education, culture and so on. Hence, being in a state of high peak is the main way to be happy.  He writes about it: «If we have a good character we will be happy».

               The relationship between people should be in the best way if we say about people they are connected by respect.

Therefore people are considered as humanity. Because of they can  be friendly and peaceful. They may keep their relationship in friendly way. There are some  problems about the best knowledge in every society. The famous scientist said that it is a problem of  Lankestry  and Extremism. There are some paradigms of values which are developed. There is reason of famous scientist. The best paradigm of giving knowledge have found by Al-Faraby.

«Our duty is upbringing happy man» happiness is not only material and spiritual values which are humanity make spiritual pleasure.

              The Happiness of humanity – a big aim – during the way of new life spiritual force is developed which is deeper felt.

The culture of respecting is objective reason. The aim of this paradigm when every person built spiritual, national culture, tradition. It becomes from spiritual – human that is why, nowadays there are some duties for people , to know him, to have national values, to be useful for own society.

               Nowadays the method of pedagogics is not only theoretically pedagogics, but also is philosophy.  Therefore some teachers of pedagogics have to solve the problem about the best knowledge.

               The Civil philosophy is divided into two parts: with a help of one we know about some causes of abilities, actions and characteristics which will be cause of good actions.          

               They influence us and we take good things to our ability. It is called a kind of ethics art, second type is principles. With a help of it, people of the country have known about wonderful artistry, and how to keep this principles. This kind of type is called political philosophy.

                Philosophy of education from point of axiology, ontology, gynaecology, anthropology, education is the humanities social-culture practise branch of general science; it means that it helps to get education, to be smart. «We will have happiness through the beauty, clear soul and mind only with a help of philosophy we can take it at all». This idea of great scientist Al-Faraby and there is no doubt of valuable meaning of his words, because philosophy of education is directed with a help of pedagogical methodology.

While pedagogical methodology was formed, explorer V.V.Kraevski said: «Pedagogical methodology is not only foundation and structure of pedagogics, it is also the way of getting education and special-science action.

            The conclusion of it will be that the object of Pedagogics is pedagogical practical action, and the object of pedagogical methodology is action. And we should take into consideration the Al-Faraby's point of view which is noticed at book «The book of great music», he said «to know the theory of every science we need three principles:

                                                              to know foundation of science

                                                              to be able to make consequence

                                                              to explain and correct opinions which have      been said before.

            And taking into consideration, I divided my research work into two parts: in the first type I try to explain the foundation of music science and try to make conclusion and explanations from foundations, in the second type I paid great attention to research works of scientists who had done the music theory. The problem of Pedagogical Methodology in Al-Faraby's pedagogical source was that there were so many ways to achieve other things, but other scholars as A. Kobesov said: «First we should know the principles and meaning».

        So the great scientist Al-Faraby is the specifications of Kazakh Pedagogics and start the base of it.

     In our time Science of Pedagogics is closely connected with History of Science of Pedagogics. History principle is more important any science maturity because to research the past, to compare today’s change, to use past practice and also keep us not to repeat mistakes and show the future ways of it.


1. ZHumabaev M. Pedagogika. - Almaty, 1992.

2. Al-Faraby. Social-ethical traktaty. - Almaty, 1975.

3. Kraevskiy V.V. Methodology  nauchnogo issledovaniya. - SPB, 2001.

4. Al-Faraby. Mathematical traktaty. - Alma-Ata, 1972.

5. Kobesov A. Al-Farabidin ashilmagan alemi. - Almaty, 2002.