Филологические науки/ 7. Язык, речь, речевая коммуникация

Morel Morel D.A., candidate of philology

Belgorod branch of Modern Academy for Humanities, Russia

Potential semes in the French metaphorical nomination of human food


Lexical meaning is traditionally considered as a complex, structured, intentional category (e.g. [8: 146; 16: 31-35; 18: 133-134; 1: 105-106; 23: 44; 11: 76-77; 18: 19; 26; 21; 22; 12]).

According to O. A. Mikhaylova’s research there are two main approaches to the problem of the lexical meaning’s structure in the modern linguistics: the differential approach (L. Hjelmslev, J. J. Katz, A. Wierzbicka, Y. D. Apresyan et al.) and the integral one (D. L. Bolinger, M. V. Nikitin, I. A. Sternin et al.) [12: 14-16].

The first one represents the lexical meaning as an amount of some distinguishing characters (semes, semantic components, primitives, etc.) which are necessary and sufficient to oppose one meaning to another.

The representatives of the second approach (I. A. Sternin, C. A. Perfetti) consider the lexical meaning as unlimited, having indistinct, diffuse border and countless semantic components manifesting themselves in different situations (see: [1: 179-180]).

It has been proved long since the lexical meaning is not a simple list of semantic components [ibid., p. 8]. It is widely believed now that semes do not exist separately being united into a comprehensive whole by the logically pellucid system of relations. Linguists traditionally consider hierarchical relations of subordination, especially genus-species ones [16].

One of the generally recognized principles of the lexical meaning structuring is three-layer hierarchy proposed by B. Pottier and developed by R. Galisson, A. J. Greimas, V. G. Gak and S. D. Katznelson [33; 32; 31; 4; 3; 7]. This model provides for distinguishing among categorical (generic), differential (specific, identifying) and potential (virtual) semes. The last ones forming the lowest level of the lexical meaning structure become apparent in the communication acts [3: 87-90], so they do not belong to semantic invariant and they are not manifested in the dictionaries’ definitions.

Starting with works of Z. I. Khovanskaya, L. M. Shashkin, T. K. Tcheremukhina [24; 25; 28; 27] we have drawn up a multilayer hierarchical model of the lexical meaning. Such a model provides for distinguishing among semantic components of five macrolevels or strata: the stratum of categorical semes (SCS) – the top level in the semantic structure, the strata of generic (SGS), differential (SDS), potential (SPS) and individual (SIS) semes (for more details see: [14]). The first three strata form the invariant of lexical meaning (“vocabulary meaning”), the last ones constitute the variant part actualizing in the acts of communication and nomination.

The components of SPS have the higher ontological status consequently the larger extent of generalization (which fits differential semes) than that of SIS. But in spite of that potential semes cannot be included into SDS (neither into its kernel part like denotative components nor into its periphery like the components of stylistic value – see: [24]), inasmuch as they are facultative, virtual, being not part of the lexical meaning’s invariant.

It should be noted that our interpretation of potential and individual semes and discrimination between them differ from traditionally adopted comprehension of potential components (see: [ibid., p. 112]). On the other hand such an interpretation enables to bring SPS into correlation with Ch. Fillmore’s “presupposition” [30] (cf.: [24: 105, 114], where presupposition is treated as categorical components of lexical meaning) and with G. I. Kustova’s “implication” (not to be confused with a logical term) [9: 39].

Potential semes play a noticeable part in processes of secondary nomination [10: 111, 113], their regular use in the processes of metaphorization is especially pointed out [1: 68; 28].

It should be noted that the contribution of SIS’ semes to metaphoric transfer processes comes most likely to individual metaphors [1: 178] and neologisms. It is apparently determined by the fact that such semes do not have characteristics of SPS’ semes by nature: they are neither of common knowledge nor applicable to a representative part or to the totality of objects of a class in question (see in this connection: [19: 59-60]).

In our research we have just adverted to the metaphors' part in the development of the French macroconcept “NOURRITURE (food)” and of its lexicalizing means system [13]. The objective of the present paper is to examine the part of SPS’ semes in the metaphorization processes which provide for the dynamics of the aforementioned concept and system.

Speaking about the metaphor we subscribe to the opinion of I. A. Richards, M. Black who considered it as a semantically dual entity [34; 29] (see also: [15]). An image component is an integral part of a metaphorical denomination’s meaning [29: 167] being positioned at its periphery [24]. We are tend to consider an image component like complex entity, a macrocomponent. It includes into its inner structure some semes of motivating denomination according to which it is a) associated with the denotative kernel of motivated denomination’s lexical meaning, b) opposed to the latter (see: [15]). We are of opinion that the existence of an image as the stylistic value’s component requires the obligatory availability of semes with both mentioned functions in its structure [ibid., p. 23-24].

As one of results of our earlier research [14] we have drawn the following conclusions.

1. The actualization of potential semes occurs in the course of the secondary nomination processes. The revelation of these semes using the lexicographical material is possible only when the lexical meaning (more precisely denotative kernel) structures of motivating and motivated denominations are confronted. SPS’ semes are implicit in respect to the vocabulary entry text and they could be deduced on basis of known semes forming SDS (or SGS) of motivated denominations (or motivating ones, but it is rarely indeed – e.g. ‘ragougnasse’).

2. As a result of secondary nomination processes potential (to the motivating denomination’s meaning) semes are upgraded to differential and even generic ones in the motivated denomination’s meaning (more precisely in its denotative kernel). The potential semes’ upgradeability to differential level is typical to both neutral denominations (e.g. ‘pâture’) and those with stylistic value (e.g. ‘mangeaille’). As for their upgrade to generic level it reveals itself only in case of neutral denominations (e.g. ‘provision’).

3. An image component could include the motivating denomination’s semes of different levels of abstraction: from categorical to potential. The inclusion of the last ones is more typically denominations with stylistic value which are derived from denominations of admittedly inedible objects unappropriated for eating (e.g. ‘allumette’ (← ‘match’), ‘barquette’ (← ‘small boat’), ‘couronne’ (← ‘crown’), ‘ficelle’ (← ‘cord’), ‘pistolet’ (← ‘pistol’)).

4. The undertaken research has shown that an image component may include categorical, generic, differential and potential semes of motivating denomination for opposing itself to the denotative kernel’s semes, but it may include only categorical, generic and differential semes for associating with the kernel.

The further examination has made clear that the aforesaid models of the lexical material dynamics are rather inconsistent with revealed semantic processes passing in the course of the metaphorical nomination. Such a collision of early models and detected facts of language constitutes the issue of the present paper.

This problem became the subject of much study which led us to shape the following summary.

1. One of frequent results of metaphorical nomination is the inclusion of the motivating denomination’s potential semes into the motivated one’s lexical meaning structure. It may occur in two ways:

a) the SPS’ semes of motivating denomination are included into the image component located at the periphery of motivated one’s lexical meaning;

b) the SPS’ semes of motivating denomination are included into the denotative kernel of motivated one upgrading to differential semes (e.g. ‘mangeaille’, ‘pâtée’, ‘mixture’) and concurrently the same potential semes enter into the image component.

2. In the structure of an image component the motivating denomination’s potential semes reflect characteristics of a source object which allow

a) its associating with another object designated by motivated denomination (and to associate accordingly semantics of motivating and motivated denominations);

b) its opposition to another object designated by motivated denomination (and to oppose the image component to the denotative kernel in the motivated denomination’s semantics).

Each SPS’ seme might be actualized only in one function: either for opposition or for association. At the same time it exists a possibility of cases when SPS’ semes with different functions are actualized concurrently (e.g. ‘1.flûte’).

3. The “unexpectedness” of metaphors pointed out by several authors [10: 110; 6: 63] (see also: [15: 52]) is determined by the joint action of two factors: the suddenness of associative relations’ directions [5: 109-110, 156] and the existence of innumerable “virtual particles” of the “semantic space of language” [17: 88-91] – SPS’ semes.



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