Экономические науки / Макроэкономика
Cand. of Science in
Economics Taranenko I.V.
State University
The global economic system is to be considered in
the temporal and special context, as a new quality of the world economic
system. This quality is characterized by high level of closeness and
institutionalization of relations between subsystems and elements, and
accordingly – by high level of organization, which lead to the change of the
system structure for maximum integrity.
other words, the global economic system
is a completely new quality state of the world economic system that arises as a
result of its movement to the maximum integral state (which itself is
scientific abstraction).
In our opinion, unlike the
world economic system where the participants interact mostly in the area of
international relations, in the global economic system the internal connections
are also of great importance. It means that interaction on the national and local
markets between the participants who are involved in the system of global
relations is getting global system character. The constituent subsystems and
elements of the global economic system are not only the direct participants of
the international (world) market, but also the actors operating within national
economies and local markets, and directly or indirectly are the agents of
global demand and global supply, producers (or participants of supply chains)
and consumers of «global product».
The transformation of the
world economic system from its previous states to the new condition takes place
in time and space, in a continuous-and-discrete manner, through the
accumulation of the changes represented by the indexes of internationalization
and global integration [1].
The global economic system
arises within the world economic system as a result of some kind of «maturity»
of globalization processes and a higher level of institutionalization of the
connections between separated subsystems (elements) of the world economy. It is a «nucleus», or sphere of very close
interconnections within the world economic system which appears on a definite
stage of globalization and in the process of the world economic system evolution
it grows due to involving its components (subsystems and elements of different
levels) into a new system integrity.
Thus, the global economic
system is a new modern quality of the world economic system, a form of
existence of the latter which is in the process of formation. As the process of
the global economic system formation is gradual and non-linear and it is
carried out in a continuous - and - discrete manner, its bounds is not clearly
expressed but blurred out towards the outside part of the world economic system
where the substantial quantitative changes will be transformed into qualitative
ones in future.
The author makes an attempt to
define conceptually the modern dimension of time and space limits of the global
economic system through the KOF Index of Globalization.
The analysis of dynamics
of integral KOF Index of Globalization [2] for the world economy, and
its constituents - Indexes of Economic Globalization, Political Globalization and Social Globalization has been conducted for the period 1980 – 2008 (Table 1).
Table 1
KOF Index of Globalization, 1980 – 2008
Index values per
years |
Index |
1980 |
1985 |
1990 |
1995 |
2000 |
2005 |
2007 |
2008 |
Integral Index of Globalization |
38,82 |
40,43 |
40,90 |
47,30 |
53,09 |
56,38 |
58,12 |
58,03 |
Index of Economic
Globalization |
42,80 |
44,89 |
46,40 |
51,13 |
57,45 |
61,23 |
63,49 |
62,52 |
Index of Political
Globalization |
38,51 |
40,03 |
39,57 |
50,28 |
53,40 |
57,14 |
60,19 |
61,00 |
Index of Social
Globalization |
35,43 |
36,57 |
37,54 |
41,58 |
47,91 |
50,19 |
50,33 |
50,18 |
Source: KOF Index
of Globalization 2011. Press Release [5].
In 1980–1990 the value of Integral Index of Globalization rose insignificantly by 0.2 points.
In the early 1990-s a slight growth of the Index can be observed. By 2000 the
Index had increased almost by 13 points. The Index of Globalization value for
Eastern Europe and Central Asia demonstrates a higher growth in the period
1990-2000 as compared to the World Index value due to the transitional reforms
in post-socialist countries’ and the rise of openness of their economies.
The early 1990-s is the period
of intensive integration process and formation of regional organizations – the
Ands Common Market (1990), MERCOSUR (1992), Organization of Asia – Pacific
Economic Cooperation APEC (1989-1993), signing the Agreement on Free Trade
between ASEAN countries (1992), the Treaty of Maastricht in 1992,
North-American Agreement about Free Trade (NAFTA) and the completion of the Uruguayan round of
GATT/WTO in 1994. It should be assumed that the world globalization processes
and institutionalization of international relations as well as socio-economic
transformations in the CEE countries and former USSR caused the huge rise of
the World Index of Globalization. It enables us to consider the early 1990-s as a starting point of global economic
system separation in the general structure of the world economic system, or global economic system scopes in
temporal dimension.
conceptual defining of spatial
limits of the modern global economic system as a part of the world economic system
should be done by classifying countries according to the degree of their
integration into the globalization processes on the basis of the KOF Index of
Globalization. It is worth noting that the achieved results are relative due to
conventional character of quantitative estimations of countries’ integration into
the global economy.
The author presents her
substantiation of countries’ grouping according to their KOF Index of
Globalization value. The grouping was made by using statistic method of
standardization that demonstrates the
type of distribution close to the normal one. Accordingly three levels of
globalization were separated:
level (Index of Globalization value is higher than 70,00);
level (Index of Globalization value is 50,00 -
level (Index of Globalization value is 20,00 - 39,99);
The data for 186 countries classified according to KOF
Index of Globalization 2011 [3] were analysed.
one countries that form the first group (Index of Globalization is 70,00 and
higher) such as Belgium, Austria, Netherlands,
Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, France, Hungary, Finland, Germany, USA are on a high stage of the
globalization in economic, political and social dimensions and present a relative spatial border of the modern global
economic system. The interconnections between the above countries
are characterized by a high degree of closeness. The high level of
institutionalization of the interrelations within the group is testified by the
following facts: 27 countries are members of EU, 28 are in OECD, the USA and
Canada operate within NAFTA Agreement, all the countries of the group are
members of WTO.
countries of the second (76 countries) and the third group (68 countries) are
on lower level of integration into the globalization processes. It differs from
rather high for countries with Index of Globalization 60,00 - 69,99 showing their dynamic movement to the integration
into the global economic system to the countries - outsiders with very low
Index of Globalization value (20,00 - 39,99).
it was mentioned above, the borders of global economic system are indistinct
and can not be clearly described in terms of quantity. The additional
subdivision of each group into two sub-groups proves heterogeneous character of
their composition concerning the closeness of global interconnections between
countries and permanent rise of the closeness from «periphery» of the world
economic system to its «nucleus» that is the global economic system. Therefore,
a number of countries with high medium value of Index of Globalization - from
60,00 to 69,99 that includes also Ukraine, can be considered as sufficiently
involved in the global economic system in most sectors of their national
economy, or as those which will be involved there in the nearest future.
with low Index of Globalization (Chad, Guinea, Madagascar, Uzbekistan,
Bangladesh, Turkmenistan, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania, Tajikistan and others)
are characterized by very low closeness of relations with other subsystems and
elements of the world economic system and in most cases make periphery of the
establishment of relative temporal and space limits of the global economic
system creates the background for enhance available approaches to the mechanism
of globalization processes development at post-crisis world.
1. Тараненко І.В. Системна
методологія дослідження та динаміка сучасних глобалізаційних процесів / І.В.
Тараненко // Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету: збірник
наукових праць. Серія «Економіка» – №496 – Чернівці: Вид-во Чернівецького
національного університету, 2011.
2. KOF Index of Globalization 2011. Press Release [Електронний ресурс] – Режим доступу:
3. KOF Index of Globalization 2011. Detailed rankings [Електронний ресурс] – Режим доступу: http://globalization.kof.ethz.ch.