Philosophy / 4. Philosophy of culture


Tarasenko I.V.

Kharkiv National University of Economics

Information in the modern culture


Understanding of the culture as information is one of numerous determinations of the culture. This determination emphasizes information as the essential factor of the culture existence. The accumulation of information facilitates maintenance of being and the possibility of the culture development. Philosophical research of information and phenomena, which is being in the modern culture, is topic of the hour. The problems of philosophical understanding of information and those processes which proceed in the culture are primary important today.

During the last century, important changes in the culture covered the system of scientific and technical conceptions. In modern culture, these changes appreciably influence on the sphere of information (information technologies, communication and conservation of information and others), language and communicative technology. The modern information systems are one of historically established forms of communication and conservation of information. Does the essence of information change or only means of conservation and communication of information (material mediums) transform during scientific development? The philosophical research of proceeding qualitative changes will intensify the stability of the culture.

Understanding the culture as the mechanism of organization and keeping of information is changes today. The culture is considered as semiotic and language system. In the modern philosophy understanding the culture as semiotic or sign system becomes more and more prevailing. Unity, dynamism and flexibility, ability to self-development and self-regeneration are the main attributes of the culture. The culture complexifies itself gradually. A stability of the culture is provided by the ability to regeneration. It does not exclude both the qualitative changes of the culture and the possibility its crisis states. The reality, being in the culture is or becomes sign. The semiotic structure of the culture is heterogeneous and varied. It is particularity of operation of the culture as the sign system.

The culture as the sign system develops according to "the laws of memory". Memory provides continuity of the culture being, its self-regeneration. The essential elements of the culture, which have mnemonic meaning, perform the symbolic function in the culture. Symbols are one of the "mechanisms", which provide continuity in development of the culture. They connect memory of the culture and the upward tendency of the culture. The symbol can be considered as both the mechanism of memory of the culture and "language of the culture". Philosophical consideration of information in the culture supposes using such philosophical terms as text, sign, symbol and others. These terms define the relation of the culture to conservation and translation of information in the sign system.

Information is ordered in the culture. It is accumulated and saved in the culture in the form of symbols, signs, texts. This imparts flexibility and dynamism to the culture. During the creative activity of a man the reality is converted into information and texts by means of signs and sign systems (natural languages, for example). Thus memory of the culture (the memory as the ability to save information) is gradually formed. Although the modernity is actualized in the culture, the past does not disappear in the culture forever. The specific dialogue with the past cultural conditions takes place continuously. It allows retaining succession and continuity in the culture development.

Many a researcher lay special emphasis on the correlation between emergence of texts and existence of symbols. The symbols as elements of the culture are a creative base for texts, which are the result of the cultural creative activity of the person. Reality is fixed in symbols and texts forming memory of the culture. Information affects the reality, which is translated in text and otherwise.

The modern technology is the result of human activity. In the theory of information the theoretical information model of communication supposes that technical devices transmit information from the source to a recipient without distortions. Will such communication advantage the development of creative consciousness when we say about a man? The theoretical information models of communication are inapplicable to research a formation of creative consciousness because a creation of the new knowledge is the differential feature of the creative consciousness.

The qualitative changes of the condition of the human consciousness are caused not so much mechanical accumulation of the information as the perception of the information content and the action being the result of a choice. An insufficiency of information necessitates needs of communications in the culture. In the situation of a shortage of information and indeterminacy, effective actions are possible under limited (but manifold) information. Symbols have such a manysidedness. The definite level of abstraction of philosophical ideas makes a possible self-determination of a man caused by his self- concentration.

Understanding the culture as the sign system, consideration of the culture as the intellectual mechanism and the human intelligence in concert with memory, information and possibility to transform and to keep information are expanded in the modern philosophy more and more. The study of the culture as the sign system allows understanding of various cultural phenomena, processes proceeding in the culture, the mechanisms of operation of the culture. The modern philosophical studies analyse information, the role of symbols in conservation and communication of information. The modern philosophy considers symbols, signs, texts in dynamics, in process. Information exchange in the culture acts on formation of creative consciousness of a man. Formation of creative consciousness and its qualitative changes are interesting in the context of philosophy.

