Ecology/6. Environmental monitoring
c.b.s. Bekturova A.Zh.
L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan
Methods of
intensification metabolic activity hydrocarbon degrading microorganisms
To date
have an intensive development of large cities leads to increased pollution of
wastewater. The most popular methods of sewage treatment uses a biological
method, which is based on
microorganisms capable of using hydrocarbons of oil as the sole source of carbon and energy. The advantages of this method of cleaning - the ability to remove
waste water from a variety of compounds, including toxic, simple design of
equipment, low operating cost. But this technology is not always able to cope
with significant contamination. Therefore, an
increasing number of papers devoted to finding ways to intensify the processes
of biological treatment of chemical or physical factors.
In recent years, are always discussed issues related to
the effects of radiation in small doses.
Ionizing radiation affects any biological object,
including the chemical reactions of metabolism. At high doses
there is a general inhibition of growth and development up to the lethal
effect. Under the influence of small doses there is a
"radiostimulation" - accelerate growth and development. If ionizing
radiation is moderately above background, the living creatures evolve rapidly
and their vitality is increased, increases life span by 10-12%. It was shown that low doses of ionizing radiation inhibit the growth of the
number of cytogenetic disorders associated with aging, to a level below the
spontaneous, that is, transform the body into a new stable state, characterized
by increased stability of the genome. This
phenomenon opens a new direction in biology - the study of the stabilization
effect of the genome and the possibility of its further use in medicine [1].
The phenomenon of hormesis is universal for wildlife and
can be observed both in cell cultures and in natural populations. In the
formation of hormesis effects involve the same mechanisms as in the adaptive
response: the repair of DNA damage, the system of proteins in the cellular
response to adverse effects [2, 3].
In the study of samples collected in the exclusion zone
of Chernobyl NPP under the action of two artificial sources: у-low-energy (i2lSn) and mixed with the radiation y + P (L,7Cs), in seven species of fungal, identified two new, previously not out
unknowns in fungi, radioadaptive properties - radiotropizm and
radiostimulation. In strains that have
shown property radiotropizma observed the germination of conidia
radiostimulyatsiyu and increase the length of the sprout hyphae under the
influence, at least one of the two radiation sources. At the microscopic fungi
that have such properties, found an adaptive response to high doses of ionizing
radiation (100-1000 Gray), which provides a high level of radiation resistance
Morozov and coworkers [5] found that the life expectancy
of some fraction of the cell population of the mutant strain E.coli Bs-1 in contrast to wild-type E.coli cells markedly increases after
exposure to ionizing radiation a dose equal to 7,6 × 102 mcGr/h. Analysis of the results on the effect of chronic exposure to γ -
radiation 60Co different dose on the dynamics of aging and cell
death E.coli Bs-1 shows the radiative
deceleration of aging and cell death E.coli
Bs-1, ie, an increase in life expectancy some fraction of the cell
population under conditions of low-level exposure to ionizing radiation, which
increases with increasing radiation dose, reaching its peak in the power range
of doses of 7,6 - 7,6×102 mcGr/h. Thus, the
findings of an inverse relationship of aging and death of aqueous suspensions
of the bacteria E.coli Bs-1 from the
dose of low-level γ - radiation 60Co irradiation in
mnogosutochnogo gormezisnoy indicate their nature [5, 6].
Similar results were obtained with chronic low-intensity
exposure to ionizing radiation through the wild-type Canton - S Drosophila melanogaster, as well as for diploid yeast Saccharamyces cerevisiae. Shown that
chronic exposure to low doses leads to a significant increase in life
expectancy [7, 8].
It was shown, that resistance to γ-radiation-cells
extremely thermophilic anaerobic archaebacteria. Archaea survived by
γ-irradiation doses up to 5 kGr and died after exposure 8.9 kGr.
Comparison of survival curves showed that moderate doses of radiation in
archaea cells 12-25 times more resistant than the cells of E. coli. However, in the 2-2.5 times more sensitive than the cells
of Deinococcus radiodurans [9].
Petroleum and petroleum products are among the most
dangerous pollutants - the breadth of distribution, toxicity and quantity of
sources of pollution. Therefore become important issues on the treatment of
petroleum hydrocarbons.
Since the rate of accumulation of oil, as a result of
man-made pollution is far outstrips the rate of their biodegradation by natural
means, it is necessary to develop methods of accelerating the cleanup and
restoration of damaged ecosystems.
Thus, ionizing radiation can be used as an
intensification of the metabolic activity of oil destructors.
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Parsons P.A. Radiation hormesis:
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Moskalev A.A. Genetic studies of the effect of ionizing radiation in small
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4. Tugay T.I., Zhdanova N.N., Zheltonozhsky
V.A., Gardeners L.V. Manifestation radioadaptive properties of microscopic
fungi, long stationed in areas with high background radiation after the
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and death of the bacteria E. coli BS-1
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на жизнеспособность бактерий E.сoli,
культевируемых в солевом буфере
7 Zainullin V.G., Moskalev A.A., Shaposhnikov
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