PhD, docent Nikiforova L.O., Yunenko S. V.
Vinnitsa National Technical University

         Personnel management includes many components. One of the leading point is its psychological motivation. In modern society and management this aspect becomes more and more increasingly important. The main goal of the psychological aspects of motivation is to have the best result using own workforce, and this allows to increase the overall profitability and efficiency of the enterprise in future [1, 2]. Today the question is actual, because the market competitiveness of modern enterprises largely depends on the psychological aspects of management, exactly of the employees’ loyalty, their level of interest in achieving the common strategic goals of the company, and so on.

            Detection and satisfaction the psychological needs is an effective mechanism of personnel motivation, providing a high level of interest and pleasure of work, reducing costs and improvement the efficiency of production. When considering the tools of social and psychological motivation the factors that effectively influence on subconscious level and force people to work in the necessary direction should be taken into account. Among the main factors influencing a person are: the need, the motive and the incentive. The needs influence the motives of the workers’ operating activities. On the other hand, the formed motives of workers are considered as internal state of predisposition, readiness to decide tasks in a particular way. The motive is a complex integral psychological phenomenon. Practice has shown that psychological methods of regulation motives of human behavior are more effective in the case of reflecting the complex level structure of the mind, considering its biological and social nature. As some authors say [2, 3], the motives are "inside" the person, have individual nature and depend on many external and internal (relative to the person) factors.


Motives determine what and how you need to do, induce people to act, affect some behaviors and production activities of the employee. The incentives are external factors that force employees to work towards the realization of their personal or common collective goals.

Effects of motives cause incentives that act as a factor of frustration or even anger. Separate objects, actions of others, open opportunities and prospects, and many other factors that can be offered to a person as a reward for the actions or the prospects of receiving this reward as a result of certain actions appear often as the incentives. If a person does not accept the stimulus or it does not fit the needs of a person, the incentive may not become a motive. If the root cause of human behavior coincides with their goals or interests, the external incentive take effect in this case. And, consequently, there is an important task prioritizing individual, collective and social interests.

Social and psychological motivation should be a constant priority and a part of corporate culture based on emotional and internal needs of workers, that’s why the company should always use some psychological techniques to motivate the staff [2]. There are many different methods of psychological motivation of employees, ranging from the seven basic principles of social control, formed by    P.Drucker [2], to the main psychological techniques [4] such as "joining the other people's problems," "provocation", "state - means stable "and so on. The choice of techniques and methods of psychological motivation depends on the head. And don’t stop at previous achievements but develop and improve the built system. Only this approach of ongoing development can provide viability of the motivation system of the enterprise [2, 4].

         As an example of successful and prominent leader who knew how effectively motivate the staff, let’s examine the activity of the founder of the concern of making color cartoons and the owner of Disneyland - Walt Disney. It was not principal for W. Disney who proposed a new idea, the main thing was to involve all the participants of the process starting with cleaner to the deputy director, and that differs him from all other leaders. Only then, Disney said, the employees could understand exactly what result they were expected from the head and they worked with enthusiasm and tenacity. In the preface to many animated films W. Disney thanks his employees in such way: "I ​​express my sincere appreciation to my staff. This work could be done, through their talent and dedication", which is an extremely powerful psychological factor of motivation.

An important conclusion of the social and psychological researches is the position that human development, its behavior is determined by the type of social environment. In recent years, social and psychological methods of management began to supplement the statement of Socionics - the science of typologisation of people on the principle of their assimilation and processing of information. Depending on sociotype [2] or the type of economic activity of a person [3], to which he or she belongs, social and psychological methods, models and methods of staff motivation are elaborated.

Among the most common typologies which are used in the practice of modern psychological management the typologies formed by K.G. Jung [2] A.A. Shiyan and A. Auhustynavychyute should be emphasize [3].

Therefore, in conclusion we can say that psychological regulation of people activity is a very complex multidimensional process. That’s why, the task of managers is to create new technologies and structures that would help to realize social and psychological potential of employees.

1.      Psychological aspects of promotion the staff. [Electronic resource] - Mode of access: - Screen title.

2.       Moroz O. V. The social and psychological factors of motivating employees in instrument-making enterprises: Monograph // Moroz O.V., Nikiforova L.O., A.A. Shiyan - Vinnitsa: VNTU - 2011. - 275 p.

3.       Shiyan A.A. Types of Economic Behavior: The Instrument for Management of Individuals, Institutions, Countries and Humankind / Shiyan AA, Nikiforova L. O. // Institutions & Transition Economics: Microeconomic Issues Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 43, 01 November, 2011. Available at SSRN:

4.       Nikiforova L.O. The main psychological techniques of motivation for young professionals / Nikiforova L. O. // Collection of scientific works "Socio-economic aspects of industrial policy. Actual problems of human resource management and marketing in the context of the development strategy of Ukraine." Donetsk: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2007, vol. 2. - S. 289-295.